The mcs-config.xsd file is the XML schema for the mcs-config.xml configuration file.
The mcs-config.xsd file is the XML schema for the mcs-config.xml configuration file.
Name | Purpose |
adaptation | Compatibility options for the page adaptation process. |
address | The email address of the sender or recipient of the log report. |
anonymous-data-source | Creates an anonymous data source from a password protected one. An anonymous data source does not need to be provided with the user name and password in order to connect to the database. A password protected data source must be supplied with a user name and password in order to connect to the database. |
application-plugins | Defines applications related to MCS. |
argument | Arguments specified as name-value pairs. |
Assets elements | Several elements containing default URL values are defined in the assets section of the mcs-config.xsd file. For convenience they are grouped here rather than under individual element names. |
assets | Project specific configuration relating to assets. |
cache | Defines cache values. |
caching-operation | Container for pipeline cache definitions. |
chartimages | Specifies the directory used by MCS for generated chart information. |
class-resource | Identifies a resource that can be found on the class path. |
client-framework2 | The Client Framework 2 compatibility options. |
client-round-trip-encryption | Security configuration for defining how to encrypt the data that is sent to the server and back to the client. MCS uses a password based encryption mechanism to create a key that is used to both encrypt and decrypt any data that is intended to sent to the server and back to and from the client. |
config | Container for email configuration. |
connection | Defines default settings for all remote connections made by pipeline processes. The timeout attribute contains the default value for the following processes. |
connection-pool | Creates a pooled connection pool from an anonymous unpooled data source. |
compatibility | Contains configuration options that allow MCS to retain backward compatibility. Many of these options can be overridden for a specific XDIME page using meta properties. Please note that those options that can select deprecated behavior are temporary and will be removed when the deprecated behavior is removed. |
custom | Specifies the location of the custom device repository policies. |
data-sources | Container for multiple named datasource definitions. |
debug | Enables generation of XDIME comments in rendered pages, and output of rendered pages to the log file. |
debug-output | Defines a directory to contain the pipeline debug output that is specified in the pipeline:serialize element. |
default | Required container for default project information. |
devices | Container for device repository definitions. |
Container for email information. |
e-mail-sending | Enables or disables email report production. The content is restricted to the values 'enable' and 'disable'. Disabling email does not stop logging. |
exclude-device | Prevents MCS from handling responses to requests from one or more devices defined in the servlet-filter section of the mcs-config.xml file. If the device has children in the device tree, all the children are excluded as well as the named device. Excluded requests are passed through. |
external-generation | MCS will generate external style sheets where possible when this element is present. Some protocol/device combinations may not allow this, in which case the style sheet will be generated inline within the page. |
external-preferences-repository | Defines an external repository used for holding information about users and their preferences. |
file-repository | The file location of the device policies. |
filter | Defines the pipeline configuration for rendering scripts in HTTP sources. |
from | Address details of the sender of the log report. |
generated-resources | Defines a project-specific prefix for the chartimages element entry. MCS appends the base-dir value to the web-application element's base-url and page-base attributes, and follows it with the setting in chartimages element's base attribute. |
host | The URI of the SMTP server. |
initial-context | Defines the starting context for resolving JNDI names. The contained parameters element can be used if a particular directory service needs initialization values to be passed to it. |
initialize | Container for the initialization arguments passed to the initialize method of the plugin class. |
inline-metadata | Enables a secondary MCS repository. |
internal-generation | If this element is present in releases prior to MCS 3.5, MCS will cache internal style sheets in memory using the values in the contained cache element. |
internal-preferences-repository | Defines part of an internal MCS repository used for information about users and their preferences. |
jdbc-driver | Allows a JDBC driver to be used as a datasource. |
jdbc-policies | Indicates that the project's policies are stored in a JDBC database. |
jdbc-repository | Specifies that the MCS repository is a JDBC repository. The name of the repository is defined in the jdbc-policies element. |
jdbc-repository | Refers to the project containing the device information in a JDBC datasource. This is the same datasource as the one defined in the local-repository element. |
jndi-configuration | Contains the definition of a configuration of one or more JNDI datasources. |
jndi-data-source | Allows a data source to be retrieved from a JNDI service. |
jndi-mbean-server | Specifies that MCS will register its MBeans with the specified JNDI resource. This element should be used when MCS is deployed on the application server that allows arbitrary objects to be stored in JNDI. This element is mutually exclusive with platform-mbean-server. |
jsp | Controls the use and behavior of JSP pages. |
libraries | Container for a list of libraries. |
library | A reference to a library. |
local-repository | Defines the MCS repository to be used. |
log4j | Contains a reference to the file MCS uses for logging configuration. |
