IBM Books

Application Development Guide


Special Characters
Special Characters
  • #ifdefs, C/C++ language restrictions (6794)
  • #include macro, C/C++ language restrictions (6746)
  • #line macros, C/C++ language restrictions (6747)
  • Numerics
  • 64-bit integer (BIGINT) data type
  • supported by DB2 Connect Version 6 (7650)
  • A
  • access to data consideration
  • DB2 Call Level Interface (DB2 CLI) (4959)
  • embedded SQL (4955)
  • JDBC (4963)
  • Microsoft specifications (4965)
  • ODBC (4961)
  • REXX (4957)
  • using Perl (4980)
  • using query products (4982)
  • ACQUIRE statement, DB2 Connect support (7734)
  • activation time and triggers (6212)
  • ActiveX Data Object specification
  • supported in DB2 (4967)
  • ADHOC.SQC C program listing (5384)
  • Administering Satellites Guide and Reference (7776)
  • Administration Guide (7756)
  • Administrative API Reference (7757)
  • ADO specification
  • supported in DB2 (4968)
  • AFTER triggers (6214), (6230)
  • aggregating functions (5661)
  • alerts, supported by triggers (6188)
  • allocating dynamic memory in a UDF (6115)
  • ALLOW PARALLEL clause (5934)
  • ALTER NICKNAME statement
  • column options (6615)
  • data type mappings (6629)
  • ambiguous cursors (7677)
  • APPC, CPI-C and SNA Sense Codes (7759)
  • APPC, handling interrupts (5299)
  • Application Building Guide (7758)
  • application design
  • access to data (4952)
  • binding (5054)
  • character conversion considerations (6290)
  • character conversion in SQL statements (6292)
  • character conversions in stored procedures (6298)
  • COBOL Japanese and traditional Chinese EUC considerations (7236)
  • COBOL requirements, include files (7080)
  • code points for special characters (6294)
  • coding a DB2 application,overview (4868)
  • collating sequences, guidelines (6271)
  • creating SQLDA structure, guidelines (5365)
  • cursor processing, considerations (5209)
  • data relationship (4998)
  • data value control consideration (4984)
  • declaring sufficient SQLVAR entities (5354)
  • describing SELECT statement (5360)
  • double-byte character support (DBCS) (6295)
  • dynamic SQL caching (5125)
  • error handling, guidelines (5291)
  • executing statements without variables (5321)
  • guidelines (4948)
  • input-SQLDA procedure, sample of (7594)
  • input-SQLDA stored procedure, sample of (7599)
  • logic at the server (5007)
  • OLE automation UDFs (5940)
  • package renaming (5084)
  • passing data, guidelines (5369)
  • precompiling and binding (5053)
  • receiving database values (5153)
  • retrieving data a second time (5251)
  • REXX requirements, registering routines (7410)
  • sample programs (5260)
  • saving end user requests (5379)
  • static SQL, advantages of using (5123)
  • table function considerations (6084)
  • use of dynamic SQL, overview of (5315)
  • user-defined function (UDF) (5757)
  • using LOB locators in UDFs (6093)
  • using parameter markers (5387)
  • varying-list statements, processing of (5377)
  • Application Development Guide (7760)
  • application domain and object-orientation (5532)
  • application environment, for programming (4871)
  • application forms using CREATE TABLE example (5736)
  • application logic
  • data relationship consideration (5006)
  • data value control consideration (4996)
  • application logic consideration
  • stored procedures (5010)
  • triggers (5014)
  • user-defined functions (5012)
  • Application Program Interface (API)
  • for JDBC applications (7069)
  • for setting contexts between threads
  • sqleAttachToCtx() (6457)
  • sqleBeginCtx() (6455)
  • sqleDetachFromCtx() (6458)
  • sqleEndCtx() (6456)
  • sqleGetCurrentCtx() (6459)
  • sqleInterruptCtx() (6460)
  • sqleSetTypeCtx() (6454)
  • overview of (5022)
  • restrictions in an XA environment (6503)
  • syntax for REXX (7494)
  • types of (5023)
  • uses of (5024)
  • argument types, promotions in UDFs (5873)
  • arguments between UDFs and DB2 (5767)
  • call-type (5803)
  • dbinfo (5825)
  • diagnostic-message (5795)
  • function-name (5789)
  • scratchpad (5798)
  • specific-name (5792)
  • SQL-argument (5769)
  • SQL-argument-ind (5777)
  • SQL-result (5771)
  • SQL-result-ind (5781)
  • SQL-state (5786)
  • arguments, passing from DB2 to a UDF (5764)
  • ARI (DB2 for VSE & VM) (7664)
  • arithmetic error
  • in UDFs (5783)
  • AS LOCATOR clause (6096)
  • mixed-byte data (7632)
  • sort order (7696)
  • assignments in dynamic SQL example (5751)
  • assignments involving different UDTs example (5753)
  • assignments involving UDTs example (5749)
  • asynchronous events (6445), (6448)
  • asynchronous nature of buffered insert (6543)
  • ATOMIC compound SQL, not supported in DB2 Connect (7725)
  • automation server, for OLE (5948)
  • AVG over a UDT example (5684)
  • B
  • backing out changes (4933)
  • BASIC language
  • implementation of OLE automation UDF (5951)
  • BASIC types and OLE automation types (5966)
  • BEFORE triggers (6213), (6229)
  • beginning transactions (4922)
  • big integer, data type (7651) See also 64-bit integer (BIGINT) data type
  • BigDecimal Java type (6950)
  • BIGINT parameter to UDF (5877)
  • BIGINT SQL data type (5164)
  • C/C++ (6841)
  • COBOL (7187)
  • FORTRAN (7344)
  • Java (6928)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7569)
  • OLE DB table function (6057)
  • BINARY data types in COBOL (7173)
  • Binary Large Objects (5568) See also BLOBs (Binary Large Objects)
  • BIND API (5108)
  • BIND API, creating packages (5080)
  • bind file
  • precompile options (5066)
  • support to REXX applications (7487)
  • bind files
  • backwards compatibility (5098)
  • bind files for REXX (7485)
  • bind option
  • INSERT BUF (6537)
  • bind options
  • EXPLSNAP (5101)
  • FUNCPATH (5102)
  • QUERYOPT (5100)
  • BIND PACKAGE command
  • rebinding (5117)
  • binding
  • bind file description utility, db2bfd (5109)
  • considerations (5097)
  • deferring (5107)
  • dynamic statements (5085)
  • options for (5078)
  • overview of (5079)
  • blob C/C++ type (6873)
  • BLOB FORTRAN type (7370)
  • BLOB parameter to UDF (5903)
  • BLOB SQL data type (5174), (5987)
  • C/C++ (6852)
  • COBOL (7198)
  • FORTRAN (7355)
  • Java (6939)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7580)
  • OLE DB table function (6068)
  • REXX (7468)
  • BLOB-FILE COBOL type (7213)
  • BLOB-LOCATOR COBOL type (7212)
  • BLOBs (Binary Large Objects)
  • uses and definition (5565)
  • blob_file C/C++ type (6875)
  • BLOB_FILE FORTRAN type (7372)
  • blob_locator C/C++ type (6874)
  • BLOB_LOCATOR FORTRAN type (7371)
  • blocking (7676)
  • BSTR OLE automation type (6018)
  • buffer size for buffered insert (6520)
  • buffered insert
  • advantages (6533)
  • asynchronous nature of (6542)
  • buffer size (6521)
  • closed state (6551)
  • considerations for using (6541)
  • deadlock errors (6559)
  • error detection during (6544)
  • error reporting in buffered insert (6556)
  • group of rows (6545)
  • INSERT BUF bind option (6535)
  • long field restriction (6565)
  • not supported in CLP (6569)
  • open state (6552)
  • overview (6518)
  • partially filled (6522)
  • restrictions on using (6563)
  • savepoint consideration (6524)
  • SELECT buffered insert (6549)
  • statements that close (6526)
  • transaction log consideration (6540)
  • unique key violation (6561)
  • C
  • C language type definitions in sqludf.h (5912)
  • C null-terminated graphic string SQL data type (5986)
  • C null-terminated string SQL data type (5985)
  • C++
  • consideration for stored procedures (5492)
  • considerations for UDFs (6144)
  • type decoration consideration (6678)
  • C++ types and OLE automation types (5967)
  • C/C++ data types
  • blob (6895)
  • blob_file (6897)
  • blob_locator (6896)
  • char (6889)
  • clob (6892)
  • clob_file (6894)
  • clob_locator (6893)
  • dbclob (6900)
  • dbclob_file (6902)
  • dbclob_locator (6901)
  • double (6888)
  • float (6887)
  • long (6883)
  • long int (6884)
  • long long (6885)
  • long long int (6886)
  • null-terminated character form (6899)
  • short (6881)
  • short int (6882)
  • sqldbchar (6890)
  • VARCHAR structured form (6898)
  • wchar_t (6891)
  • C/C++ language
  • character set (6673)
  • Chinese (Traditional) EUC considerations (6830)
  • data types supported (6835)
  • declaring graphic host variables (6777)
  • declaring host variables (6769)
  • embedding SQL statements (5044)
  • file reference declarations (6788)
  • handling class data members (6802)
  • handling null-terminated strings (6797)
  • host variable, naming (6765)
  • include files, required (6685)
  • initializing host variables (6791)
  • input and output files (6682)
  • Japanese EUC considerations (6831)
  • LOB data declarations (6780)
  • LOB locator declarations (6785)
  • member operator, restriction (6808)
  • pointer to data type, declaring in C/C++ (6799)
  • programming restrictions in (6671)
  • qualification operator, restriction (6807)
  • supported data types (6833)
  • trigraph sequences (6674)
  • Call Level Interface (CLI)
  • advantages of using (5414), (5416)
  • comparing embedded SQL and DB2 CLI (5401)
  • overview (5399)
  • CALL statement
  • in Java (7020)
  • initializing client for stored procedure (DB2DARI)
  • SQLDA structure (7518)
  • invoking a stored procedure (5431)
  • on different platforms (7720)
  • CALL USING DESCRIPTOR statement (OS/400) (7723)
  • call-type (6089)
  • contents with scalar functions (5811)
  • contents with table functions (5817)
  • call-type, passing to UDF (5801), (5802)
  • calling convention
  • for UDFs (5862)
  • calling from a REXX application (7500)
  • calling the DB2 CLP from a REXX application (7498)
  • CARDINALITY specification in table functions (6092)
  • cascade (7704)
  • cascading triggers (6235)
  • CAST FROM clause (5773)
  • CAST FROM clause in the CREATE FUNCTION statement (5870)
  • castability (5639)
  • casting, UDFs (5716)
  • CHAR (5787)
  • char C/C++ type (6867)
  • CHAR parameter to UDF (5886)
  • CHAR SQL data type (5169), (5979)
  • C/C++ (6846)
  • COBOL (7192)
  • FORTRAN (7349)
  • Java (6933)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7574)
  • OLE DB table function (6062)
  • REXX (7462)
  • CHAR type (7056)
  • character comparison, overview (6258)
  • character conversion
  • coding SQL statements (6291)
  • coding stored procedures (6296), (6410)
  • during precompiling and binding (6299)
  • expansion (6309)
  • national language support (NLS) (6304)
  • programming considerations (6289)
  • rules for string conversions (6405)
  • string length overflow (6403)
  • string length overflow past data types (6407)
  • supported code pages (6308)
  • Unicode (UCS-2) (6413)
  • when executing an application (6300)
  • when occurs (6307)
  • character host variables
  • C/C++
  • fixed and null-terminated (6771)
  • variable length (6772)
  • COBOL (7154)
  • FORTRAN (7321)
  • Character Large Objects (5569) See also CLOBs (Character Large Objects)
  • CHARACTER parameter to UDF (5887)
  • character translation (7635)
  • CHARACTER*n FORTRAN type (7366)
  • CHECKERR REXX program listing (5313)
  • CHECKERR.CBL program listing (5309)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • double-byte considerations (6339)
  • Extended UNIX Code considerations (6338)
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6317)
  • C/C++ considerations (6825)
  • developing applications using (6343)
  • Chinese (Traditional) EUC code sets
  • REXX considerations (7506)
  • CICS (7614)
  • CICS SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK command (6497)
  • classes
  • data members, as host variables in C/C++ (6804)
  • CLASSPATH environment variable (7035)
  • CLI (5400) See also Call Level Interface (CLI)
  • CLI Guide and Reference (7761)
  • client applications
  • running stored procedures (5433)
  • client-based parameter validation
  • Extended UNIX Code consideration (6392)
  • client/server
  • code page conversion (6301)
  • clob C/C++ type (6870)
  • CLOB FORTRAN type (7367)
  • CLOB parameter to UDF (5904)
  • CLOB SQL data type (5175), (5988)
  • C/C++ (6853)
  • COBOL (7199)
  • FORTRAN (7356)
  • Java (6940)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7581)
  • OLE DB table function (6069)
  • REXX (7469)
  • CLOB-FILE COBOL type (7211)
  • CLOB-LOCATOR COBOL type (7210)
  • CLOBs (Character Large Objects)
  • uses and definition (5566)
  • clob_file C/C++ type (6872)
  • CLOB_FILE FORTRAN type (7369)
  • clob_locator C/C++ type (6871)
  • CLOB_LOCATOR FORTRAN type (7368)
  • CLOSE call (5820)
  • closed state, buffered insert (6553)
  • closing a buffered insert (6527)
  • declaring host variables (7151)
  • embedding SQL statements (5047)
  • file reference declarations (7168)
  • include files, list of (7078)
  • indicator tables (7170)
  • input and output files (7077)
  • Japanese and traditional Chinese EUC considerations (7240)
  • LOB data declarations (7160)
  • LOB locator declarations (7165)
  • object oriented restrictions (7242)
  • restrictions in (7075)
  • rules for indicator variables (7158)
  • supported data types (7179)
  • COBOL data types
  • BINARY (7175)
  • BLOB (7224)
