

Compatibility options for the page adaptation process.

Contained by


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use

Specifies whether the table flattening transformation should be applied on a per device basis. The table flattening transformation simplifies the table structures within a page in order to overcome limitations of the device. It removes unnecessary elements and consequently the related stylistic information, possibly impacting the appearance of the page. The default value of 'true' means, that MCS should only apply the table flattening transformation if the device requires such optimization. The value of 'false' indicates that MCS must always use the transformation. Refer to the topic entitled Optimizing tables for further information.

This configuration option can be overridden for a specific XDIME page using the mcs:control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth meta property.

xs:boolean true  false, true  optional 


  <adaptation control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth="false"/>

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