Style property reference


Property Description

Specifies whether the background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page. The default value is 'scroll'.


Specifies the background color of an element. The default value is 'transparent'.


Specifies the name of an image or image policy to use as a background image for an element. The default value is 'none'.


Initial position of the background image. The first value of the property specifies the horizontal position and the second value specifies the vertical position. If only one value is specified, the second value will be set to 'center'. The default value is '0% 0%'.


Specifies whether the background image should be repeated or not. The default value is 'repeat'.


Specifies one of two models for setting borders on table cells. A setting of 'separate' causes the border-spacing property to be used. The default value is 'separate'.


Specifies the color of all four borders of an element.


Specifies the color of the selected border of an element.


Vertical and horizontal distances and units that separate adjacent cell borders in tables. The value applies to all cells in the table. If the border-collapse property is set to 'collapse', then the values will have no effect. The first value of the property sets the horizontal spacing and the second sets the vertical spacing. If only one value is specified, it specifies both the horizontal and vertical spacing. The default value is '0 0'.


Specifies the style of all four borders of an element.


Specifies the style of the selected border. The default value is 'none'.


Sets the width of all four borders. The default value is 'medium'.


Specifies the width of the selected border. The default value is 'medium'.


Specifies the position of a caption in relation to a table.


Whether the current element allows preceding elements to float along its sides. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies the foreground color of text content.


Allows authors to specify the content of an element or pseudo-element using styles. The property is ignored on elements that are not presentational, or which cannot have presentational content. The default value is 'normal'.


The name of an element used to increment the counter. The default value is 'none'.


One or more names of counters, each one optionally followed by an integer, which gives the value that the counter is set to. The default value is 'none'.


Applies to any element and is used with the directionality specifier, in the layout, to alter the appearance of the markup generated by MCS. The default value is 'ltr'.


Specifies the type of box an element should generate. The default value is 'inline'.


Specifies whether a box should float or not. The default value is 'none'.


Lists multiple font families.


Absolute size and units using browser table, or relative size in relation to parent. The default value is 'medium'.


An aspect value which preserves the x-height of the first choice font in the substitute font. The default value is 'none'.


Selects a normal, condensed, or extended face. The default value is 'normal'.


Specifies the font style. The default value is 'normal'.


Specifies the font variant. The default value is 'normal'.


Sets the weight of a font. The 'bolder' and 'lighter' values are relative to the inherited font weight. Other values are absolute font weights. The default value is 'normal'.


Sets the height of an element. The default value is 'auto'.


Specifies the amount and units of additional space between characters. The default value is 'normal'.


Specifies the minimal height of each inline box or the exact height of each box. The default value is 'normal'.


Specifies an image or image policy to use as a list-item marker or bullet. The default value is 'none'.


Sets the position of a bullet. The default value is 'outside'.


Specifies the style of a standard bullet to be used in lists. The default value is 'disc'.


Sets all four margin properties. The default value is '0'.


Control margins. The default value is '0'.


Set the maximum height and width of an element.


Set the minimum height and width of an element.


This is a shorthand property for: outline-color, outline-style and outline-width. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements (outside the borders). Outlines do not affect the width and height properties used by the element. The shorthand has the following syntax:


Specifies the color of an outline that is drawn around an element outside the borders.


Specifies the style of an outline that is drawn around an element outside the borders. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies the width of an outline that is drawn around an element outside the borders. The default value is 'medium'.


Controls the transparency level of an element. Please note that the property applied to an element is inherited by all its child elements. The default value is '1.0 '. See also: Opacity.


You use the overflow shorthand property to control clipping. The property takes two values. The first value of the property corresponds to the overflow-x property, while the second value corresponds to the overflow-y property. When the second value is not specified, then it is assumed to be the same as the first value. See also: Overflow-x and overflow-y.


You use the overflow-x and overflow-y properties to control clipping. The default value is 'visible'. See also: Overflow-x and overflow-y.


Controls all four paddings. The default value is '0'.


Control paddings. The default value is '0'.


Specifies an absolute or relative position of a box in relation to the normal text flow. The default value is 'static'.


Sets the horizontal alignment of inline content.


Specifies the amount and units of indentation of the first line of text. The default value is '0'.


Sets initial capitals, or all lowercase or uppercase. The default value is 'none'.


Sets offsets and units applied to a box depending on the value of the position property. The default value is 'auto'.


Sets the relative vertical positioning in a line. The default value is 'baseline'.


Specifies whether a box is visible or hidden. The default value is 'inherit'.


Specifies how white spaces inside the element should be handled. The default value is 'normal'.


Sets the width of an element. The default value is 'auto'.


Specifies the amount and units of additional space between words. The default value is 'normal'.


Specifies the stack level of an element. The default value is 'auto'. Refer to the topic entitled Overlays for further information.

MCS style properties

Property Description

Specifies if a slideshow should automatically be started when the XDIME page is loaded. The default value is 'no'. See also: Creating a gallery.


