Box shadows

Page authors can use the mcs-box-shadow property to create a blurred and shifted copy of an element that is intended to imitate a shadow effect.

Page authors can use the mcs-box-shadow property to create a blurred and shifted copy of an element that is intended to imitate a shadow effect.

Box shadows

Using the mcs-box-shadow property

The mcs-box-shadow property accepts a sequence of comma-separated rules; each rule defines a single shadow effect:

mcs-box-shadow: inset <color> <offset-x> <offset-y> <blur-radius> <spread-radius>;



An optional keyword which, if present, changes the shadow from an outer shadow to an inner shadow.


The color for the shadow effect represented by a color name or a hex code.

<offset-x>, <offset-y>

Length values that define the horizontal and vertical distance of the shadow, relative to the element.


An optional length value that specifies the blur radius of the shadow; the higher the value, the bigger the blur effect and the shadow becomes wider and lighter. The default value is '0', i.e. no blur.


An optional length value that specifies the spread distance. A positive value causes the shadow to expand in all directions by the specified radius. A negative value causes the shadow to shrink. The default value is '0', i.e. the shadow will be of the same size as the element.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns=""
    <title>Box shadows</title>
    <style type="text/css">
      div.sample {
        background-color: #23516a;
        width: 250px;
        height: 30px;
        margin: 20px 20px 10px 20px;
        padding: 3px;
      div#simple {
        mcs-box-shadow: blue 4px 5px;
      div#blur {
        mcs-box-shadow: red 4px 5px 6px;
      div#spread {
        mcs-box-shadow: yellow 4px 5px 6px 7px;
      div#multi {                
        mcs-box-shadow: black 0 0 20px, yellow 20px 15px 30px, lime -20px 15px 30px, blue -20px -15px 30px, red 20px -15px 30px;
      div#simple_inset {
        mcs-box-shadow: inset green 10px 10px 20px;
      <div id="simple" class="sample"> Blue shadow </div>
        <pre>mcs-box-shadow: blue 4px 5px;</pre>
      <div id="blur" class="sample"> Red shadow with blur </div>
        <pre>mcs-box-shadow: red 4px 5px 6px;</pre>
      <div id="spread" class="sample"> Yellow shadow with blur and spread </div>
        <pre>mcs-box-shadow: yellow 4px 5px 6px 7px;</pre>
      <div id="simple_inset" class="sample"> Green inset shadow </div>
        <pre>mcs-box-shadow: inset green 10px 10px 20px;</pre>
      <div id="multi" class="sample"> Multi-color shadow </div>
           black 0 0 20px,
           yellow 20px 15px 30px,
           lime -20px 15px 30px,
           blue -20px -15px 30px,
           red 20px -15px 30px;</pre></div>

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