  • BLOB-FILE (7226)
  • BLOB-LOCATOR (7225)
  • CLOB (7221)
  • CLOB-FILE (7223)
  • CLOB-LOCATOR (7222)
  • COMP (7176)
  • COMP-1 (7218)
  • COMP-3 (7219)
  • COMP-4 (7177)
  • COMP-5 (7220)
  • DBCLOB (7227)
  • DBCLOB-FILE (7229)
  • PICTURE (PIC) clause (7216)
  • USAGE clause (7217)
  • COBOL language
  • data types supported (7181)
  • code page
  • allocating storage for unequal situations (6382)
  • binding considerations (5099)
  • character conversion (6302)
  • DB2CODEPAGE environment variable (6276)
  • handling expansion at application (6390)
  • handling expansion at server (6388)
  • how determined (6275)
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (7669)
  • locales
  • deriving in applications (6285)
  • how DB2 derives locales (6286)
  • national language support (NLS) (6303)
  • stored procedure considerations (5486)
  • supported Windows 95 code pages (6277)
  • supported Windows NT code pages (6278)
  • unequal situations (6314), (6375)
  • code point (6254)
  • code point, definition of (6250)
  • code set
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (7671)
  • coding Java UDFs (5920)
  • collating sequence
  • case independent comparisons (6260)
  • code point (6253)
  • collating_sequence option (6274)
  • EBCDIC and ASCII (7694)
  • EBCDIC and ASCII sort order example (6262)
  • federated database concerns (6273)
  • general concerns (6270)
  • identity sequence (6255)
  • include files
  • in C/C++ (6713)
  • in COBOL (7106)
  • in FORTRAN (7279)
  • multi-byte characters (6257)
  • overview of (6252)
  • samples of (6269)
  • simulating EBCDIC binary collation (7750)
  • sort order example (6261)
  • specifying (6263)
  • use in character comparisons (6259)
  • collation
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6369)
  • Japanese code sets (6368)
  • collection ID (7684)
  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 (7686)
  • COLLECTION parameters (5095)
  • collections (7687)
  • column
  • setting null values in (5156)
  • supported SQL data types (5161)
  • using indicator variables on nullable data columns (5197)
  • column functions (5660)
  • column options
  • ALTER NICKNAME statement (6614)
  • description (6612)
  • column types, creating in C/C++ (6836)
  • column types, creating in COBOL (7182)
  • column types, creating in FORTRAN (7340)
  • (7589)
  • (7590)
  • (7588)
  • (7586)
  • (5929), (7587)
  • (6975)
  • (6976)
  • Command Line Processor (7499)
  • command line processor
  • prototyping utility (5039)
  • Command Reference (7762)
  • comments
  • SQL, rules for (7141), (7308)
  • comments, SQL, rules for (6758)
  • COMMIT statement (4876)
  • association with cursor (5213)
  • ending a transaction (4926)
  • ending transactions (4941)
  • pass-through (6658), (6666)
  • not supported in DB2 Connect (7742)
  • committing changes, tables (4929)
  • COMP and COMP-4 data types in COBOL (7174)
  • COMP-1 in COBOL types (7207)
  • COMP-3 in COBOL types (7208)
  • COMP-5 in COBOL types (7209)
  • comparisons involving UDTs example (5741), (5745)
  • compiled applications, creating packages for (5055)
  • compiling (5075)
  • client application (5506)
  • stored procedures (5504)
  • compiling a UDF (5665)
  • completion code (4896) See also SQLCODE or SQLSTATE
  • compound SQL, NOT ATOMIC (7726)
  • configuration parameter
  • LOCKTIMEOUT (6486)
  • connect
  • application programs (4914)
  • CONNECT RESET statement (7657)
  • CONNECT TO statement (7656)
  • implicit connect (7659)
  • null CONNECT (7658)
  • sample programs (5265)
  • SQLCA.SQLERRD settings (6386)
  • CONNECT RESET statement
  • ending transactions (4943)
  • CONNECT statement (4875)
  • considerations with stored procedures (5501)
  • connecting DB2 application programs (4913)
  • connection handle (5407)
  • Connectivity Supplement (7766)
  • consideration
  • access to data (4954)
  • application logic at server (5009)
  • data relationship control (5000)
  • data value control (4986)
  • DB2 application design (4951)
  • consistency
  • of data (4918)
  • consistency of data (4917)
  • consistent behavior and UDTs (5719)
  • constraint mechanisms on large objects (5552)
  • contexts
  • application dependencies between (6478)
  • database dependencies between (6475)
  • preventing deadlocks between (6483)
  • setting in multithreaded DB2 applications (6447)
  • control information to access large object data (5584)
  • conventions used in this book (4867)
  • in stored procedures (5497)
  • coordinator node
  • behavior without buffered insert (6529)
  • cost of a UDT example (5682)
  • counter for UDFs example (6163)
  • counter OLE automation UDF object example in BASIC (6171)
  • counter OLE automation UDF object example in C++ (6173)
  • counting and defining UDFs example (5686)
  • counting with an OLE automation object (5689)
  • country code
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (7668)
  • creatable multi-use OLE automation server (6034)
  • creatable single-use OLE automation server (6033)
  • SQLEDBDESC structure (6267)
  • and castability (5641)
  • examples of using (5726)
  • to define a UDT (5724)
  • estimating overhead of invoking functions (6652)
  • making data source functions known to federated server (6642)
  • reducing overhead of invoking functions (6646)
  • specifying function names (6653)
  • CREATE FUNCTION statement (5799), (5805), (5826), (6091), (6097)
  • CAST FROM clause (5868)
  • for OLE automation UDFs (5949)
  • in federated systems (6644)
  • Java UDFs (5935)
  • RETURNS clause (5869)
  • to register a UDF (5672)
  • CREATE PROCEDURE statement (5438), (7028)
  • CREATE SERVER statement (6049)
  • CREATE STORGROUP statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7619)
  • CREATE TABLE statement
  • defining LOB columns (5585)
  • examples of using (5732)
  • lob-options-clause (5586)
  • tablespace-options-clause (5587)
  • DB2 Connect support (7620)
  • CREATE TRIGGER statement
  • multiple triggers (6240)
  • order of trigger activation (6215)
  • overview (6194)
  • REFERENCING clause (6220)
  • CREATE TYPE MAPPING statement (6625)
  • CREATE USER MAPPING statement (6053)
  • creating
  • Java stored procedures (7025)
  • Java UDFs (5915)
  • OLE automation UDFs (5943)
  • creating packages for compiled applications (5056)
  • creator (7683)
  • critical section routine, in multiple threads, guidelines (6476)
  • critical sections (6480)
  • ctr() UDF C program listing (6165)
  • CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE register (5088)
  • CURRENT FUNCTION PATH register (5089)
  • cursor
  • ambiguous (5235)
  • completing a unit of work (5216)
  • declared WITH HOLD (5218)
  • declaring (5210)
  • FOR FETCH ONLY (5232)
  • issuing a COMMIT statement (5215)
  • naming and defining of (5205)
  • naming, in REXX (7421)
  • positioning at table end (5255)
  • processing with SQLDA structure (5364)
  • processing, in dynamic SQL (5336)
  • processing, sample program (5219), (5338)
  • processing, summary of (5203)
  • read only, application requirements for (5212)
  • read-only (5206), (5231)
  • retrieving multiple rows with (5200), (5207)
  • sample program (5237)
  • updatable (5234)
  • use in CLI (5402)
  • cursor stability (7708)
  • cursor usage in REXX (7476)
  • CURSOR.SQB COBOL program listing (5225)
  • CURSOR.SQC C program listing (5221)
  • CURSOR.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5227)
  • Cursor.sqlj Java program listing (5223)
  • cursors declared WITH HOLD
  • X/Open XA Interface (6499)
  • D
  • data
  • avoiding bottlenecks when extracting (6572)
  • extracting large volumes (6571)
  • data control language (DCL) (7653)
  • data definition language (DDL) (7617)
  • data manipulation language (DML) (7622)
  • Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference (7763)
  • data relationship consideration
  • application logic (5005)
  • referential integrity (5001)
  • triggers (5003)
  • data sources in federated systems
  • accessing tables, views (6602)
  • invoking functions (6638)
  • mapping data types from (6622)
  • mapping DB2 functions to (6639)
  • mapping isolation levels to (6620)
  • using distributed requests to query (6631)
  • using pass-through to query (6655)
  • data structure
  • allocating for stored procedures (5427)
  • manipulating for DB2DARI stored procedure (7526)
  • SQLEDBDESC (6266)
  • user-defined, with multiple threads (6469)
  • data structures, declaring (4874)
  • data transfer
  • updating (5258)
  • data type mappings
  • ALTER NICKNAME statement (6628)
  • CREATE TYPE MAPPING statement (6626)
  • creating for data sources (6624)
  • creating for specific columns (6627)
  • default (6623)
  • data types
  • BLOBs (5579)
  • character conversion overflow (6408)
  • class data members, declaring in C/C++ (6801)
  • CLOB in C/C++ (6913)
  • CLOBs (5580)
  • conversion
  • between DB2 and C/C++ (6838)
  • between DB2 and COBOL (7184)
  • between DB2 and FORTRAN (7341)
  • between DB2 and Java (6924)
  • between DB2 and OLE DB table function (6054)
  • between DB2 and REXX (7455)
  • conversion between DB2 and OLE automation (5970)
  • data value control consideration (4988)
  • DBCLOBs (5581)
  • decimal
  • in FORTRAN (7385)
  • description (4885)
  • Extended UNIX Code consideration (6400)
  • in C/C++ (6911)
  • FOR BIT DATA, in COBOL (7232)
  • how they are passed to a UDF (5866)
  • in C/C++ (6834)
  • in COBOL (7180)
  • in FORTRAN (7338)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7566)
  • list of types and their representations in UDFs (5867)
  • numeric (7628)
  • object-oriented (5541)
  • pointer to, declaring in C/C++ (6798)
  • selecting graphic types (6814)
  • SQL column types, list of (5160)
  • supported
  • in C/C++ (6832), (6837), (6905)
  • in COBOL (7178), (7183)
  • in COBOL, rules for (7231)
  • in FORTRAN (7336)
  • in FORTRAN, rules for (7388)
  • in OLE automation UDFs (5969)
  • VARCHAR in C/C++ (6912)
  • data value control consideration
  • application logic and variable type (4995)
  • data types (4987)
  • referential integrity constraints (4991)
  • table check constraints (4989)
  • views with check option (4993)
  • database access
  • using different contexts (6444)
  • using multiple threads (6443)
  • database creation, specifying collating sequence (6264)
  • Database Descriptor Block (SQLEDBDESC), specifying collating sequences (6268)
  • database manager APIs
  • calling using stored procedures (5421)
  • defining, sample programs (5261)
  • DATE OLE automation type (6017)
  • DATE parameter to UDF (5900)
  • DATE SQL data type (5177), (5990)
  • C/C++ (6855)
  • COBOL (7201)
  • FORTRAN (7357)
  • Java (6942)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7583)
  • OLE DB table function (6071)
  • REXX (7471)
  • DB2 BIND command
  • creating packages (5081)
  • DB2 Call Level Interface (DB2 CLI)
  • access to data consideration (4960)
  • DB2 Connect (7607)
  • isolation level (7718)
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for OS/2 and Windows NT Quick Beginnings (7783)
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings (7784)
  • DB2 Connect Personal Edition Quick Beginnings (7764)
  • DB2 Connect programming considerations (7610)
  • DB2 Connect User's Guide (7765)
  • DB2 Data Links Manager for AIX Quick Beginnings (7785)
  • DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT Quick Beginnings (7786)
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings (7781)
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT Quick Beginnings (7782)
  • DB2 library
  • books (7755)
  • Information Center (7793)
  • language identifier for books (7790)
  • late-breaking information (7791)
  • online help (7754)
  • ordering printed books (7798)
  • printing PostScript books (7797)
  • searching online information (7796)
  • setting up document server (7794)
  • SmartGuides (7753)
  • structure of (7752)
  • viewing online information (7792)
  • DB2 Personal Edition Quick Beginnings (7777)
  • DB2 PREP command
  • example of (5061)
  • overview of (5060)
  • DB2 program
  • set up (4878)
  • DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide (7787)
  • DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide (7788)
  • DB2 Query Patroller User's Guide (7789)
  • DB2 System Controller (5514)
  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400
  • FOR BIT DATA stored procedure considerations (5490)
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
  • FOR BIT DATA stored procedure considerations (5489)
  • DB2 using DB2 Connect (7604)
  • application example (6981)
  • DB2ARXCS.BND REXX bind file (7488)
  • DB2ARXNC.BND REXX bind file (7492)
  • DB2ARXRR.BND REXX bind file (7489)
  • DB2ARXRS.BND REXX bind file (7491)
  • DB2ARXUR.BND REXX bind file (7490)
  • db2bfd, bind file dump utility (5110)
  • db2dari executable (5473)
  • DB2DARI stored procedures (5460)
  • db2diag.log file (6581)
  • DB2GENERAL stored procedures (5461)
  • DB2INCLUDE environment variable (6750), (7146), (7304)
  • db2nodes.cfg file (6595)
  • db2udf executable (6142)
  • (5918)
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6365)
  • Japanese code sets (6364)
