IBM Books

Release Notes

3.0 Administrative API Reference

3.1 How the API Descriptions are Organized/C API Syntax

Change the second bullet to:

   Generic APIs have names that contain the prefix "db2g", followed by a
   string that matches the C API name. Data structures used by generic
   APIs have names that also contain the prefix "db2g".

3.2 db2LoadQuery - Load Query

Change the name of the generic API "db2GenLoadQuery" to "db2gLoadQuery". Change the name of the structure used by the generic API "db2gLoadQuery" to "db2gLoadQueryStruct".

A Fortran version of the "loadqry" sample program is not available.

3.3 sqlarbnd - Rebind

For both the C API "sqlarbnd" and the generic API "sqlgrbnd", replace the "void * pReserved" parameter with "struct sqlopt * pRebindOptions":

      Input. A pointer to the sqlopt structure, used to pass rebind options to the API.
      For more information about this structure, see SQLOPT.

The following table lists valid values for the TYPE and the VAL fields of the rebind options structure (see SQLOPT), as well as their corresponding CLP options. For a description of the rebind options (including default values), see the Command Reference.

   REBIND Option Types and Values
      CLP Option             Option Type       Option Value

3.4 Compound=x File Type Modifier (sqluimpr - Import)

If this modifier is specified, and the transaction log is not sufficiently large, the import operation will fail. The transaction log must be large enough to accommodate either the number of rows specified by COMMITCOUNT, or the number of rows in the data file if COMMITCOUNT is not specified. It is therefore recommended that the COMMITCOUNT option be specified to avoid transaction log overflow.

This modifier is incompatible with INSERT_UPDATE mode, hierarchical tables, and the USEDEFAULTS modifier.


The data type for the "dl_upper" database configuration parameter is Sint16, and for the "dl_token" parameter, it is char(10). The book incorrectly specifies the reverse.

There is a missing value in the list of valid values for the "authentication" database manager configuration parameter. The missing value is "SQL_AUTHENTICATION_DCE_SVR_ENC (6)".


All references to bind and precompile should include rebind, because this structure can now also be used to pass bind options to sqlarbnd - Rebind.

3.7 SQLULOAD-IN Data Structure

The description of this structure is missing the "indexing_mode" parameter. Supported values (defined in sqlutil.h) are:


For an explanation of these indexing modes, see the description of the LOAD command in the Command Reference.

3.8 Transaction Manager Log Records

Appendix G describes DB2 log records. Following is a modified description of the record structure of some of the transaction manager log records:

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