IBM Books

Application Development Guide

Understanding Large Object Locators

Conceptually, LOB locators represent a simple idea that has been around for a while; use a small, easily managed value to refer to a much larger value. Specifically, a LOB locator is a 4-byte value stored in a host variable that a program can use to refer to a LOB value (or LOB expression) held in the database system. Using a LOB locator, a program can manipulate the LOB value as if the LOB value was stored in a regular host variable. The difference in using the LOB locator is that there is no need to transport the LOB value from the server to the application (and possibly back again).

The LOB locator is associated with a LOB value or LOB expression, not a row or physical storage location in the database. Therefore, after selecting a LOB value into a locator, there is no operation that you could perform on the original row(s) or tables(s) that would have any effect on the value referenced by the locator. The value associated with the locator is valid until the unit of work ends, or the locator is explicitly freed, whichever comes first. The FREE LOCATOR statement releases a locator from its associated value. In a similar way, a commit or roll-back operation frees all LOB locators associated with the transaction.

LOB locators can also be passed between DB2 and UDFs. There are special APIs available for UDFs to manipulate the LOB values using LOB locators. For more information on these APIs see Using LOB Locators as UDF Parameters or Results.

When selecting a LOB value, you have three options:

The use of the LOB value within the program can help the programmer determine which method is best. If the LOB value is very large and is needed only as an input value for one or more subsequent SQL statements, then it is best to keep the value in a locator. The use of a locator eliminates any client/server communication traffic needed to transfer the LOB value to the host variable and back to the server.

If the program needs the entire LOB value regardless of the size, then there is no choice but to transfer the LOB. Even in this case, there are still three options available to you. You can select the entire value into a regular or file host variable, but it may also work out better to select the LOB value into a locator and read it piecemeal from the locator into a regular host variable, as suggested in the following example.

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