  • dbclob C/C++ type (6878)
  • DBCLOB parameter to UDF (5905)
  • DBCLOB SQL data type (5176), (5989)
  • C/C++ (6854)
  • COBOL (7200)
  • Java (6941)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7582)
  • OLE DB table function (6070)
  • REXX (7470)
  • DBCLOB type (7055)
  • DBCLOB-FILE COBOL type (7215)
  • DBCLOB-LOCATOR COBOL type (7214)
  • DBCLOBs (Double-Byte Character Large Objects)
  • uses and definition (5567)
  • dbclob_file C/C++ type (6880)
  • dbclob_locator C/C++ type (6879)
  • DBCS (6320) See also double-byte character set
  • dbinfo (6090)
  • DBINFO keyword (5827)
  • dbinfo, passing to UDF (5824)
  • dbminfo argument, elements of (5828)
  • (ver_rel) version/release number (5852)
  • application authorization ID (authid) (5835)
  • application authorization ID length (authidlen) (5833)
  • appl_id (unique application identifier) (5859)
  • authid (application authorization ID) (5836)
  • authidlen (application authorization ID length) (5834)
  • codepg (database code page) (5838)
  • colname (column name) (5850)
  • colnamelen (column name length) (5848)
  • column name (colname) (5849)
  • column name length (colnamelen) (5847)
  • data base name (dbname) (5831)
  • data base name length (dbnamelen) (5829)
  • database code page (codepg) (5837)
  • dbname (data base name) (5832)
  • dbnamelen (data base name length) (5830)
  • numtfcol (table function columns entries) (5855)
  • platform (5853)
  • schema name (tbschema) (5841)
  • schema name length (tbschemalen) (5839)
  • table function column list (tfcolumn) (5856)
  • table function columns entries (numtfcol) (5854)
  • table name (tbname) (5845)
  • table name length (tbnamelen) (5843)
  • tbname (table name) (5846)
  • tbnamelen (table name length) (5844)
  • tbschema (schema name) (5842)
  • tbschemalen (schema name length) (5840)
  • tfcolumn (table function column list) (5857)
  • unique application identifier (appl_id) (5858)
  • version/release number (ver_rel) (5851)
  • DCL (data control language) (7652)
  • DDL (data definition language) (7616)
  • deadlocks
  • error in buffered insert (6558)
  • in multithreaded applications (6481)
  • preventing in multiple contexts (6484)
  • debugging
  • Java programs (6964)
  • SQLJ programs (6965)
  • stored procedures (5511), (5527)
  • using Stored Procedure Builder (7038)
  • using Visual Studio (5529)
  • debugging your UDF (6179)
  • DECIMAL parameter to UDF (5878)
  • DECIMAL SQL data type (5166), (5975)
  • C/C++ (6844)
  • COBOL (7190)
  • FORTRAN (7347)
  • Java (6931)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7572)
  • OLE DB table function (6060)
  • REXX (7460)
  • DECLARE CURSOR statement (4912)
  • DECLARE CURSOR statement, overview of (5204)
  • DECLARE PROCEDURE statement (OS/400) (7722)
  • declare section
  • in C/C++ (6766), (6903)
  • in COBOL (7149), (7230)
  • in FORTRAN (7317), (7387)
  • rules for statements (5146)
  • DECLARE statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7743)
  • DB2 Connect support (7735)
  • declaring
  • host variable, rules for (5144)
  • indicator variables (5150)
  • deferring the evaluation of a LOB expression example (5605)
  • defining the UDT and UDFs example (5558)
  • DB2 Connect support (7626)
  • triggers (6218)
  • DELETE operation and triggers (6200)
  • DESCRIBE statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7737), (7744)
  • double-byte character set consideration (6396)
  • Extended UNIX Code consideration (6395)
  • Extended UNIX Code consideration with EUC database (6397)
  • processing arbitrary statements (5374)
  • descriptor handle (5408)
  • designing DB2 applications, guidelines (4950)
  • DFT_SQLMATHWARN configuration parameter (5782)
  • diagnostic-message, passing to UDF (5794)
  • differences between different DB2 products (7615)
  • differences between host or AS/400 server and workstation (7733), (7741)
  • differences in SQLCODEs and SQLSTATEs (7710)
  • directed DSS (6514)
  • distinct type (5640)
  • distributed environment (7608)
  • distributed requests
  • coding (6632)
  • optimizing (6634)
  • divid() UDF C program listing (6150)
  • DML (data manipulation language) (7621)
  • double C/C++ type (6866)
  • double Java type (6948)
  • double OLE automation type (6016)
  • DOUBLE parameter to UDF (5880), (5883)
  • DOUBLE PRECISION parameter to UDF (5884)
  • DOUBLE SQL data type (5168), (5977)
  • Double-Byte Character Large Objects (5570) See also DBCLOBs (Double-Byte Character Large Objects)
  • double-byte character set
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6349)
  • configuration parameters (6315)
  • considerations for collation (6366)
  • Japanese code sets (6348)
  • mixed code set environments (6370)
  • Traditional Chinese considerations (6341)
  • unequal code pages (6373)
  • double-byte character set (DBCS)
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6326)
  • Japanese code sets (6325)
  • double-byte code pages (6334)
  • DSN (DB2 Universal Database for OS/390) (7663)
  • DUOW (6420) See also multisite update
  • dynamic cursors (7680)
  • dynamic memory, allocating in the UDF (6122)
  • dynamic SQL
  • arbitrary statements, processing of (5372)
  • authorization considerations (5019)
  • comparing to static SQL (5332)
  • considerations (5333)
  • contrast with dynamic SQL (5121)
  • cursor processing (5337)
  • cursor processing, sample program (5339)
  • DB2 Connect support (7612)
  • declaring an SQLDA (5353)
  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement, summary of (5320)
  • EXECUTE statement, summary of (5326)
  • limitations (5329)
  • overview (5314)
  • parameter markers in (5386)
  • PREPARE statement, summary of (5323)
  • supported statements, list of (5316)
  • syntax, differences with static (5328)
  • using PREPARE, DESCRIBE, and FETCH (5334)
  • dynamic statements
  • binding (5086)
  • DYNAMIC.CMD REXX program listing (5349)
  • Java program listing (5343)
  • DYNAMIC.SQB COBOL program listing (5345)
  • DYNAMIC.SQC C program listing (5341)
  • DYNAMIC.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5347)
  • E
  • easier maintenance using triggers (6192)
  • mixed-byte data (7631)
  • sort order (7695)
  • embedded SQL
  • access to data consideration (4956)
  • embedded SQL statement
  • comments, rules for (6759)
  • examples of (5050)
  • overview of (5043)
  • rules for, in C/C++ (6757)
  • rules for, in COBOL (7140)
  • rules for, in FORTRAN (7307)
  • syntax rules (5048)
  • embedded SQL statements
  • comments, rules for (7142), (7309)
  • host variable, referencing in (5149)
  • encapsulation and UDTs (5720)
  • ending transactions (4924)
  • ending transactions implicitly (4945)
  • environment APIs
  • include file for C/C++ (6708)
  • include file for COBOL (7100)
  • include file for FORTRAN (7276)
  • environment handle (5406)
  • environment,for programming (4869)
  • error code (4895) See also SQLCODE or SQLSTATE
  • error detection in a buffered insert (6547)
  • error handling
  • C/C++ language precompiler (6752)
  • considerations in a partitioned environment (6576)
  • during precompilation (5067)
  • identifying partition that returns the error (6593)
  • in a looping application (6596)
  • in a suspended application (6597)
  • include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6728), (6731)
  • for FORTRAN (7267), (7298)
  • in COBOL (7090), (7093), (7127)
  • merged multiple SQLCA structures (6583)
  • overview of (5278)
  • reporting (6586)
  • resetting (4904)
  • SQLCA structure (6587)
  • SQLCODE (6588)
  • using WHENEVER statement (5293)
  • WHENEVER statement (4901)
  • with the SQLCA (4890)
  • error messages
  • error conditions flag (5286)
  • exception condition flag (5285)
  • SQLCA structure (5281)
  • SQLSTATE (5288)
  • SQLWARN structure (5290)
  • timestamps, when precompiling (5115)
  • warning condition flag (5284)
  • EUC (6318) See also Extended UNIX Code
  • examples
  • ADHOC.SQC C program listing (5383)
  • application forms using CREATE TABLE (5734)
  • assignments in dynamic SQL (5750)
  • assignments involving different UDTs (5752)
  • assignments involving UDTs (5748)
  • AVG over a UDT (5683)
  • BLOB data declarations (6781)
  • CHECKERR REXX program listing (5312)
  • CHECKERR.CBL program listing (5308)
  • CLOB data declarations (6782)
  • CLOB file reference (6789)
  • CLOB locator (6786)
  • comparisons involving UDTs (5740), (5744)
  • cost of a UDT (5681)
  • counter for UDFs (6162)
  • counter OLE automation UDF object in BASIC (6170)
  • counter OLE automation UDF object in C++ (6172)
  • counting and defining UDFs (5685)
  • counting with an OLE automation object (5687)
  • ctr() UDF C program listing (6164)
  • CURSOR.SQB COBOL program listing (5224)
  • CURSOR.SQC C program listing (5220)
  • CURSOR.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5226)
  • Cursor.sqlj Java program listing (5222)
  • (6980)
  • DBCLOB data declarations (6783)
  • declaring BLOB file references using COBOL (7169)
  • declaring BLOB file references using FORTRAN (7335)
  • declaring BLOB locator using COBOL (7166)
  • declaring BLOBs using COBOL (7161)
  • declaring BLOBs using FORTRAN (7328)
  • declaring CLOB file locator using FORTRAN (7332)
  • declaring CLOBs using COBOL (7162)
  • declaring CLOBs using FORTRAN (7329)
  • declaring DBCLOBs using COBOL (7163)
  • deferring the evaluation of a LOB expression (5604)
  • defining the UDT and UDFs (5557)
  • divid() UDF C program listing (6149)
  • DYNAMIC.CMD REXX program listing (5348)
  • Java program listing (5342)
  • DYNAMIC.SQB COBOL program listing (5344)
  • DYNAMIC.SQC C program listing (5340)
  • DYNAMIC.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5346)
  • exploiting LOB function to populate the database (5559)
  • exploiting UDFs to query instances of UDTs (5561)
  • exponentiation and defining UDFs (5673)
  • extracting a document to a file (CLOB elements in a table) (5625)
  • extracting large volumes of data
  • program listing (6573)
  • find the vowel, fold the CLOB (6154)
  • findvwl() UDF C program listing (6159)
  • fold() UDF C program listing (6157)
  • function invocations (5697)
  • function using LOB locator (6168)
  • implementation of OLE automation UDF
  • in BASIC language (5952), (6028)
  • in C++ language (6030), (6035)
  • INPCLI.SQF FORTRAN program listing (7595)
  • INPSRV.CMD REXX program listing (7600)
  • inserting data into a CLOB column (5631)
  • integer divide operator for UDFs (6147)
  • Java applets (6984)
  • LOBEVAL.SQB COBOL program listing (5610)
  • LOBEVAL.SQC C program listing (5608)
  • LOBFILE.SQB COBOL program listing (5629)
  • LOBFILE.SQC C program listing (5627)
  • LOBLOC.SQB COBOL program listing (5600)
  • LOBLOC.SQC C program listing (5598)
  • LOBLOC.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5602)
  • mail OLE automation UDF object in BASIC (6174)
  • money using CREATE DISTINCT TYPE (5727)
  • OPENFTCH.SQB COBOL program listing (5242)
  • OPENFTCH.SQC C program listing (5238)
  • OPENFTCH.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5244)
  • Openftch.sqlj Java program listing (5240)
  • Java program listing (5481)
  • Outsrv.sqlj Java program listing (5483)
  • parameter markers in functions (5700)
  • registering SQLEXEC, SQLDBS and SQLDB2
  • on AIX (7414)
  • registering SQLEXEC, SQLDBS and SQLDB2 for REXX
  • on OS/2 (7412)
  • on Windows (7413)
  • resume using CREATE DISTINCT TYPE (5728)
  • sales using CREATE TABLE (5733)
  • sample SQL declare section for supported SQL data types (6904)
  • search string and BLOBs (5677)
  • SQLException handling (5306)
  • static update (5266)
  • STATIC.SQB COBOL program listing (5135)
  • STATIC.SQC C program listing (5131)
  • STATIC.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5137)
  • Static.sqlj Java program listing (5133)
  • string search and defining UDFs (5675)
  • string search over UDT (5679)
  • syntax for character host variables in FORTRAN (7322), (7323)
  • table function returning document IDs (5690)
  • tfweather_u table function C program listing (6166)
  • unqualified function reference (5706)
  • UPDAT.CMD REXX program listing (5276)
  • UPDAT.SQB COBOL program listing (5272)
  • UPDAT.SQC C program listing (5268)
  • UPDAT.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5274)
  • Updat.sqlj Java program listing (5270)
  • use of UDTs in UNION (5754)
  • user-defined sourced functions on UDTs (5746)
  • using a locator to work with a CLOB value (5596)
  • using class data members in an SQL statement (6805)
  • using GET ERROR MESSAGE (5303)
  • using indicator variables (5199)
  • using parameter markers in search and update (5390)
  • using qualified function reference (5703)
  • UTIL.C program listing (5304)
  • UTIL.F program listing (5310)
  • Java program listing (5393)
  • VARINP.SQB COBOL program listing (5395)
  • VARINP.SQC C program listing (5391)
  • VARINP.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5397)
  • EXCSQLSTT, host or AS/400 command (7739)
  • multithreading considerations (6473)
  • EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement, C/C++ language restrictions (6745)
