
XPages Registry Meta-Data APIs.


Interface Summary
ComplexDesignerExtension Intended to be placed in the extensions map for instances of FacesComplexDefinition.
ComponentDesignerExtension A meta data object that is generated based on the contents of xsp-config.xml.
CompositeComponentDesignerExtension A meta data extension used to describe a custom control.
DefinitionDesignerExtension A meta data extension used to describe an XPages component.
DesignerExtension An interface used by Domino Designer to read the design time meta data relating to an XPage artifact defined within xsp-config.
PropertyDesignerExtension This applies to both properties and attributes.

Class Summary
DesignerExtensionUtil A utility class that allows Domino Designer to retrieve component/property information from the FacesRegistry.
Icon An icon object that is generated based on the meta data for an XPages artifact in xsp-config.
RegistryContentsUtil A simple FacesRegistry utility that looks up FacesRegistry information for complex types such as simple actions and data sources.

Package Description

XPages Registry Meta-Data APIs.

This packages contains classes and interfaces that describe the tooling meta-data provided in xsp-config files that exist in the XPages runtime. In particular these classes and interfaces examine the XPages artifacts in the XFacesRegistry and provide information that can be used by Domino Designer to build tooling for those artifacts.