Interface FacesComplexDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
FacesDefinition, FacesExtensibleNode
All Known Subinterfaces:
FacesConverterDefinition, FacesValidatorDefinition

public interface FacesComplexDefinition
extends FacesDefinition

A definition for a class other than a UIComponent. These definitions are generally used to define properties on a component or on a FacesPropertyType.

A FacesComplexDefinition's name is used with it's namespaceUri to uniquely identify this FacesComponentDefinition from where it's referenced in a property. Or a lookup may be performed that matches the class returned from getJavaClass(). Or it may be referred to by an xsi:type defined in the .xsp page.

A FacesComplexDefinition's parent must always be null or a FacesComplexDefinition.

The value returned by is always a FacesLibrary.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAllowBindingSince()
          Used when a previous release of this complex type did not allow value bindings and did not implement ComponentBindingObject, but it now allows bindings and implements that interface, since the given version number.
 java.lang.String getComplexId()
          Similar to FacesComponentDefinition.getComponentType(), an identifier for this control which is often not the same as FacesDefinition.getId().
Methods inherited from interface
getDefaultFacesProperty, getDefaultProperty, getDefinedInlinePropertyNames, getDefinedPropertyNames, getFile, getFirstDefaultPrefix, getGroupTypeRefs, getId, getJavaClass, getNamespaceUri, getParent, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getReferenceId, getSince, getTagName, isDefinedProperty, isGroupProperty, isProperty, isTag
Methods inherited from interface
getExtension, setExtension

Method Detail


java.lang.String getAllowBindingSince()
Used when a previous release of this complex type did not allow value bindings and did not implement ComponentBindingObject, but it now allows bindings and implements that interface, since the given version number. The change in .java file generating behavior this causes, is to only output the setComponent call when setValueBinding has been called on complex-type object. The page version will only be increased to 8.5.1 when a run time value binding is set on the tag.



java.lang.String getComplexId()
Similar to FacesComponentDefinition.getComponentType(), an identifier for this control which is often not the same as FacesDefinition.getId().