Determines whether or not the back side of a transformed element should be visible when facing the viewer. For example, a box built of 6 elements can have its inside faces visible or hidden. The default value is 'visible'.


Specifies an image to use in place of the border styles given by the border style properties, and as an additional background layer for the element. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies inward offsets from the edges of a border image. The property can have from one to four values. If four values are given, then they apply to the edges. If only one value is given, then it applies to all four edges. The default value is '100%'.


Specify inward offsets from the edges of a border image. The default value is '100%'.


Specifies how a border image should be scaled and tiled. The property takes two arguments. The first value of the property specifies how the image for the sides of the border should be scaled and tiled; the second value of the property specifies how the image for the middle part of the border should be scaled and tiled. When the second value is not specified, then it is assumed to be the same as the first value.


This is a shorthand property for: mcs-border-image-source, mcs-border-image-slice and mcs-border-image-repeat. It has the following syntax:


Allows selectors to be displayed with curved edges. The property accepts a single value which controls all four edges of an element. See also: Rounded corners.


Allows boxes to be displayed with rounded corners. The first value of the property defines the horizontal radius of the selected corner, while the second specifies its vertical radius. When the second value is not specified, then it is assumed to be equal to the first one and the corner is thus a quarter circle. If either value is zero, then the corner is squared. Negative values are not allowed. The default value is '0 0'. See also: Rounded corners.


Specifies how the children of an element are placed and aligned along the direction perpendicular to the orientation of the box, and where the extra space, if any, should be positioned. The default value is 'stretch'.


Specifies the relative flexibility of the selected element.


Specifies whether a box should lay out its children horizontally or vertically. The default value is 'horizontal'.


Specifies the position of the reflection relative to the edge of the original box. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies the distance of the reflection from the edge of the original box. The default value is '0'.


Allows page authors to define a mask which will be used to overlay a reflection. The mask can be specified as an image policy or a device dependent mime type. The mcs-gradient() function can also be used. The default value is 'none'.


This is a shorthand property for: mcs-box-reflect-edge, mcs-box-reflect-offset and mcs-box-reflect-alpha-mask. The property has the following syntax:


Page authors can use the mcs-box-shadow property to create a blurred and shifted copy of an element that is intended to imitate a shadow effect. The property accepts a sequence of comma-separated rules; each rule defines a single shadow effect. See also: Box shadows.


Controls how the browser calculates the size of a box. The default value is 'content-box '. See also: Box sizing.


Specifies whether the group ends a form fragment. Applies to xforms:group and widget:wizard elements. The default value is 'never'.


Controls how the button is rendered. The default value is 'native'.


Each wizard step may optionally include a 'Cancel' action. This property applies to xforms:group and widget:wizard. The default value is 'always'. See also: Using the Forms Wizard.


Whether or not to display adornments like labels that might clutter a small screen. The default value is 'none'.


A comma-separated list of foreground color values to match the number of chart data sets.


Specifies the chart grid color. The default value is 'black'.


Specifies the height of a chart as a % of the display. The default value is '100%'.


Whether or not the chart values should be labeled. The default value is 'no'.


Specifies the width of a chart as a % of the display. The default value is '100% '.


Rotation and units (deg, grad, rad) of the graph to produce a three dimensional effect on the axes. The default value is '0'.


Specifies the width (in characters) of a text input control. The default value is '20'.


Specifies the layout container where the content should be placed. An expression may be used to identify a specific container instance. The default value is 'current'.


Sets the Stopwatch widget mode. The default value is 'split'. See also: Stopwatch and timer.


Sets the format for time and date. The default value is '"%D %d %F %Y %h:%i:%s"'. Refer to Showing current time for more information.


Specifies the Deck widget mode. The default value is 'switch'. See also: The Deck widget.


Defines the time delay between the last character being typed, and the AJAX request sent to the server (by an Autocompleter widget) that provides the list of matching items. The default value is 1 second. See also: Autocompleter.


Defines the time for which a single gallery item will be displayed by a Slideshow widget. The default value is 5 seconds. See also: Creating a gallery.


Specifies the duration of the effect applied to an element. The default value is 1 second.


Controls the transition effects. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies an image policy or URI to be used when a form action has the mcs-form-action-style property set to 'image'. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies how form action controls should be displayed. The default is usually a button. For WML devices a link, which uses the anchor tag, can be specified instead of a button. The default value is 'default'.


Specifies the orientation of the list of links to fragments in the root fragment. The default value is 'horizontal'.


Specifies the position of the list of links to fragments in the root fragment.


Specifies the frequency in Hz or kHz that is required when displaying visual effects such as transitions, or scrolling. The device policy value x-client.frame.rate.max sets an overriding limit. The default value is '10Hz'.


The HTTP method to use. The default value is 'get'.


Specifies an image policy or URI to be used next to, or on items such as an anchor. The default value is 'none'.


