Flexible box properties


Style properties used for formatting of flexible boxes. Refer to the topic entitled ui:flexible-box for details.


Control Description Options Property
Align Specifies how the children of an element are placed and aligned along the direction perpendicular to the orientation of the box, and where the extra space, if any, should be positioned. baseline, center, end, start, stretch theme_box_flex_prop.html#mcs-box-align
Flexibility Specifies the relative flexibility of the selected element. <number> theme_box_flex_prop.html#mcs-box-flex
Orientation Specifies whether a box should lay out its children horizontally or vertically. horizontal, vertical theme_box_flex_prop.html#mcs-box-orient



Specifies how the children of an element are placed and aligned along the direction perpendicular to the orientation of the box, and where the extra space, if any, should be positioned. The default value is 'stretch'.

Option Description
baseline The value of 'baseline' has two meanings. If the box orientation is horizontal, all children will be placed with their baselines aligned, and extra space placed before or after as necessary. If the box orientation is vertical, then 'baseline' is treated in the same way as 'center'.
center Indicates that any extra space should be divided evenly, with half placed before the child and the other half placed after the child.
end Indicates that the bottom edge of each child should be placed along the bottom edge of the box, and any extra space should be placed before the element.
start Indicates that the top edge of each child should be placed along the top edge of the containing box and any extra space should be placed after the element.
stretch Indicates that the height of each child should be adjusted to the height of the containing block.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Specifies the relative flexibility of the selected element.

Option Description
<number> Specifies the relative flexibility of the selected element. It allows floating point values. Values other than '0' indicate that the element can shrink or grow depending on the available space.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Specifies whether a box should lay out its children horizontally or vertically. The default value is 'horizontal'.

Option Description
horizontal Indicates that the box should display its children from left to right in a horizontal line.
vertical Indicates that the box should display its children stacked from top to bottom vertically.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
    <title>Flexible box demo</title>
    <ui:flexible-box style="width: 100%;">
      <xforms:model id="search">
        <xforms:submission id="search-submit" action="search.xdime"/>
      <xforms:input style="mcs-box-flex: 2" model="search" ref="query">
      <xforms:submit style="mcs-box-flex: 1" model="search" submission="search-submit">
    <ui:flexible-box style="width: 50%;">
      <div style="background:blue; mcs-box-flex: 1;">1</div>
      <div style="background:red; mcs-box-flex: 2;">2</div>
      <div style="background:green; mcs-box-flex: 3;">3</div> 

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