Chart properties


Chart style properties set values for chart adornment and labels, colors, percentage size, and axis angles.


Control Description Options Property
Adornments Specifies whether or not to display adornments like labels that might clutter a small screen. all, none  theme_chart_prop.html#mcs-chart-adornments
Foreground colors A comma-separated list of foreground color values to match the number of chart data sets. Color values may be predefined or system color names, RGB or hexadecimal values. You select predefined and system color values from a dropdown lists. If you use the color picker to select or define a color, MCS inserts a hexidecimal value. <color>  theme_chart_prop.html#mcs-chart-foreground-colors
Grid color Sets the chart grid color. Color values may be predefined or system color names, RGB or hexadecimal values. You select predefined and system color values from a dropdown lists. If you use the color picker to select or define a color, MCS inserts a hexidecimal value. <color>  theme_chart_prop.html#mcs-chart-grid-color
Height/Width Specifies the height and width as a % of the display. <percentage>  theme_chart_prop.html#mcs-chart-height, theme_chart_prop.html#mcs-chart-width
Label Values Specifies whether or not the chart values should be labeled. no, yes  theme_chart_prop.html#mcs-chart-label-values
X/Y Axis Rotation and units of the graph to produce a three dimensional effect on the axes. <deg>, <grad>, <rad>  theme_chart_prop.html#mcs-chart-axis-angle



Whether or not to display adornments like labels that might clutter a small screen. The default value is 'none'.

Option Description
all Indicates that adornments should be displayed.
none No adornments will be displayed.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

A comma-separated list of foreground color values to match the number of chart data sets.

Option Description
<color> The foreground color represented by a color name or a hex code.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Specifies the chart grid color. The default value is 'black'.

Option Description
<color> The grid color represented by a color name or a hex code.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Specifies the height of a chart as a % of the display. The default value is '100%'.

Option Description
<percentage> Specifies the height in percent of the height of the containing element.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Whether or not the chart values should be labeled. The default value is 'no'.

Option Description
no The chart values should not be labeled.
yes The chart values should be labeled.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Specifies the width of a chart as a % of the display. The default value is '100% '.

Option Description
<percentage> Specifies the width in percent of the width of the containing element.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.
mcs-chart-x-axis-angle, mcs-chart-y-axis-angle

Rotation and units (deg, grad, rad) of the graph to produce a three dimensional effect on the axes. The default value is '0'.

Option Description
<angle> The angle through which the selected axis of the chart should be rotated.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

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