IBM Books

Application Development Guide

Accessing Host or AS/400 Servers

If you want to develop applications that can access (or update) different database systems, you should:

  1. Use SQL statements and precompile/bind options that are supported on all of the database systems that your applications will access. For example, stored procedures are not supported on all platforms.

    For IBM products, refer to the SQL Reference before you start coding.

  2. Where possible, have your applications check the SQLSTATE rather than the SQLCODE.

    If your applications will use DB2 Connect and you want to use SQLCODEs, consider using the mapping facility provided by DB2 Connect to map SQLCODE conversions between unlike databases.

  3. Test your application with the host or AS/400 databases (such as DB2 Universal Database for OS/390, OS/400, or DB2 for VSE & VM) that you intend to support. For more information, refer to the DB2 Connect User's Guide.

For more information on accessing host or AS/400 database systems, see Appendix D, Programming in a Host or AS/400 Environment.

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