  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement, summary of (5319)
  • EXECUTE statement, summary of (5325)
  • execution requirements for REXX (7479)
  • exit routines, use restrictions (5302)
  • expansion of data on the host or AS/400 server (7634)
  • Explain Snapshot (5106)
  • EXPLAIN, prototyping utility (5040)
  • exploiting
  • LOB function to populate the database example (5560)
  • UDFs to query instances of UDTs example (5562)
  • EXPLSNAP bind option (5104)
  • exponentiation and defining UDFs example (5674)
  • extended dynamic SQL statements
  • not supported in DB2 Connect (7749)
  • Extended UNIX Code (EUC)
  • character conversion overflow (6401)
  • character conversions in stored procedures (6409)
  • character string length overflow (6406)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • C/C++ consideration (6826)
  • REXX consideration (7508)
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6324), (6345)
  • client-based parameter validation (6391)
  • considerations for collation (6367)
  • considerations for DBCLOB files (6363)
  • double-byte code pages (6336)
  • expansion at application (6389)
  • expansion at server (6387)
  • expansion samples (6393)
  • fixed or varying length data types (6398)
  • graphic constants (6353)
  • graphic data handling (6350)
  • Japanese
  • C/C++ consideration (6827)
  • REXX consideration (7507)
  • Japanese and traditional Chinese
  • COBOL consideration (7238)
  • FORTRAN consideration (7393)
  • Japanese code sets (6323), (6344)
  • mixed code pages (6335)
  • mixed code set environments (6371)
  • rules for string conversions (6404)
  • stored procedures considerations (6360)
  • Traditional Chinese considerations (6340)
  • UDF considerations (6356)
  • unequal code pages (6374)
  • using the DESCRIBE statement (6394)
  • extensibility and UDTs (5717)
  • extern declaration
  • C++ (6680)
  • EXTERNAL ACTION option and UDFs (6125)
  • EXTERNAL clause (5450)
  • EXTERNAL NAME clause (6044), (6048)
  • extracting
  • large volumes of data (6570)
  • extracting a document to a file (CLOB elements in a table) example (5626)
  • F
  • faster application development using triggers (6190)
  • federated database
  • collating sequences, guidelines (6272)
  • federated systems
  • column options (6613)
  • data integrity (6619)
  • data source functions (6637)
  • data source tables, views
  • cataloging information about (6608)
  • considerations, restrictions (6610)
  • nicknames for (6606)
  • data type mappings (6621)
  • distributed requests (6630)
  • function mapping options (6650)
  • function mappings (6640)
  • introduction (6601)
  • isolation levels (6618)
  • nicknames (6605)
  • pass-through (6654)
  • server options (6633)
  • FENCED option and UDFs (6126)
  • FETCH call (5821)
  • FETCH statement
  • host variables (5335)
  • repeated access, technique for (5249)
  • scroll backwards, technique for (5246)
  • using SQLDA structure with (5361)
  • file extensions
  • sample programs (7517)
  • file reference declarations in REXX (7451)
  • file reference variables
  • examples of using (5624)
  • for manipulating LOBs (5576)
  • input values (5615)
  • output values (5619)
  • FINAL CALL clause (5822)
  • FINAL CALL keyword (5806)
  • final call, to a UDF (5809)
  • finalize Java method (5933)
  • find the vowel, fold the CLOB for UDFs example (6155)
  • findvwl() UDF C program listing (6160)
  • FIPS 127-2 standard (4898)
  • first call, to a UDF (5810)
  • FIRST call (5819)
  • fixed or varying length data types
  • Extended UNIX Code consideration (6399)
  • flagger utility, used in precompiling (5074)
  • flexibility and UDTs (5718)
  • float C/C++ type (6865)
  • float OLE automation type (6015)
  • FLOAT parameter to UDF (5885)
  • FLOAT SQL data type (5165), (5974)
  • C/C++ (6842)
  • COBOL (7188)
  • FORTRAN (7345)
  • Java (6929)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7570)
  • OLE DB table function (6058)
  • REXX (7458)
  • floating point parameter to UDF (5881)
  • flushed buffered insert (6523)
  • fold() UDF C program listing (6158)
  • considerations for stored procedures (5488)
  • data type in C/C++ (6914)
  • FOR BIT DATA modifier in UDFs (5888)
  • FOR BIT DATA SQL data type (5980)
  • FOR EACH ROW trigger (6207)
  • FOR EACH STATEMENT trigger (6208)
  • FOR UPDATE clause (5228)
  • FORCE command (7673)
  • foreign key, DB2 Connect support (7702)
  • data types supported (7337), (7386)
  • embedding SQL statements (5045)
  • file reference declarations (7334)
  • host variables, overview (7314)
  • indicator variables, rules for (7325)
  • input and output files (7249)
  • Japanese and traditional Chinese EUC considerations (7395)
  • LOB data declarations (7327)
  • LOB locator declarations (7331)
  • programming considerations (7244)
  • programming restrictions (7247)
  • referencing host variables (7312)
  • FORTRAN data types
  • BLOB (7382)
  • BLOB_FILE (7384)
  • BLOB_LOCATOR (7383)
  • CHARACTER*n (7378)
  • CLOB (7379)
  • CLOB_FILE (7381)
  • CLOB_LOCATOR (7380)
  • INTEGER*2 (7373)
  • INTEGER*4 (7374)
  • REAL*2 (7375)
  • REAL*4 (7376)
  • REAL*8 (7377)
  • FORTRAN language
  • data types supported (7339)
  • fullselect
  • buffered insert consideration (6566)
  • fullselect consideration (6567)
  • fully qualified name (6045)
  • FUNCPATH bind option (5105)
  • function directory (5451)
  • function invocations example (5698)
  • function mappings
  • CREATE FUNCTION MAPPING statement (6641), (6645)
  • options (6651)
  • function path and UDFs (5648)
  • function references, summary for UDFs (5709)
  • function selection algorithm and UDFs (5650)
  • function templates (6643)
  • function-name, passing to UDF (5788)
  • functions
  • aggregating functions (5657)
  • column functions (5656)
  • scalar functions (5655)
  • syntax for referring to (5696)
  • table functions (5658)
  • with SQL triggered statements (6233)
  • G
  • GENERAL stored procedures (5457)
  • GENERAL WITH NULLS stored procedures (5458)
  • getAsciiStream JDBC API (7067)
  • getString JDBC API (7066)
  • getUnicodeStream JDBC API (7068)
  • global enforcement of business rules using triggers (6191)
  • Glossary (7767)
  • GRANT statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7654)
  • graphic constants
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6355)
  • Japanese code sets (6354)
  • graphic data
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6330), (6352)
  • Japanese code sets (6329), (6351)
  • graphic data types
  • selecting (6815)
  • graphic host variables
  • C/C++ (6778)
  • COBOL (7155)
  • GRAPHIC parameter to UDF (5891)
  • GRAPHIC SQL data type
  • C/C++ (6849)
  • COBOL (7195)
  • FORTRAN, not supported in (7352)
  • Java (6936)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7577)
  • OLE DB table function (6065)
  • REXX (7465) See also VARGRAPHIC SQL data type
  • graphic strings
  • character conversion (6313)
  • GRAPHIC type (7054)
  • graphical objects
  • considerations for Java (7051)
  • GROUP BY clause
  • sort order (7698)
  • group of rows
  • in buffered insert (6546)
  • guideline
  • access to data (4953)
  • application logic at server (5008)
  • data relationship control (4999)
  • data value control (4985)
  • DB2 application design (4949)
  • H
  • handle
  • connection handle (5410)
  • descriptor handle (5411)
  • environment handle (5409)
  • statement handle (5405)
  • host or AS/400
  • accessing host servers (6442)
  • Host or AS/400 environment, programming (7603)
  • host variables
  • allocating in stored procedures (5425)
  • class data members, handling in C/C++ (6803)
  • clearing LOB host variables in REXX (7452)
  • considerations for stored procedures (5495)
  • declaring (5143)
  • in C/C++ (6768)
  • in COBOL (7150)
  • in FORTRAN (7316), (7318)
  • declaring as pointer to data type (6800)
  • declaring graphic
  • in C/C++ (6776)
  • in COBOL (7156)
  • declaring using variable list statement (5378)
  • declaring, examples of (5147)
  • declaring, rules for (5145)
  • declaring, sample programs (5263)
  • definition (5140)
  • determining how to define for use with a column (4887)
  • file reference declarations in C/C++ (6787)
  • file reference declarations in COBOL (7167)
  • file reference declarations in FORTRAN (7333)
  • file reference declarations in REXX (7449)
  • FORTRAN, overview of (7313)
  • graphic data (6811)
  • handling graphic
  • multi-byte character encoding (6812)
  • WCHARTYPE precompiler option (6820)
  • in REXX (7424)
  • initializing for stored procedure (5424)
  • initializing in C/C++ (6790)
  • LOB data declarations in C/C++ (6779)
  • LOB data declarations in COBOL (7159)
  • LOB data declarations in FORTRAN (7326)
  • LOB data in REXX (7445)
  • LOB locator declarations in C/C++ (6784)
  • LOB locator declarations in COBOL (7164)
  • LOB locator declarations in FORTRAN (7330)
  • LOB locator declarations in REXX (7447)
  • naming
  • in C/C++ (6764)
  • in COBOL (7148)
  • in FORTRAN (7315)
  • in REXX (7425)
  • null-terminated strings, handling in C/C++ (6796)
  • referencing
  • in C/C++ (6763)
  • in COBOL (7147)
  • in FORTRAN (7311)
  • in REXX (7426)
  • referencing from SQL, examples (5148)
  • relating to an SQL statement (4886)
  • selecting graphic data types (6813)
  • static SQL (5142)
  • use in dynamic SQL (5317)
  • used to pass blocks of data (6510)
  • how to use this book (4866)
  • HTML page
  • tagging for Java applets (6983)
  • I
  • identity sequence (6256)
  • implementing a UDF (5664)
  • implicit connect (7660)
  • IN stored procedure parameters (5443), (5467)
  • include file
  • C/C++ requirements for (6686)
  • COBOL requirements for (7079)
  • FORTRAN requirements for (7250)
  • SQL
  • C/C++ (6687)
  • COBOL (7082)
  • FORTRAN (7251)
  • SQL1252A
  • COBOL (7118)
  • FORTRAN (7291)
  • SQL1252B
  • COBOL (7119)
  • FORTRAN (7293)
  • C/C++ (6690)
  • C/C++ (6692)
  • COBOL (7084)
  • FORTRAN (7254)
  • C/C++ (6693)
  • COBOL (7085)
  • FORTRAN (7255)
  • SQLCA_92
  • COBOL (7089)
  • FORTRAN (7262)
  • FORTRAN (7256)
  • FORTRAN (7257)
  • C/C++ (6697)
  • C/C++ (6699)
  • C/C++ (6700)
  • COBOL (7092)
  • FORTRAN (7266)
  • C/C++ (6702)
  • COBOL (7095)
  • FORTRAN (7268)
  • FORTRAN (7269)
  • SQLE819A
  • C/C++ (6711)
  • COBOL (7105)
  • FORTRAN (7278)
  • SQLE819B
  • C/C++ (6714)
  • COBOL (7108)
  • FORTRAN (7281)
  • SQLE850A
  • C/C++ (6716)
  • COBOL (7110)
  • FORTRAN (7283)
  • SQLE850B
  • C/C++ (6718)
  • COBOL (7112)
  • FORTRAN (7285)
  • SQLE932A
  • C/C++ (6720)
  • COBOL (7114)
  • FORTRAN (7287)
  • SQLE932B
  • C/C++ (6722)
  • COBOL (7116)
  • FORTRAN (7289)
  • C/C++ (6704)
  • COBOL (7096)
  • FORTRAN (7272)
  • C/C++ (6707)
  • COBOL (7099)
  • FORTRAN (7275)
  • COBOL (7102)
  • C/C++ (6709)
  • C/C++ (6724)
  • C/C++ (6727)
  • COBOL (7122)
  • FORTRAN (7295)
  • COBOL (7124)
  • C/C++ (6730)
  • COBOL (7126)
  • FORTRAN (7297)
  • C/C++ (6732)
  • C/C++ (6735)
  • COBOL (7129)
  • COBOL (7132)
  • C/C++ (6737)
  • COBOL (7135)
  • FORTRAN (7300)
  • C/C++ (6739)
  • C/C++ (6741)
  • C/C++ (6744)
  • include files
  • locating in C/C++ (6749)
  • locating in COBOL (7145)
  • locating in FORTRAN (7303)
  • pseudocode (4888)
  • INCLUDE SQLDA statement (4911)
  • INCLUDE SQLDA statement, creating SQLDA structure (5367)
  • INCLUDE statement (4910)
  • inconsistent data (4919)
  • inconsistent state (4920)
  • indicator tables, COBOL support for (7171)
  • indicator variables
  • declaring (5151)
  • in C/C++, rules for (6774)
  • in COBOL, rules for (7157)
  • in FORTRAN, rules for (7324)
  • in REXX, rules for (7427)
  • using in DB2DARI stored procedures (7529)
  • using on nullable columns (5198)
  • indicator variables and LOB locators (5613)
  • infix notation and UDFs (5712)
  • INOUT stored procedure parameters (5445)
  • INOUT stored procedure paramter (5470)
  • INPCLI.SQF FORTRAN program listing (7596)
  • INPSRV.CMD REXX program listing (7601)
  • input and output files
  • C/C++ (6681)
  • COBOL (7076)
  • FORTRAN (7248)
  • input and output to screen and keyboard and UDFs (6140)
  • input file extensions, C/C++ language (6683)
  • INSERT BUF bind option
  • buffered inserts (6536)
  • INSERT operation and triggers (6198)
  • INSERT statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7624), (7639)
  • not supported in CLP (6568)
  • with VALUES clause (6531)
  • inserting data into a CLOB column example (5632)
  • inserts
  • without buffered insert (6528)
  • Installation and Configuration Supplement (7768)
  • instances of object-oriented data types, storing (5547)
  • Int Java type (6947)
  • INTEGER (5804)
  • integer divide operator for UDFs example (6148)
  • INTEGER or INT parameter to UDF (5876)
  • INTEGER SQL data type (5163), (5973)
  • C/C++ (6840)
  • COBOL (7186)
  • FORTRAN (7343)
  • Java (6927)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7568)
  • OLE DB table function (6056)
  • REXX (7457)
  • INTEGER*2 FORTRAN type (7361)
  • INTEGER*4 FORTRAN type (7362)
  • interactive SQL
  • processing, sample program (5381)
  • interrupt handling with SQL statements (5294)
  • interrupts, SIGUSR1 (5301)
  • invoking UDFs (5693)