Whether or not the end user can save the image. The default value is 'default'.


Specifies the initial state of a widget. The default value is 'inactive'.


Defines the pattern to be used for validation. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies the maximum number of matching items to be displayed in the drop-down list of an Autocompleter widget. The default value is '5'. See also: Autocompleter.


Defines the order of the items in a slideshow. The default value is 'normal'. See also: Creating a gallery.


Defines the target MCS layout for an element and its content. The default value is 'current'.


Medium the target of a link is intended for. The default value is 'normal'.


Specifies how links should be displayed. The default value is 'default'.


This is a shorthand property for: mcs-marquee-direction, mcs-marquee-repetition, mcs-marquee-speed, and mcs-marquee-style.


Sets the initial direction in which a marquee content will move.


Specifies the number of times a marquee content will move across the screen. The default value is '1'.


Specifies how fast a marquee content will move across the screen. The default value is 'normal'.


Specifies the type of marquee. The default value is 'none'.


Determines whether an object element should be treated as part of a page or an external resource that the user will explicitly retrieve. It is a list of two possible values in order of preference. The default value is 'integral external'.


Sets the style of the menu. The default value is 'static'.


Specifies how images are used in menuitems. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies whether an image, text or both are active when both are present. Only one image style and one text style can be shown in a single menuitem. The default value is 'both'.


Specifies how the menuitems will be bound to instances of a pane in a spatial iterator. The default value is 'none'.


Sets the order in which image and text menuitems are used when both are present. The default value is 'image-first'.


Defines the orientation of the contents of a menuitem when more than one item is present. Some combinations of menu orientation and this property may not be supported on every protocol. The default value is 'horizontal'.


Specifies whether or not shortcuts are active for the menuitems in a menu. The default value is 'active'.


Sets the spacing between groups. The default value is 'non-breaking-space'.


Specifies the style of menu to use. The default value is 'default'.


Specifies the orientation of menuitems and shard links. The default value is 'vertical'.


Specifies the literal character(s) to be used as a separator. The default value is '-'.


Specifies the name of an image or image policy to use as a separator. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies where the separators are located in relation to groups. The default value is 'after'.


Specifies the number of times to repeat the separator. The default value is '0'.


Specifies whether to use characters or an image policy between groups. The default value is 'none'.


Specifies how text is used in menuitems. The default value is 'plain'.


Specifies whether an element is to be moved from one place to another using client-side scripting, and allows page authors to control inheritance of styles. Please note that an element is moved only if it is parent changes; any other change, including moving an ancestor does not count as moving the element. The default value is 'immobile'.


Specifies the number of slideshow repetitions. The default value is 'infinite'. See also: Creating a gallery.


Defines the number of rows in a text input control. The default value is '1'.


Sets the order of the captions and controls in the display if both occupy the same pane. The default value is 'caption-first'.


Specifies the type of the selection list input controls. The default value is 'default'.


Specifies the event that triggers display of a selection list. The default value is 'normal'.


Time, in seconds, after which a slideshow will be automatically launched if there is no activity in the corresponding Gallery widget. The default value is 'none'. See also: Creating a gallery.


Sets all font properties to the values in the selected system font on the user's machine.


Specifies the number of rows displayed on a single page of the table. Only rows from the table body are taken into account, i.e. header and footer are omitted. The default value is 'infinite'. See also: Creating a dynamic table.


Adds blink decoration. The default value is 'none'.


Adds linethrough decoration. The default value is 'none'.


Page authors can use the overflow property to specify that the content of a block-level element should be clipped when it overflows its container, and then use the mcs-text-overflow-style property to provide users with a visual indication that the content has been clipped. The default value is 'clip'. See also: Text overflow.


Adds overline decoration. The default value is 'none'.


You use the mcs-text-shadow property to create a blurred and shifted copy of a text that is intended to imitate a shadow effect. The property accepts a sequence of comma-separated rules; each rule defines a single shadow effect. See also: Text shadows.


Adds underline decoration. The default value is 'none'.


Describes the event on which a submenu should be unfolded. Used by the Folding Item, Field Expander, and Dynamic Menu widgets. The default value is 'focus'.


Specifies the duration in seconds of the content replacement in a Carousel widget. The default value is '1s'. See also: Creating a carousel.


This is a shorthand property for: mcs-transform-origin-x, mcs-transform-origin-y and mcs-transform-origin-z. The shorthand has the following syntax:


Specifies the X coordinate of the origin for the transformations applied to an element. The default value is '50%'.


Specifies the Y coordinate of the origin for the transformations applied to an element. The default value is '50%'.


Specifies the Z coordinate of the origin for the transformations applied to an element. The default value is '0'.


Specifies how nested elements should be rendered in 3D space. The default value is 'flat'.


Controls actions that will occur after a validation failure. Used by the Simple and Multiple Forms Validator widget. Applies to the input element. The default value is 'none'. See also: Using forms validator widgets.