IBM Books

Application Development Guide

Why Use Triggers?

In order to change your database manager from a passive system to an active one, use the capabilities embodied in a trigger function. A trigger defines a set of actions that are activated or triggered by an update operation on a specified base table. These actions may cause other changes to the database, perform operations outside DB2 (for example, send an e-mail or write a record in a file), raise an exception to prevent the update operation from taking place, and so on.

You can use triggers to support general forms of integrity such as business rules. For example, your business may wish to refuse orders that exceed its customers' credit limit. A trigger can be used to enforce this constraint. In general, triggers are powerful mechanisms to capture transitional business rules. Transitional business rules are rules that involve different states of the data.

For example, suppose a salary cannot be increased by more than 10 per cent. To check this rule, the value of the salary before and after the increase must be compared. For rules that do not involve more than one state of the data, check and referential integrity constraints may be more appropriate (refer to the SQL Reference for more information). Because of the declarative semantics of check and referential constraints, their use is recommended for constraints that are not transitional.

You can also use triggers for tasks such as automatically updating summary data. By keeping these actions as a part of the database and ensuring that they occur automatically, triggers enhance database integrity. For example, suppose you want to automatically track the number of employees managed by a company:

    Tables: EMPLOYEE (as in Sample Tables) 

You can define two triggers:

Specifically, you can use triggers to:

Benefits and Value of Triggers

Using triggers in your database manager can result in:

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