  • ISO 10646 standard (6332)
  • ISO 2022 standard (6331)
  • ISO/ANS SQL92 (7689)
  • ISO/ANS SQL92 standard (4899)
  • isolation level (6617), (7717)
  • J
  • Japanese and traditional Chinese EUC code sets
  • COBOL considerations (7237)
  • FORTRAN considerations (7392)
  • Japanese code sets (6316)
  • C/C++ considerations (6824)
  • developing applications using (6342)
  • Japanese EUC code sets
  • REXX considerations (7505)
  • Java
  • applet support (6970)
  • application support (6969)
  • comparison of SQLJ with JDBC (6920)
  • comparison with other languages (6923)
  • debugging (6963)
  • distributing and running applets (6982)
  • distributing and running applications (6979)
  • embedding SQL statements (5046)
  • installing JAR files (7043), (7046)
  • JDBC
  • example program using (6978)
  • JDBC specification (6967)
  • overview (6919)
  • overview of DB2 support for (6968)
  • SQLJ (Embedded SQL for Java)
  • calling stored procedures (7022)
  • example program using (7017)
  • host variables (7019)
  • SQLJ (Embedded SQLJ for Java) (6989)
  • applets (7002)
  • db2profc (6996), (6997)
  • db2profp (6995)
  • declaring cursors (7015)
  • declaring iterators (7014)
  • embedding SQL statments in (7006)
  • example clauses (7007)
  • positioned DELETE statement (7013)
  • positioned UPDATE statement (7012)
  • profconv (6998)
  • restrictions (7003)
  • translator (6999)
  • SQLJ specification (6966)
  • stored procedures (7042), (7045)
  • examples (7048)
  • UDFs (user-defined functions) (7044), (7047)
  • examples (7049)
  • Java application
  • SCRATCHPAD consideration (5932)
  • signature for UDFs (5921)
  • using graphical and large objects (7050)
  • Java class files
  • CLASSPATH environment variable (7032)
  • java_heap_sz configuration parameter (7034)
  • jdk11_path configuration parameter (7033)
  • where to place (7031)
  • Java data types
  • BigDecimal (6955)
  • Blob (6958)
  • double (6954)
  • Int (6953)
  • java.math.BigDecimal (6956)
  • short (6952)
  • String (6957)
  • Java Database Connectivity (6972) See also JDBC
  • Java I/O streams
  • System.err (5925)
  • (5923)
  • System.out (5924)
  • Java packages and classes (6971)
  • (6925)
  • JAVA stored procedures (5459)
  • Java UDF consideration (5763)
  • java.math.BigDecimal Java type (6949)
  • java_heap_sz configuration parameter (7037)
  • JDBC
  • access to data consideration (4964)
  • APIs
  • getAsciiStream (7061)
  • getString (7060)
  • getUnicodeStream (7062)
  • setAsciiStream (7058)
  • setString (7057)
  • setUnicodeStream (7059)
  • comparison with SQLJ (6921)
  • drivers
  • (6973)
  • (6974)
  • installing (6987)
  • version 1.22 (6985)
  • version 2.0 (6986)
  • example program using (6977)
  • SQLJ interoperability (7070)
  • jdk11_path configuration parameter (7036)
  • L
  • LABEL ON statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7736)
  • LANGLEVEL precompile option
  • MIA
  • SAA1 (6906)
  • using SQL92E and SQLSTATE or SQLCODE variables (6918), (7235), (7391)
  • LANGLEVEL SQL92E precompile option (7688)
  • LANGUAGE OLE clause (5950)
  • large object data type (7641) See also LOB data type
  • large object descriptor (5578)
  • large object value (5577)
  • latch
  • status with multiple threads (6450)
  • limitations
  • stored procedures (DB2DARI) (7525)
  • linking
  • client application (5507)
  • overview of (5076)
  • stored procedures (5505)
  • linking a UDF (5666)
  • LOB data type
  • supported by DB2 Connect Version 6 (7640)
  • LOB locator APIs, used in UDFs
  • sqludf_append API (6107)
  • sqludf_create_locator API (6108)
  • sqludf_free_locator API (6109)
  • sqludf_length API (6105)
  • sqludf_substr API (6106)
  • LOB locator example program listing (6169)
  • LOB locators
  • scenarios for using (6111)
  • used in UDFs (6094)
  • lob-options-clause of the CREATE TABLE statement (5588)
  • LOBEVAL.SQB COBOL program listing (5611), (5630)
  • LOBEVAL.SQC C program listing (5609), (5628)
  • LOBLOC.SQB COBOL program listing (5601)
  • LOBLOC.SQC C program listing (5599)
  • LOBLOC.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5603)
  • LOBs (Large Objects)
  • and DB2 object extensions (5542)
  • considerations for Java (7052)
  • file reference variables (5572)
  • examples of using (5623)
  • input values (5614)
  • output values (5618)
  • SQL_FILE_APPEND, output value option (5622)
  • SQL_FILE_CREATE, output value option (5620)
  • SQL_FILE_OVERWRITE, output value option (5621)
  • SQL_FILE_READ, input value option (5616)
  • large object descriptor (5574)
  • large object value (5571)
  • locators (5573), (5593)
  • example of using (5595), (5606)
  • indicator variables (5612)
  • programming scenarios (5607)
  • manipulating (5544)
  • programming options for values (5594)
  • storing (5543)
  • synergy with triggers, UDTs, and UDFs (6244)
  • synergy with UDTs and UDFs
  • examples of complex applications (5556)
  • local bypass (6516)
  • locales
  • deriving in application programs (6287)
  • how DB2 derives (6288)
  • locating include files
  • C/C++ (6748)
  • COBOL (7144)
  • FORTRAN (7302)
  • locators for manipulating LOBs (5575)
  • locking (7705)
  • buffered insert error (6557)
  • LOCKTIMEOUT configuration parameter (6485)
  • LOCKTIMEOUT multisite update configuration parameter (6430)
  • long C/C++ type (6861)
  • long field restriction
  • using buffered inserts (6564)
  • long fields (7638)
  • long int C/C++ type (6862)
  • long long C/C++ type (6863)
  • long long int C/C++ type (6864)
  • long OLE automation type (6014)
  • parameter to UDF (5890)
  • storage limits (5563)
  • LONG VARCHAR SQL data type (5171), (5982)
  • C/C++ (6848)
  • COBOL (7194)
  • FORTRAN (7351)
  • Java (6935)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7576)
  • OLE DB table function (6064)
  • REXX (7464)
  • parameter to UDF (5897)
  • storage limits (5564)
  • LONG VARGRAPHIC SQL data type (5173), (5984)
  • C/C++ (6851)
  • COBOL (7197)
  • FORTRAN (7354)
  • Java (6938)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7579)
  • OLE DB table function (6067)
  • REXX (7467)
  • LONGVAR type (7053)
  • looping application
  • diagnosing (6598)
  • M
  • macro processing for the C/C++ language (6672)
  • macros in sqludf.h (5913)
  • mail OLE automation UDF object example in BASIC (6175)
  • manipulating large objects (5549)
  • maxdari configuration parameter (7030)
  • maximum size for large object columns, defining (5583)
  • member operator, C/C++ restriction (6809)
  • memory
  • decreasing requirement using LOB locators (6098)
  • memory allocation for unequal code pages (6380)
  • memory size, shared for UDFs (6129)
  • memory, allocating dynamic in the UDF (6121)
  • message file, definition of (5068)
  • Message Reference (7769)
  • method invocation
  • for OLE automation UDFs (5958)
  • MIA (6907)
  • Microsoft Exchange, used in mail example (6176)
  • Microsoft specifications
  • access to data consideration (4978)
  • ADO (ActiveX Data Object) (4973)
  • MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) (4975)
  • RDO (Remote Data Object) (4974)
  • Visual Basic (4977)
  • Visual C++ (4976)
  • Microsoft Transaction Server specification
  • access to data consideration (4979)
  • mixed code set environments
  • application design (6372)
  • mixed Extended UNIX Code considerations (6333)
  • mixed-byte data (7629)
  • model for DB2 programming (4947)
  • modelling entities as independent objects (5533)
  • money using CREATE DISTINCT TYPE example (5729)
  • moving large objects using a file reference variable (5582)
  • multi-byte character support
  • code points for special characters (6293)
  • multi-byte code pages
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6328), (6347)
  • Japanese code sets (6327), (6346)
  • multi-byte considerations
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets
  • in C/C++ (6829)
  • Chinese (Traditional) EUC code sets
  • in REXX (7510)
  • Japanese and traditional Chinese EUC code sets
  • in COBOL (7239)
  • in FORTRAN (7394)
  • Japanese code sets
  • in C/C++ (6828)
  • Japanese EUC code sets
  • in REXX (7509)
  • multiple definitions of SQLCA, avoiding (4906)
  • multiple threads
  • application dependencies between contexts (6477)
  • database dependencies between contexts (6474)
  • guidelines (6468)
  • preventing deadlocks between contexts (6482)
  • using in DB2 applications (6446)
  • multiple triggers, ordering of (6239)
  • multisite update (6414), (7731) See also multisite update, multisite update
  • coding SQL for a multisite update application (6423)
  • configuration parameters (6424)
  • considerations with stored procedures (5500)
  • DB2 Connect support (7730)
  • general considerations (6415)
  • overview (6421)
  • restrictions (6425)
  • when to use (6422)
  • multisite update configuration parameter
  • LOCKTIMEOUT (6431)
  • SPM_LOG_NAME (6440)
  • SPM_NAME (6437)
  • TM_DATABASE (6427)
  • TP_MON_NAME (6433)
  • N
  • national language support
  • mixed-byte data (7630)
  • national language support (NLS)
  • character conversion (6305)
  • code page (6306)
  • considerations (6249)
  • nicknames
  • cataloging related information (6607)
  • considerations, restrictions (6609)
  • CREATE NICKNAME statement (6611)
  • using with views (6616)
  • in stored procedures (5498)
  • PREP option (6753)
  • nonexecutable SQL statements
  • INCLUDE (4907)
  • INCLUDE SQLDA (4908)
  • normal call, to a UDF (5808)
  • NOT ATOMIC compound SQL (7724)
  • NOT DETERMINISTIC option and UDFs (6124)
  • NOT FENCED LOB locator UDFs (6110)
  • NOT FENCED stored procedures
  • considerations (5520), (5521)
  • precompiling (5517)
  • working with (5513)
  • NOT NULL CALL clause (5778)
  • NOT NULL CALL option and UDFs (6123)
  • NULL value
  • receiving, preparing for (5152)
  • null-terminated character form C/C++ type (6877)
  • null-terminator (6910)
  • numeric conversion overflows (7716)
  • numeric data types (7627)
  • numeric host variables
  • C/C++ (6770)
  • COBOL (7153)
  • FORTRAN (7320)
  • NUMERIC parameter to UDF (5879)
  • NUMERIC SQL data type (5978)
  • C/C++ (6845)
  • COBOL (7191)
  • FORTRAN (7348)
  • Java (6932)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7573)
  • OLE DB table function (6061)
  • REXX (7461)
  • O
  • object instances
  • for OLE automation UDFs (5956)
  • Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) (5937) See also OLE automation UDFs
  • object oriented COBOL restrictions (7241)
  • object, large data type (7642) See also LOB data type
  • object-orientation and UDFs (5638)
  • object-oriented extensions and UDTs (5722)
  • object-relational
  • application domain and object-orientation (5531)
  • constraint mechanisms (5539)
  • data types (5535)
  • definition (5530)
  • LOBs (5537)
  • support for (5553)
  • triggers (5538)
  • UDTs and UDFs (5536)
  • why use the DB2 object extensions (5534)
  • ODBC
  • access to data consideration (4962)
  • OLE automation data types (5971)
  • BSTR (6025)
  • DATE (6024)
  • double (6023)
  • float (6022)
  • long (6021)
  • SAFEARRAY (6026)
  • short (6020)
  • OLE automation object counting example (5688)
  • OLE automation server (5947)
  • OLE automation types (5960)
  • OLE automation types and BASIC types (5964)
  • OLE automation types and C++ types (5965)
  • OLE automation UDFs
  • creatable multi-use OLE automation server (6032)
  • creatable single-use OLE automation server (6031)
  • implementation (5941)
  • implementation in BASIC (6027)
  • implementation in C++ (6029)
  • object instances (5953)
  • scratchpad considerations (5954)
  • UDFs (5938)
  • OLE DB
  • example
  • using connection string (6041)
  • using CONNECTSTRING option (6039)
  • using server name (6040)
  • supported in DB2 (4966)
  • table functions
  • CREATE SERVER statement (6047)
  • CREATE USER MAPPING statement (6051)
  • creating (6038)
  • defining a user mapping (6050)
  • EXTERNAL NAME clause (6043)
  • fully qualified names (6042)
  • identifying servers (6046)
  • overview (6036)
  • OLE keyword (5939)
  • OLE messaging example (6177)
  • OLE programmatic ID (progID) (5945)
  • open state, buffered insert (6550)
  • OPENFTCH.SQB COBOL program listing (5243)
  • OPENFTCH.SQC C program listing (5239)
  • OPENFTCH.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5245)
  • Openftch.sqlj Java program listing (5241)
  • ORDER BY clause
  • sort order (7697)
  • OS/400 using DB2 Connect (7605)
  • OUT stored procedure parameters (5444), (5468)
  • Java program listing (5482)
  • output and input to screen and keyboard and UDFs (6141)
  • output file extensions, C/C++ language (6684)
  • Outsrv.sqlj Java program listing (5484)
  • overloading
  • function names (5649)
  • stored procedure names (5440)
  • owner (7682)
  • P
  • package
  • attributes (7685)
  • creating (5077)
  • creating for compiled applications (5057)
  • renaming (5082)
  • support to REXX applications (7486)
  • timestamp errors (5114)
  • page-level locking (7706)
  • parameter markers (5403)
  • in functions example (5701)
  • in processing arbitrary statements (5375)
  • programming example (5389)
  • SQLVAR entries (5388)
