IBM Books

Application Development Guide

Programming Considerations

Special host-language programming considerations are discussed in the following pages. Included is information on embedding SQL statements, language restrictions, and supported data types for host variables.
Note:REXX support stabilized in DB2 Version 5, and no enhancements for REXX support are planned for the future. For example, REXX cannot handle SQL object identifiers, such as table names, that are longer than 18 bytes. To use features introduced to DB2 after Version 5, such as table names from 19 to 128 bytes long, you must not write your applications in REXX.

Because REXX is an interpreted language, no precompiler, compiler, or linker is used. Instead, three DB2 APIs are used to create DB2 applications in REXX. Use these APIs to access different elements of DB2.

Supports the SQL language

Supports command-like versions of DB2 APIs.

Supports a REXX specific interface to the command-line processor. See API Syntax for details and restrictions on how this interface can be used.

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