

Security configuration for defining how to encrypt the data that is sent to the server and back to the client. MCS uses a password based encryption mechanism to create a key that is used to both encrypt and decrypt any data that is intended to sent to the server and back to and from the client.

If no encryption configuration is provided, then no encryption can be performed, and therefore an attempt to use functionality that requires encryption will fail.

Refer to the topic entitled cf2:DataSource for more information.

Contained by


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
algorithm The algorithm to use for generating the key and encrypting the data. The supported algorithms will differ from one platform to another. The value specified here will be passed to the SecretKeyFactory.getInstance method. xs:string   required 
password The password to use when constructing the PBEKeySpec. xs:string   required 
iteration-count The iteration count to pass in when constructing the PBEKeySpec. xs:int   required 



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