  • use in dynamic SQL (5385)
  • partitioned environment
  • error handling considerations (6575)
  • identifying when errors occur (6592)
  • improving performance (6512)
  • severe error considerations (6578)
  • pass-through
  • COMMIT statement (6657), (6664)
  • considerations, restrictions (6659)
  • SET PASSTHRU RESET statement (6662)
  • SET PASSTHRU statement (6660)
  • SQL processing (6656)
  • passing contexts between threads (6453)
  • performance
  • dynamic SQL caching (5124)
  • factors affecting, static SQL (5122)
  • improving
  • in partitioned environments (6511)
  • using buffered inserts (6519)
  • using directed DSS (6515)
  • using local bypass (6517)
  • using stored procedures (5418)
  • with READ ONLY cursors (6513)
  • improving with read only cursors (5233)
  • increasing using LOB locators (6099)
  • large objects (5592)
  • NOT FENCED stored procedure (5512)
  • optimizing with packages (5111)
  • passing blocks of data (6508)
  • precompiling static SQL statements (5112)
  • UDFs (5637)
  • performance advantages
  • with buffered insert (6534)
  • performance and UDTs (5721)
  • Perl
  • access to data consideration (4981)
  • PICTURE (PIC) clause in COBOL types (7205)
  • portability (5415)
  • porting applications (7609)
  • precompile option
  • precompiler
  • C/C++ language
  • #include macro (6670)
  • character set (6676)
  • debugging (6751)
  • macro processing (6668)
  • qualification and member operators (6806)
  • symbol substitution (6669)
  • trigraph sequences (6675)
  • COBOL (7073)
  • DB2 Connect support (7618), (7674)
  • FORTRAN (7245)
  • options (5062)
  • overview of (5049)
  • supported languages (4872)
  • types of output (5063)
  • precompiling (5071)
  • accessing DRDA application server through DB2 Connect (5070)
  • accessing multiple servers (5072)
  • client application (5508)
  • example of (5059)
  • flagger utility (5073)
  • options, updatable cursor (5236)
  • overview of (5058)
  • supporting dynamic SQL statements (5318)
  • PREP option
  • NOLINEMACRO (6754)
  • PREPARE statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7745)
  • processing arbitrary statements (5373)
  • summary of (5322)
  • preprocessor functions and the SQL precompiler (6792)
  • prerequisites, for programming (4870)
  • primary key, DB2 Connect support (7701)
  • printf() for debugging UDFs (6183)
  • problem resolution
  • stored procedures (5526)
  • processing SQL statements in REXX (7418)
  • program variable type, data value control consideration (4997)
  • programmatic ID (progID) for OLE automation UDFs (5946)
  • programming considerations
  • accessing host or AS/400 servers (6441)
  • collating sequences (6247)
  • conversion between different code pages (6248)
  • in a host or AS/400 environment (7602)
  • in C/C++ (6667)
  • in COBOL (7072)
  • in FORTRAN (7243)
  • in REXX (7396)
  • national language support (6246)
  • programming in complex environments (6245)
  • X/Open XA interface (6488)
  • programming framework (4946)
  • protecting UDFs (6114)
  • prototyping SQL code (5038)
  • PUT statement
  • not supported in DB2 Connect (7746)
  • Q
  • QSQ (DB2 Universal Database for AS/400) (7665)
  • qualification and member operators in C/C++ (6810)
  • qualifier
  • different platforms (7681)
  • query products, access to data consideration (4983)
  • QUERYOPT bind option (5103)
  • Quick Beginnings for OS/2 (7778)
  • Quick Beginnings for UNIX (7779)
  • Quick Beginnings for Windows NT (7780)
  • R
  • RAISE_ERROR built-in function (6232)
  • RDO specification
  • supported in DB2 (4970)
  • re-entrant
  • stored procedures (5516)
  • UDFs (6078)
  • re-use and UDFs (5636)
  • REAL parameter to UDF (5882)
  • REAL SQL data type (5167), (5976)
  • C/C++ (6843)
  • COBOL (7189)
  • FORTRAN (7346)
  • Java (6930)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7571)
  • OLE DB table function (6059)
  • REXX (7459)
  • REAL*2 FORTRAN type (7363)
  • REAL*4 FORTRAN type (7364)
  • REAL*8 FORTRAN type (7365)
  • rebinding
  • description (5116)
  • REBIND PACKAGE command (5118)
  • REDEFINES in COBOL (7172)
  • REFERENCING clause in the CREATE TRIGGER statement (6221)
  • referential integrity
  • data relationship consideration (5002)
  • DB2 Connect support (7700)
  • referential integrity constraint
  • data value control consideration (4992)
  • registering
  • OLE automation UDFs (5944)
  • UDFs (5667)
  • registering Java stored procedures (7029)
  • releasing your connection
  • CMS applications (4928)
  • to DB2 (4931)
  • Remote Data Object specification
  • supported in DB2 (4969)
  • remote unit of work (6418)
  • renaming, package (5083)
  • REORGANIZE TABLE command (6337)
  • repeatable read, technique for (5248)
  • Replication Guide and Reference (7770)
  • reporting errors (6589)
  • restoring data (4934)
  • restrictions
  • for UDFs (6127)
  • in C/C++ (6795)
  • in COBOL (7074)
  • in FORTRAN (7246)
  • in REXX (7403)
  • on using buffered inserts (6562)
  • restrictions for DB2DARI stored procedures (7524)
  • result code (4893) See also SQLCODE or SQLSTATE
  • RESULT REXX predefined variable (7438)
  • result sets
  • from stored procedures (5523)
  • resume using CREATE DISTINCT TYPE example (5730)
  • RESYNC_INTERVAL multisite update configuration parameter (6428)
  • retrieving
  • multiple rows (5202)
  • one row (5130)
  • rows (5230)
  • retrieving data
  • a second time (5252)
  • scroll backwards, technique for (5247)
  • updating (5259)
  • return code (4894) See also SQLCODE or SQLSTATE
  • SQLCA structure (5279)
  • RETURNS clause in the CREATE FUNCTION statement (5871)
  • RETURNS TABLE clause (5772)
  • REVOKE statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7655)
  • REXX
  • access to data consideration (4958)
  • API syntax (7493)
  • bind files
  • DB2ARXCS.BND REXX bind file (7480)
  • DB2ARXNC.BND REXX bind file (7484)
  • DB2ARXRR.BND REXX bind file (7481)
  • DB2ARXRS.BND REXX bind file (7483)
  • DB2ARXUR.BND REXX bind file (7482)
  • calling the DB2 CLP from application (7497)
  • Chinese (Traditional) considerations (7512)
  • clearing LOB host variables (7453)
  • cursor identifiers (7422)
  • data types supported (7475)
  • execution requirements (7478)
  • indicator variables (7428), (7477)
  • initializing variables (7502)
  • Japanese considerations (7511)
  • LOB data (7446)
  • LOB file reference declarations (7450)
  • LOB locator declarations (7448)
  • predefined variables
  • RESULT (7431)
  • SQLCA (7434)
  • SQLISL (7433)
  • SQLMSG (7432)
  • SQLRDAT (7437)
  • SQLRIDA (7436)
  • SQLRODA (7435)
  • programming considerations (7405)
  • registering routines in (7411)
  • registering SQLEXEC, SQLDBS and SQLDB2 (7406)
  • restrictions in (7404)
  • stored procedures in (7501)
  • supported SQL statements (7419)
  • REXX and C++ data types (7454)
  • SQLDB2 (7399), (7495)
  • SQLDBS (7398)
  • SQLEXEC (7397)
  • ROLLBACK statement (4877)
  • association with cursor (5214)
  • backing out changes (4936)
  • ending transactions (4942)
  • in DB2 Connect (7672)
  • restoring data (4937)
  • rolling back changes (4938)
  • not supported in DB2 Connect (7747)
  • rolling back changes (4935)
  • row
  • order of in table, positioning (5256)
  • order of, controlling (5253)
  • retrieving multiple with cursor (5229)
  • retrieving one (5127)
  • retrieving using SQLDA (5362)
  • selecting one, with SELECT INTO statement (5129)
  • row blocking
  • customizing for performance (6507)
  • row id, data type (7649) See also ROWID data type
  • row-level locking (7707)
  • ROWID data type
  • supported by DB2 Connect Version 6 (7648)
  • rows
  • set of rows affected by triggers (6205)
  • RQRIOBLK field (7679)
  • rules that govern operations on large objects (5551)
  • run-time services
  • multiple threads, affect on latches (6449)
  • RUOW (6417) See also remote unit of work
  • S
  • SAA1 (6908)
  • SAFEARRAY OLE automation type (6019)
  • sales using CREATE TABLE example (5735)
  • sample programs (5119) See also examples
  • Application Program Interface (API) (7515)
  • embedded SQL statements (7514)
  • Java stored procedures (7027)
  • Java UDFs (5917)
  • location of (7516)
  • savepoint, buffered insert consideration (6525)
  • scalar functions (5659)
  • contents of call-type argument (5812)
  • schema-name and UDFs (5652)
  • scratchpad and UDFs (5930), (6077)
  • SCRATCHPAD clause (5823)
  • scratchpad considerations
  • for OLE automation UDFs (5955)
  • SCRATCHPAD keyword (5800), (5807), (5931), (6079)
  • SCRATCHPAD option
  • for OLE automation UDFs (5957)
  • scratchpad, passing to UDF (5766), (5797)
  • section number (7738)
  • SELECT INTO statement
  • overview of (5128)
  • SELECT statement
  • association with EXECUTE statement (5327)
  • buffered insert consideration (6548)
  • DB2 Connect support (7623)
  • declaring an SQLDA (5352)
  • describing, after allocating SQLDA (5359)
  • in DECLARE CURSOR statement (5208)
  • retrieving data a second time (5250)
  • retrieving multiple rows with (5201)
  • updating retrieved data (5257)
  • varying-list, overview of (5376)
  • self-referencing tables (7703)
  • semantic behavior of stored objects (5550)
  • semaphores (6479)
  • serialization of data structures (6470)
  • serialization of SQL statement execution (6451)
  • server options (6635)
  • SET CURRENT FUNCTION PATH statement (5663)
  • SET CURRENT PACKAGESET statement (5096)
  • SET CURRENT statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7748)
  • SET PASSTHRU RESET statement (6663)
  • SET PASSTHRU statement (6661), (6665)
  • SET SERVER OPTION statement (6636)
  • setAsciiStream JDBC API (7064)
  • setString JDBC API (7063)
  • setting up a DB2 program (4879)
  • setting up document server (7795)
  • setUnicodeStream JDBC API (7065)
  • severe errors
  • considerations in a partitioned environment (6577)
  • shared memory size for UDFs (6128)
  • shift-out and shift-in characters (7633)
  • short C/C++ type (6859)
  • short int C/C++ type (6860)
  • short Java type (6946)
  • short OLE automation type (6013)
  • signal handlers
  • installing, sample programs (5264)
  • with SQL statements (5295)
  • SIGNAL SQLSTATE SQL statement to validate input data (6186)
  • signature, two functions and the same (5653)
  • SIGUSR1 interrupt (5300)
  • SIMPLE stored procedures (5455) See also GENERAL stored procedures
  • SIMPLE WITH NULLS stored procedures (5456) See also GENERAL WITH NULLS stored procedures
  • SMALLINT (5779), (5784)
  • SMALLINT parameter to UDF (5875)
  • SMALLINT SQL data type (5162), (5972)
  • C/C++ (6839)
  • COBOL (7185)
  • FORTRAN (7342)
  • Java (6926)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7567)
  • OLE DB table function (6055)
  • REXX (7456)
  • snapshot monitor
  • diagnosing a suspended or looping application (6600)
  • solving problems
  • numeric conversion overflows (7715)
  • sort order (7693)
  • sorting, specifying collating sequence (6265)
  • source file
  • creating, overview of (5052)
  • file name extensions (5065)
  • modified source file, definition of (5064)
  • requirements (5069)
  • SQL file extensions (5051)
  • source-level debuggers and UDFs (6182)
  • sourced UDF (5742)
  • special registers
  • specific-name, passing to UDF (5791)
  • SPM_LOG_SIZE multisite update configuration parameter (6438)
  • SPM_NAME multisite update configuration parameter (6436)
  • SPM_RESYNC_AGENT_LIMIT multisite update configuration parameter (6434)
  • SQL
  • authorization considerations (5017)
  • authorization considerations for dynamic SQL (5018)
  • authorization considerations for static SQL (5020)
  • authorization considerations using APIs (5021)
  • dynamically prepared (5413)
  • SQL arguments, passing from DB2 to a UDF (5765)
  • SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) (4891)
  • SQL Data Types
  • SQL data types (5961), (5968)
  • BIGINT (5182)
  • BLOB (5191), (6007)
  • CHAR (5186), (5999)
  • CLOB (5192), (6008)
  • COBOL (7204)
  • conversion to C/C++ (6858)
  • DATE (5194), (6010)
  • DBCLOB (5193), (6009)
  • DECIMAL (5184)
  • DOUBLE (5996)
  • FLOAT (5183), (5995)
  • FOR BIT DATA (6000)
  • FORTRAN (7360)
  • GRAPHIC (6003)
  • INTEGER (5181), (5994)
  • Java (6945)
  • LONG GRAPHIC (6004)
  • LONG VARCHAR (5188), (6002)
  • LONG VARGRAPHIC (5190), (6006)
  • NUMERIC (5998)
  • OLE DB table function (6074)
  • REAL (5185), (5997)
  • REXX (7474)
  • SMALLINT (5180), (5993)
  • TIME (5195), (6011)
  • TIMESTAMP (5196), (6012)
  • VARCHAR (5187), (6001)
  • VARGRAPHIC (5189), (6005)
  • SQL data types, passed to a UDF (5863)
  • SQL declare section (4880)
  • SQL Getting Started (7771)
  • SQL include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6688)
  • for COBOL applications (7081)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7252)
  • SQL Reference (7772)
  • SQL statement categories (7613)
  • SQL statement execution
  • serialization (6452)
  • SQL statements
  • C/C++ syntax (6756)
  • COBOL syntax (7137), (7139)
  • DB2 Connect support (7732), (7740)
  • exception handlers (5298)
  • FORTRAN syntax (7306)
  • grouping using stored procedures (5420)
  • interrupt handlers (5297)