log-file | Contains the URI of the device log file. If no name is provided, a log file will be created automatically in the same directory as MCS or DRWS configuration file. |
logging | Container for logging information for devices that are not known to the device repository. |
management | Container for management information definitions. |
markup-extension | Defines a single custom pipeline markup extension that can contain either a process or a rule element. |
markup-extensions | Container for all custom pipeline markup definitions. This single element may contain multiple markup-extension elements. |
markup-plugin | Markup plugins are custom Java classes using the com.volantis.mcs.integration.MarkupPlugin interface. |
media-access-proxy | Defines the location the Media Access Proxy web application. |
mcs-agent | Configures the MCS Server Manager. |
mcs-config | The root element of the MCS configuration file. The contained elements follow the xs:all content model, so they may appear once only. The top-level elements local-repository, devices, and projects are required. |
mcs-database | Allows access to a database type that is known to MCS. |
mcs-plugins | Container for MCS plugin definitions. |
mime-packaging | Enables multipart MIME packaging. |
mime-type | Defines one or more MIME types to be matched in an HTTP response by the Servlet Filter. XDIME content is processed by MCS. Excluded content is passed through. |
modesets | Specifies the directory used by MCS for generated modeset information. |
module | Identifies a script module. |
object-pool | Specifies whether the protocols should pool objects. |
page-cache | Defines the global default page cache setting. Authors may override the default value with an alternative scope value on individual pages, using the cacheScope attribute on the canvas element. |
page-messages | Text added as comments to pages generated by MCS, provided that the output protocol supports comments. |
page-packaging | Container for packaging definitions. |
password | The optional password used for the SMTP service. |
period | The reporting interval of the report. Possible values are 'day', 'week' (default), 'month', 'quarter', 'year'. |
pipeline-configuration | Container for pipeline configuration elements. |
platform-mbean-server | Specifies that MCS will register its MBeans into the platform MBean server. This element should be used when MCS is deployed on the application server that exports a fixed set of MBean servers through JNDI. This element is mutually exclusive with jndi-mbean-server. |
plugins | Defines the names of custom Java classes that implement plugin interfaces. |
policy-cache | Controls the caching of policies in the MCS application. |
port | The optional port number of the SMTP server. |
process | Defines the class that implements a custom pipeline process. |
project | Optional container for project information. If you set the preload attribute to true for a remote-policies element, you must also provide a URL in the associated preload element. |
projects | Container for project information. A default project is required. In custom configurations of MCS there may be one or more optional project definitions. |
protocols | Container for configuration information that applies to specific protocols. |
proxy | Defines the settings for a proxy server. |
remote-policies | Container for remote policy values. |
remote-policy-quota | Defines the cache quota for a particular remote server and the policy cache of the containing cache quota type. |
remote-policy-quotas | Container for the policy quota elements for one or more remote servers. |
rule | Defines the rule to be associated with custom pipeline markup. |
script | Defines the pipeline configuration for scripts in HTTP sources. |
scripts | Specifies the directory used by MCS for generated script information. |
secondary-repository | Specifies a secondary MCS repository. Policies and variants can be created from external sources at runtime by calling the com.volantis.mcs.imdapi interface from a JSP. |
security | Contains security-related configuration. |
servlet-filter | Optional container for values that filter XDIME content. The filter identifies device requests that are to be excluded from MCS processing, and ensures that MCS handles only responses with XDIME content. |
servlet-resource | Identifies a resource that can be found within a servlet context. |
smtp | Contains SMTP server configuration elements. |
sql-driver | Contains the SQL datasource definitions for pipeline operations. |
standard | Specifies the location of the standard device repository policies. |
style-sheets | Controls the caching of generated stylesheets. |
subject | The subject of the email report. |
to | Address details of the recipient of the log report. |
page-tracking | Enables page-tracking features. |
transform | Configures DCI transform operations. |
uri-resource | Identifies a resource by a URI. |
user-name | The optional username used for the SMTP service. |
user-repositories | Enables additional plugins to the repository that hold information about users and their preferences. |
web-application | Configures MCS with a web application server. |
web-driver | Contains the proxy server and script reference definitions for the pipeline web driver. |
web-services-driver | Contains web service definitions for the pipeline web services driver. |
wml | Defines WML configuration in cases where the XDIME nativemarkup element is being rendered for WML. |
wsdl-catalog | Specifies alternative locations for WSDL documents. |
wsdl-entry | Defines a web service. The contained elements point to alternative locations for the resource. |
xdime | Configuration related to XDIME elements and processing thereof. |
xdime2 | Specifies compatibility options for styling XDIME 2 pages. |
xml-policies | Indicates that the project's policies are stored as XML. |
xml-repository | Specifies that the MCS repository is an XML repository. The location of the repository is defined in the xml-policies element. |