Position properties


Defines a layout positioning scheme of generated boxes. These affect the positioning properties of any floating elements.


Control Description Options Property
Caption Side Specifies the position of a caption in relation to a table. bottom, top  theme_position_prop.html#caption-side
Position Sets an absolute or relative position of a box in relation to the normal text flow. absolute, fixed, relative, static  theme_position_prop.html#position
Top/Right/Bottom/Left Controls offsets and units applied to a box depending on the Position value. auto, <length>, <percentage>  theme_position_prop.html#top_right_bottom_left
Clear Specifies whether the current element allows preceding elements to float along its sides. both, left, none, right  theme_position_prop.html#clear
Float Specifies whether a box should float or not. left, none, right  theme_position_prop.html#float
Vertical Align Sets the relative vertical positioning in a line. baseline, bottom, middle, super, sub, text-bottom, text-top, top, <length>, <percentage>  theme_position_prop.html#vertical-align
Direction Applies to any element and is used with the directionality specifier, in the layout, to alter the appearance of the markup generated by the MCS. ltr, rtl  theme_position_prop.html#direction
Z-Index Specifies the stack level of an element. auto, <integer> theme_position_prop.html#z-index



Specifies the position of a caption in relation to a table.

Option Description
bottom Indicates that the caption should be placed after the table.
top Indicates that the caption should be placed before the table.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Whether the current element allows preceding elements to float along its sides. The default value is 'none'.

Option Description
both No floating elements allowed.
left No floating elements allowed on the left side.
none Allows floating elements on both sides.
right No floating elements allowed on the right side.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Applies to any element and is used with the directionality specifier, in the layout, to alter the appearance of the markup generated by MCS. The default value is 'ltr'.

Option Description
ltr Indicates that the writing direction is left-to-right.
rtl Indicates that the writing direction is right-to-left.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Specifies whether a box should float or not. The default value is 'none'.

Option Description
left The element should float to the left.
none The element is not floated.
right The element should float to the right
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Specifies an absolute or relative position of a box in relation to the normal text flow. The default value is 'static'.

Option Description
absolute Generates an absolutely positioned element. The element should be positioned relative to the first parent element that has a position other than static. The position of the element must be specified using the left, top, right, and bottom properties.
fixed Generates an absolutely positioned element. The element should be positioned relative to the browser window. The position of the element is specified with the left, top, right, and bottom properties.
relative Generates a relatively positioned element. The element should be positioned relative to its normal position.
static Indicates that the element should occur in the normal flow.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.
top, right, bottom, left

Sets offsets and units applied to a box depending on the value of the position property. The default value is 'auto'.

Option Description
auto Indicates that the browser should calculate the edge position.
<length> Sets the edge position in length units.
<percentage> Sets the edge position in % of containing element.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Sets the relative vertical positioning in a line. The default value is 'baseline'.

Option Description
baseline Indicates that the baseline of the element should be aligned with the baseline of the parent element.
bottom Indicates that the bottom of the element should be aligned with the element on the line.
middle Specifies that the element should be placed in the middle of the parent element.
sub Indicates that the element should eb aligned as subscript.
super Indicates that the element should be aligned as superscript.
text-bottom Indicates that the bottom of the element should be aligned with the parent element's font.
text-top Specifies that the top of the element should be aligned with the parent element's font.
top Indicates that the top of the element should be aligned with the tallest element on the line.
<length> Lengthens or shrinks the element by the specified length.
<percentage> Raises or lowers the element in a percent of the "line-height" property.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.

Specifies the stack level of an element. The default value is 'auto'. Refer to the topic entitled Overlays for further information.

Option Description
auto The stack level of the generated box in the current stacking context is the same as its parent's box.
<integer> Specifies the stack level of the element. Elements with greater stack levels are formatted in front of elements with fewer stack levels. Elements may have negative stack levels.
inherit The value of the property should be inherited from the parent element.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
    <title>Position properties</title>
    <style type="text/css">
      .table1 {
        caption-side: bottom;
        clear: right;
        border-color: green;
        border-style: dotted;
        border-top-width: 15px;
        object {
          vertical-align: sub;
        .class1 {
          float: left
        .class2 {
          position: absolute;
          left: 100px;
          top: 120px;
          vertical-align: 20%;
    <div class="class1">
      <p>Antenna Software is the world leader in Intelligent Content Delivery solutions. </p>
    <div class="class2">
      <p><object src="http://localhost:8080/mcs/welcome/images/logo_sys_r_rgb_150.gif"
          srctype="image/gif"><param name="mcs-transcode" value="false"/></object>Antenna Software helps
        organizations solve the complexity of delivering the true mobile Internet to thousands of
        unique devices, without compromise, to the highest quality user experience, performance and
    <table class="table1">
      <caption>Antenna Software</caption>
        <td>Web Server</td>

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