  • REXX syntax (7416)
  • saving end user requests (5380)
  • signal handlers (5296)
  • supported in REXX (7420)
  • SQL-argument (5813)
  • SQL-argument, passing to UDF (5768)
  • SQL-argument-ind (5814)
  • SQL-argument-ind, passing to UDF (5776)
  • SQL-result (5815), (6087)
  • SQL-result, passing to UDF (5770)
  • SQL-result-ind (5816), (6088)
  • SQL-result-ind, passing to UDF (5780)
  • SQL-state, passing to UDF (5785)
  • SQL/DS using DB2 Connect (7606)
  • SQL1252A include file
  • for COBOL applications (7117)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7290)
  • SQL1252B include file
  • for COBOL applications (7120)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7292)
  • SQL92 (7690)
  • SQLADEF include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6689)
  • SQLAPREP include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6691)
  • for COBOL applications (7083)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7253)
  • avoiding multiple definitions (4905)
  • error reporting in buffered insert (6554)
  • incomplete insert when error occurs (6555)
  • multithreading considerations (6471)
  • SQLERRMC field (7666), (7727)
  • SQLERRP field (7662)
  • SQLCA include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6695)
  • for COBOL applications (7087)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7258)
  • SQLCA predefined variable (7441)
  • SQLCA structure
  • defining, sample programs (5262)
  • include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6694)
  • for COBOL applications (7086)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7259)
  • merged multiple structures (6584)
  • overview (5280)
  • reporting errors (6590)
  • requirements (5282)
  • sqlerrd (6585)
  • SQLERRD(6) field (6594)
  • SQLWARN1 field (5157)
  • using in stored procedures (7556)
  • warnings (5155)
  • SQLCA.SQLERRD settings on CONNECT (6385)
  • SQLCA_92 include file
  • for COBOL applications (7088)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7263)
  • SQLCA_92 structure
  • include file
  • for FORTRAN applications (7264)
  • SQLCA_CN include file (7261)
  • SQLCA_CS include file (7260)
  • SQLCHAR structure
  • passing data with (5371)
  • SQLCLI include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6696)
  • SQLCLI1 include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6698)
  • in Java programs (6959)
  • including SQLCA (4892)
  • platform differences (7711)
  • reporting errors (6591)
  • standalone (7691)
  • structure (5283)
  • SQLCODE -1015 (6580)
  • SQLCODE -1034 (6579)
  • SQLCODE -1224 (6582)
  • SQLCODES include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6701)
  • for COBOL applications (7091)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7265)
  • multithreading considerations (6472)
  • SQLDA include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6703)
  • for COBOL applications (7094)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7270)
  • SQLDA structure
  • association with PREPARE statement (5324)
  • creating (allocating) (5366)
  • creating, host language examples (5368)
  • declaring (5351)
  • declaring sufficient SQLVAR entities (5357)
  • fields used in stored procedures
  • SQLDATA (7560)
  • SQLIND (7561)
  • SQLLEN (7559)
  • SQLTYPE (7558)
  • initializing for stored procedure (DB2DARI) (7519)
  • input-SQLDA procedure, sample of (7593)
  • manipulation with DB2DARI stored procedure (7527)
  • passing data with (5370)
  • preparing statements using minimum (5356)
  • server input procedure, sample of (7598)
  • used to pass blocks of data (6509)
  • using in stored procedures (7555)
  • using, sample program (5382)
  • sqlda.n.SQLDAT (7548)
  • sqlda.n.SQLDATALEN (7554)
  • sqlda.n.SQLDATATYPE_NAME (7552)
  • sqlda.n.SQLIND (7549)
  • sqlda.n.SQLLEN (7547)
  • sqlda.n.SQLLONGLEN (7553)
  • (7551)
  • sqlda.n.SQLNAME.length (7550)
  • sqlda.n.SQLTYPE (7546)
  • sqlda.SQLDABC (7544)
  • sqlda.SQLDAID (7543)
  • sqlda.SQLN (7545)
  • SQLDACT include file (7271)
  • SQLDATA field (7564)
  • SQLDB2 REXX API (7402), (7496)
  • SQLDB2, registering for REXX (7409)
  • sqldbchar and wchar_t, selecting data types (6817)
  • sqldbchar C/C++ type (6868)
  • sqldbchar data type (5892), (5895), (5898), (5906), (6819)
  • SQLDBS REXX API (7401)
  • SQLDBS, registering for REXX (7408)
  • SQLE819A include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6712)
  • for COBOL applications (7104)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7277)
  • SQLE819B include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6715)
  • for COBOL applications (7107)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7280)
  • SQLE850A include file
  • for COBOL applications (7109)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7282)
  • SQLE850B include file
  • for COBOL applications (7111)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7284)
  • SQLE859A include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6717)
  • SQLE859B include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6719)
  • SQLE932A include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6721)
  • for COBOL applications (7113)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7286)
  • SQLE932B include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6723)
  • for COBOL applications (7115)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7288)
  • sqleAttachToCtx() API (6464)
  • SQLEAU include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6705)
  • for COBOL applications (7097)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7273)
  • sqleBeginCtx() API (6462)
  • sqleDetachFromCtx() API (6465)
  • sqleEndCtx() API (6463)
  • sqleGetCurrentCtx() API (6466)
  • sqleInterruptCtx() API (6467)
  • SQLENV include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6706)
  • for COBOL applications (7098)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7274)
  • SQLERRD(1) (6311), (6377), (6383)
  • SQLERRD(2) (6312), (6378), (6384)
  • SQLERRD(3)
  • in an XA environment (6501)
  • SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (6310), (7667), (7728)
  • SQLERRP field of SQLCA (7661)
  • sqleSetTypeCtx() API (6461)
  • SQLETSD include file
  • for COBOL applications (7101)
  • SQLException
  • handling (5307)
  • retrieving SQLCODE from (6961)
  • retrieving SQLSTATE from (6962)
  • processing SQL statements in REXX (7417)
  • SQLEXEC, registering for REXX (7407)
  • SQLEXT include file
  • for CLI applications (6710)
  • SQLIND field (7565)
  • SQLISL predefined variable (7440)
  • SQLJ (Embedded SQL for Java)
  • applets (7000)
  • calling stored procedures (7021)
  • db2profc (6991), (6992)
  • db2profp (6990)
  • declaring cursors (7011)
  • declaring iterators (7010)
  • embedding SQL statements in (7004)
  • example clauses (7005)
  • example program using (7016)
  • host variables (7018)
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) interoperability (7071)
  • overview (6988)
  • positioned DELETE statement (7009)
  • positioned UPDATE statement (7008)
  • profconv (6993)
  • restrictions (7001)
  • translator (6994)
  • SQLJ (Embedded SQLJ for Java)
  • comparison with Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) (6922)
  • SQLJACB include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6725)
  • SQLLEN field (7563)
  • SQLMON include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6726)
  • for COBOL applications (7121)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7294)
  • SQLMONCT include file
  • for COBOL applications (7123)
  • SQLMSG predefined variable (7439)
  • SQLRDAT predefined variable (7444)
  • SQLRIDA predefined variable (7443)
  • SQLRODA predefined variable (7442)
  • differences (7712)
  • in CLI (5412)
  • in Java programs (6960)
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (7729)
  • standalone (7692)
  • SQLSTATE field, in error messages (5287)
  • SQLSTATE include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6729)
  • for COBOL applications (7125)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7296)
  • SQLSYSTM include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6733)
  • SQLTYPE field (7562)
  • SQLUDF include file
  • description (5909)
  • for C/C++ applications (6734)
  • UDF interface (5760)
  • sqludf.h include file (5872)
  • sqludf.h include file for UDFs (5910)
  • sqludf_append API (6102)
  • sqludf_create_locator API (6103)
  • sqludf_free_locator API (6104)
  • sqludf_length API (6100)
  • sqludf_substr API (6101)
  • SQLUTBCQ include file
  • for COBOL applications (7128)
  • SQLUTBSQ include file
  • for COBOL applications (7131)
  • SQLUTIL include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6736)
  • for COBOL applications (7134)
  • for FORTRAN applications (7299)
  • SQLUV include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6740)
  • SQLUVEND include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6742)
  • SQLVAR entities
  • declaring sufficient number of (5358)
  • variable number of, declaring (5350)
  • SQLWARN structure, overview of (5289)
  • SQLXA include file
  • for C/C++ applications (6743)
  • SQLZ_DISCONNECT_PROC return value (5477)
  • SQLZ_HOLD_PROC return value (5478)
  • SQL_API_FN macro (5860), (7520)
  • SQL_FILE_READ, input value option (5617)
  • SQL_WCHART_CONVERT preprocessor macro (6822)
  • statement handle (5404)
  • statements
  • COMMIT (4925)
  • CONNECT (4915)
  • INCLUDE SQLCA (4889)
  • ROLLBACK (4932)
  • static SQL
  • coding statements to retrieve and manipulate data (5139)
  • comparing to dynamic SQL (5330)
  • considerations (5331)
  • DB2 Connect support (7611)
  • overview (5120)
  • precompiling, advantages of (5113)
  • sample program (5126)
  • static update programming example (5267)
  • using host variables (5141)
  • STATIC.SQB COBOL program listing (5136)
  • STATIC.SQC C program listing (5132)
  • STATIC.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5138)
  • Static.sqlj Java program listing (5134)
  • storage
  • allocating to hold row (5363)
  • declaring sufficient SQLVAR entities (5355)
  • storage allocation for unequal code pages (6379)
  • Stored Procedure Builder
  • debug table (7041)
  • environment settings (7040)
  • stored procedures (7719)
  • advantages (5419)
  • allocating storage (5428)
  • allowed SQL statements in (5472)
  • application logic consideration (5011)
  • application troubleshooting (5524)
  • architecture (5422)
  • building an application (5502)
  • C++ consideration (5491)
  • CALL statement (5429), (5435)
  • character conversion (6297)
  • character conversions, for EUC (6411)
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6362)
  • client application (5432)
  • code page considerations (5485)
  • compiling and linking (5503)
  • CONTAINS SQL clause (5471)
  • CREATE PROCEDURE statement (5436)
  • creating and using in Java (7023)
  • db2dari executable (5475)
  • debugging (5509)
  • using Stored Procedure Builder (7039)
  • declaring parameter modes (5441)
  • example (5465)
  • EXTERNAL clause (5448)
  • FOR BIT DATA considerations (5487)
  • graphic host variable considerations (5494)
  • host variables (5426)
  • initializing REXX variables (7504)
  • input-SQLDA procedure, sample of (7592)
  • input-SQLDA stored procedure, sample of (7597)
  • invoking (5430)
  • Japanese code sets (6361)
  • LANGUAGE clause (5453)
  • languages supported (5452)
  • location (5447)
  • multisite update considerations (5499)
  • NOT FENCED (5510)
  • OUT host variable, sample (5479)
  • overloading names (5439)
  • overview of (5417), (5434)
  • PARAMETER STYLE clause (5454)
  • parameters (5442), (5466), (5469)
  • passing DBINFO structures (5462)
  • path (5446)
  • PROGRAM TYPE clause (5464)
  • registering in Java (7024)
  • registering with CREATE PROCEDURE (5437)
  • requirements for (5423)
  • restrictions (5474)
  • return values (5476)
  • returning result sets (5522)
  • REXX applications (7503)
  • sample OUT client program (5480)
  • using the SQLDA and SQLCA structures (7557)
  • where to place (5449)
  • written as a main function (5463)
  • stored procedures (DB2DARI)
  • calling convention
  • parameter conversion (7522)
  • SQL_API_FN (7521)
  • data structure usage (7530)
  • NOT FENCED (7591)
  • parameter variables
  • sqlda.n.SQLDAT (7536)
  • sqlda.n.SQLDATALEN (7542)
  • sqlda.n.SQLDATATYPE_NAME (7540)
  • sqlda.n.SQLIND (7537)
  • sqlda.n.SQLLEN (7535)
  • sqlda.n.SQLLONGLEN (7541)
  • (7539)
  • sqlda.n.SQLNAME.length (7538)
  • sqlda.n.SQLTYPE (7534)
  • sqlda.SQLDABC (7532)
  • sqlda.SQLDAID (7531)
  • sqlda.SQLN (7533)
  • restrictions (7523)
  • using indicator variables (7528)
  • storing large objects (5548)
  • String (6951)
  • string search and defining UDFs example (5676)
  • string search on BLOBs (5678)
  • string search over UDT example (5680)
  • strong typing and UDTs (5739)
  • structure definitions in sqludf.h (5911)
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • statements, summary (5016)
  • table of supported statements (7513)
  • success code (4897) See also SQLCODE or SQLSTATE
  • surrogate functions (6187)
  • suspended application
  • diagnosing (6599)
