

Optional container for project information. If you set the preload attribute to true for a remote-policies element, you must also provide a URL in the associated preload element.

Contained by



Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
identity The project identifier. The identifier is an http URL, it must end with a slash character ('/') and cannot contain any query parameters nor fragment components. If a named project is to be treated as a library, then this attribute is required. HttpURL     optional 
name The project URI xs:anyURI none    required 
preload Whether or not the project information is preloaded into the caches when MCS starts. xs:boolean none    optional 


<project name="">
  <xml-policies directory="/mcs-policies/product"/>
  <assets base-url="/wps/">
    <audio-assets prefix-url="/audio/"/>
    <dynamic-visual-assets prefix-url="/dynvis/"/>
    <image-assets prefix-url="/images/"/>
    <script-assets prefix-url="/scripts/"/>
    <text-assets prefix-url="/text/"/>

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