File reference variables are similar to host variables except they are used to transfer data to and from client files, and not to and from memory buffers. A file reference variable represents (rather than contains) the file, just as a LOB locator represents (rather than contains) the LOB value. Database queries, updates, and inserts may use file reference variables to store, or to retrieve, single LOB values.
For very large objects, files are natural containers. In fact, it is likely that most LOBs begin as data stored in files on the client before they are moved to the database on the server. The use of file reference variables assists in moving LOB data. Programs use file reference variables to transfer LOB data from the client file directly to the database engine. The client application does not have to write utility routines to read and write files using host variables (which have size restrictions) to carry out the movement of LOB data.
Note: | The file referenced by the file reference variable must be accessible from (but not necessarily resident on) the system on which the program runs. For a stored procedure, this would be the server. |
A file reference variable has a data type of BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB. It is used either as the source of data (input) or as the target of data (output). The file reference variable may have a relative file name or a complete path name of the file (the latter is advised). The file name length is specified within the application program. The data length portion of the file reference variable is unused during input. During output, the data length is set by the application requestor code to the length of the new data written to the file.
When using file reference variables there are different options on both input and output. You must choose an action for the file by setting the file_option field in the file reference variable structure. Choices for assignment to the field covering both input and output values are shown below.
Values (shown for C) and options when using input file reference variables are as follows:
Values and options when using output file reference variables are as follows:
For more information on file reference variables, refer to the SQL Reference.