

Configures MCS with a web application server.


The deprecated attributes will be removed from this reference in a later release. You should use the jdbc-repository or named-datasource elements to define datasources.

Contained by


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
anonymous If it is possible to access the connection pool anonymously, and no user name or password is required, this attribute can be set to true. The user and password attributes will then be ignored and the connection retrieved anonymously. xs:token false  true, false  deprecated 
app-server-name Identifies an application server interface for connection pool handling xs:string none    optional 
base-url Defines the effective URL of the server seen from a client. Used only when there is some URL mapping in use. xs:anyURI none    optional 
datasource The name of a data source. If the connection pool attribute is used this must be set. xs:string none    deprecated 
datasource-vendor The name of a data source vendor. If the connection pool attribute is used this must be set. xs:string none    deprecated 
internal-url Defines the absolute URL of the server as seen from the web application. Used only when there is no other more specific prefix, for example, from associated asset groups, for the absolute part of their URL. xs:anyURI none    optional 
jndi-provider The location of a JNDI provider. . xs:anyURI none    deprecated 
page-base Used as part of a URL when generating resources xs:string none    optional 
password The password. If the connection pool attribute is used this must be set. xs:string none    deprecated 

Controls whether the application server's connection pool should be used, if available. If the connection pool is used, the datasource-vendor, datasource, user and password attributes need to be set.


The user-server-connection-pool attribute should not be set to 'true' for Mobile Portal Accelerator.

xs:boolean false    deprecated 
user The user name. If the connection pool attribute is used this must be set. xs:string none    deprecated 
xml-reader The class name of an XML reader class xs:string none    deprecated 



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