Specifies compatibility options for styling XDIME 2 pages.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Options | Use |
styling-mode | Specifies the default mode of MCS when styling XDIME 2 pages. The default value of 'selective' indicates that MCS should only apply styles to certain types of elements, i.e. styling should be selective based on the element type. 'all' indicates that all elements should be styled irrespective of the element type. This is the recommended setting. The following elements are not styled in selective mode: access, head, html, link, meta, param, style, title, event:listener, mcs:br, mcs:handler, mcs:script, mcs:unit, si:instance, si:item, widget:field, widget:validate, xforms:model, xforms:instance and xforms:submission. This configuration option can be overridden for a specific XDIME page using the mcs:styling-mode meta property. |
xs:string | selective | all, selective | optional |
viewport-scaling-mode | Specifies whether or not the user should be able to zoom the page in and out. Refer to the topic entitled Viewport optimization for more information. This configuration option can be overridden for a specific XDIME page using the mcs:viewport-scaling-mode meta property. |
xs:string | auto | auto, user, disabled | optional |
<xdime2 styling-mode="selective"/>