  • symbol substitutions, C/C++ language restrictions (6793)
  • Sync Point Manager (6439)
  • syntax
  • character host variables (6773)
  • declare section
  • in C/C++ (6767)
  • in COBOL (7152)
  • in FORTRAN (7319)
  • embedded SQL statement
  • avoiding line breaks (6761)
  • comments in C/C++ (6760)
  • comments in COBOL (7143)
  • comments in FORTRAN (7310)
  • comments in REXX (7423)
  • in C/C++ (6755)
  • in COBOL (7138)
  • in FORTRAN (7305)
  • substitution of white space characters (6762)
  • graphic host variable
  • in C/C++ (6775)
  • processing SQL statement
  • in REXX (7415)
  • syntax for referring to functions (5695)
  • SYSCAT.FUNCMAPOPTIONS catalog view (6647)
  • SYSCAT.FUNCTIONS catalog view (6648)
  • SYSIBM.SYSPROCEDURES catalog (OS/390) (7721)
  • SYSSTAT.FUNCTIONS catalog view (6649)
  • system catalog
  • DB2 Connect support (7713)
  • system catalog views
  • prototyping utility (5041)
  • system configuration parameter for shared memory size (6130)
  • System Monitor Guide and Reference (7773)
  • System.err Java I/O stream (5928)
  • Java I/O stream (5926)
  • System.out Java I/O stream (5927)
  • T
  • table
  • committing changes (4930)
  • data source tables (6603)
  • lob-options-clause of the CREATE TABLE statement (5591)
  • positioning cursor at end (5254)
  • tablespace-options-clause of the CREATE TABLE statement (5590)
  • table check constraint, data value control consideration (4990)
  • table function (5774)
  • SQL-result argument (5775)
  • table function example (5691)
  • table functions (5662)
  • application design considerations (6085)
  • contents of call-type argument (5818)
  • in Java (5922)
  • OLE DB (6037) See also OLE DB table functions
  • table names
  • resolving unqualified (5094)
  • tablespace-options-clause of the CREATE TABLE statement (5589)
  • target partition
  • behavior without buffered insert (6530)
  • territory, in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (7670)
  • test data
  • generating (5032)
  • test database
  • creating (5029)
  • recommendations (5031)
  • testing and debugging utilities
  • database system monitor (5036)
  • Explain facility (5035)
  • flagger (5037)
  • system catalog views (5034)
  • updating system catalog statistics (5033)
  • testing environment
  • for partitioned environments (6574)
  • setting up (5027)
  • test databases, guidelines for creating (5028)
  • testing your UDF (6180)
  • tfweather_u table function C program listing (6167)
  • TIME parameter to UDF (5901)
  • TIME SQL data type (5178), (5991)
  • C/C++ (6856)
  • COBOL (7202)
  • FORTRAN (7358)
  • Java (6943)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7584)
  • OLE DB table function (6072)
  • REXX (7472)
  • timeout on a lock (7709)
  • TIMESTAMP parameter to UDF (5902)
  • TIMESTAMP SQL data type (5179), (5992)
  • C/C++ (6857)
  • COBOL (7203)
  • FORTRAN (7359)
  • Java (6944)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7585)
  • OLE DB table function (6073)
  • REXX (7473)
  • TM_DATABASE multisite update configuration parameter (6426)
  • TP_MON_NAME multisite update configuration parameter (6432)
  • transaction
  • beginning a transaction (4921)
  • committing work done (4927)
  • description (4916)
  • ending a transaction (4923)
  • ending the program
  • COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements (4940)
  • implicitly ending (4944)
  • rolling back work done (4939)
  • transaction log consideration
  • for buffered insert (6539)
  • transaction log, buffered insert consideration (6538)
  • transaction processing monitors
  • X/Open XA Interface (6487)
  • transition tables
  • based on type of trigger event (6223)
  • OLD_TABLE and NEW_TABLE (6222)
  • transition variables, OLD and NEW
  • transition variables based on type of trigger event (6217)
  • translation, character (7636)
  • trigger event such as UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE (6197)
  • triggers
  • activation time (6209)
  • AFTER triggers (6211), (6228)
  • and DB2 object extensions (5540)
  • application logic consideration (5015)
  • BEFORE triggers (6210), (6227)
  • benefits (6189)
  • cascading (6234)
  • data relationship consideration (5004)
  • definition (6184)
  • DELETE operation (6203)
  • functions with SQL triggered statements
  • RAISE_ERROR built-in function (6231)
  • INSERT operation (6201)
  • interactions with referential constraints (6236)
  • multiple triggers, ordering of (6238)
  • overview (6193)
  • referential constraints, interactions with using triggers (6237)
  • set of affected rows (6204)
  • synergy with UDTs, UDFs, and LOBs (6241)
  • transition tables (6219)
  • transition variables (6216)
  • trigger event (6196)
  • trigger granularity (6206)
  • triggered action condition (6224)
  • triggered SQL statement (6226)
  • UPDATE operation (6202)
  • WHEN clause (6225)
  • why use triggers (6185)
  • trigraph sequences (6677)
  • troubleshooting
  • stored procedures (5525)
  • using Visual Studio (5528)
  • Troubleshooting Guide (7774)
  • truncation
  • host variables (5159)
  • indicator variables (5158)
  • type conversion
  • between SQL types and OLE automation types (5959)
  • type decoration
  • in stored procedures (5493)
  • in UDFs (6145)
  • type decoration consideration
  • C++ (6679)
  • type mapping
  • OLE automation types and BASIC types (5962)
  • OLE automation types and C++ types (5963)
  • types or arguments, promotions in UDFs (5874)
  • types, abstract (7647) See also User Defined Types
  • types, user defined (7645) See also User Defined Types
  • types, user defined distinct (7646) See also User Defined Types
  • U
  • UCS-2 (6319) See also Unicode
  • UDFs (User-defined Functions)
  • UDFs (User-defined functions)
  • allocating dynamic memory in the UDF (6116)
  • and DB2 object extensions (5546)
  • C++ consideration (6143)
  • calling convention (5861)
  • casting (5715)
  • caveats (6131)
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6359)
  • code page differences (6139)
  • coding in Java (5919)
  • concepts (5642)
  • considerations when using protected resources (6138)
  • creating and using in Java (5914)
  • db2udf executable (6137)
  • debugging your UDF (6178)
  • definition (5633)
  • example (6156)
  • examples of UDF code (6146)
  • EXTERNAL ACTION option (6119)
  • FENCED option (6120)
  • function path (5644)
  • function selection algorithm (5646)
  • general considerations (5710)
  • hints and tips for coding (6113)
  • implementing UDFs (5634)
  • infix notation (5711)
  • input and output to screen and keyboard (6135)
  • interface between DB2 and a UDF (5758)
  • invoking
  • examples of invocations (5692)
  • parameter markers in functions (5699)
  • qualified function reference (5702)
  • unqualified function reference (5705)
  • Japanese code sets (6358)
  • Java consideration (5762)
  • list of types and their representations in UDFs (5865)
  • LOB locator usage scenarios (6112)
  • LOB types (5713)
  • NOT DETERMINISTIC option (6118)
  • NOT FENCED (6153)
  • NOT NULL CALL (6152)
  • NOT NULL CALL option (6117)
  • OLE automation UDFs (5936)
  • output and input to screen and keyboard (6136)
  • overloading function names (5645)
  • passing arguments from DB2 to a UDF (5761)
  • process of implementation (5668)
  • re-entrant UDFs (6076)
  • referring to functions (5694)
  • registering UDFs (5671)
  • examples of registering (5670)
  • restrictions and caveats (6132)
  • save state in function (6080)
  • schema-name and UDFs (5647)
  • SCRATCHPAD (6083)
  • scratchpad considerations (6075)
  • shared memory size (6133)
  • sourced (5743)
  • SQL data types, how they are passed (5864)
  • SQLUDF include file (5759), (5908)
  • SQL_API_FN (6151)
  • SUBSTR built-in function (6161)
  • summary of function references (5708)
  • synergy with triggers, UDTs, and LOBs (6243)
  • synergy with UDTs and LOBs
  • examples of complex applications (5555)
  • system configuration parameter for shared memory size (6134)
  • table functions (6086)
  • type of functions (5654)
  • unqualified reference (5643)
  • using LOB locators (6095)
  • why use UDFs (5635)
  • writing UDFs (5669)
  • writing your own UDF (5756)
  • UDFs and LOB types (5714)
  • UDTs (User-defined Types)
  • UDTs (User-defined types)
  • and DB2 object extensions (5545)
  • defining a UDT (5723)
  • defining tables (5731)
  • manipulating
  • examples of (5737)
  • resolving unqualified UDTs (5725)
  • strong typing (5738)
  • synergy with triggers, UDFs, and LOBs (6242)
  • synergy with UDFs and LOBs
  • examples of complex applications (5554)
  • UDTs type (7644) See also User Defined Types
  • unambiguous cursors (7678)
  • unequal code pages (6376)
  • allocating storage (6381)
  • unfenced stored procedures (5515) See also NOT FENCED
  • Unicode (UCS-2)
  • character conversion (6412)
  • character conversion overflow (6402)
  • Chinese (Traditional) code sets (6322)
  • Japanese code sets (6321)
  • UDF considerations (6357)
  • unique key violation
  • buffered insert (6560)
  • unit of work
  • completing (5217)
  • cursor considerations (5211)
  • distributed (6416)
  • remote (6419)
  • unqualified function reference example (5707)
  • unqualified reference (5651)
  • unqualified table names
  • resolving (5093)
  • UPDAT.CMD REXX program listing (5277)
  • UPDAT.SQB COBOL program listing (5273)
  • UPDAT.SQC C program listing (5269)
  • UPDAT.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5275)
  • Updat.sqlj Java program listing (5271)
  • update operation (6195)
  • UPDATE operation and triggers (6199)
  • UPDATE statement
  • DB2 Connect support (7625)
  • USAGE clause in COBOL types (7206)
  • use of UDTs in UNION example (5755)
  • User Defined Types
  • supported by DB2 Connect (7643)
  • USER MAPPING in OLE DB table functions (6052)
  • user updatable catalog statistics
  • prototyping utility (5042)
  • user-defined collating sequence (7699), (7751)
  • user-defined function, application logic consideration (5013)
  • user-defined sourced functions on UDTs example (5747)
  • using
  • Java stored procedures (7026)
  • Java UDFs (5916)
  • using a locator to work with a CLOB value example (5597)
  • using qualified function reference example (5704)
  • UTIL.C program listing (5305)
  • UTIL.F program listing (5311)
  • utility APIs
  • include file for C/C++ applications (6738)
  • include file for COBOL applications (7103), (7130), (7133), (7136)
  • include file for FORTRAN applications (7301)
  • V
  • DB2 Connect support (7675)
  • VALUES clause
  • on INSERT statement (6532)
  • VARCHAR (5790), (5793), (5796)
  • VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA parameter to UDF (5889)
  • VARCHAR SQL data type (5170), (5981)
  • C or C++ (6915)
  • C/C++ (6847)
  • COBOL (7193)
  • FORTRAN (7350)
  • Java (6934)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7575)
  • OLE DB table function (6063)
  • REXX (7463)
  • VARCHAR structured form C/C++ type (6876)
  • VARGRAPHIC data (6909)
  • VARGRAPHIC parameter to UDF (5894)
  • VARGRAPHIC SQL data type (5172), (5983)
  • C/C++ (6850)
  • COBOL (7196)
  • FORTRAN (7353)
  • Java (6937)
  • Java stored procedures (DB2GENERAL) (7578)
  • OLE DB table function (6066)
  • REXX (7466)
  • variable-length strings (7637)
  • variables
  • SQLCODE (6917), (7234), (7390)
  • SQLSTATE (6916), (7233), (7389)
  • variables, declaring (4873)
  • variables, predefined in REXX (7430)
  • Java program listing (5394)
  • VARINP.SQB COBOL program listing (5396)
  • VARINP.SQC C program listing (5392)
  • VARINP.SQF FORTRAN program listing (5398)
  • view
  • data source views (6604)
  • data value control consideration (4994)
  • DB2 Connect support (7714)
  • Visual Basic
  • supported in DB2 (4971)
  • Visual C++
  • supported in DB2 (4972)
  • W
  • warning message, truncation (5154)
  • guidelines (6823)
  • in stored procedures (5496)
  • WCHARTYPE precompiler option (5518), (6821)
  • wchar_t and sqldbchar, selecting data types (6816)
  • wchar_t C/C++ type (6869)
  • wchar_t data type (5893), (5896), (5899), (5907), (6818)
  • weight, definition of (6251)
  • What's New (7775)
  • WHENEVER statement
  • caution in using with SQL statements (4902)
  • error indicators with SQLCA (4900)
  • in error handling (5292)
  • wild moves, DB2 checking of (6181)
  • Windows 95 code pages (6280)
  • DB2CODEPAGE environment variable (6283)
  • supported code pages (6284)
  • Windows NT code pages (6279)
  • DB2CODEPAGE environment variable (6281)
  • supported code pages (6282)
  • Windows registration database
  • for OLE automation UDFs (5942)
  • work environment
  • setting up (5025)
  • test databases, guidelines for creating (5026)
  • X
  • X/Open XA Interface (6489)
  • API restrictions (6502)
  • characteristics of transaction processing (6490)
  • CICS environment (6491)
  • COMMIT and ROLLBACK (6495)
  • cursors declared WITH HOLD (6498)
  • DISCONNECT (6493)
  • multithreaded application (6505)
  • single-threaded application (6504)
  • SQL CONNECT (6496)
  • transactions (6492)
  • XA environment (6500)
  • XASerialize (6506)

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