Interface ComponentDesignerExtension

All Superinterfaces:
DefinitionDesignerExtension, DesignerExtension
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ComponentDesignerExtension
extends DefinitionDesignerExtension

A meta data object that is generated based on the contents of xsp-config.xml. The information contained in this object is used by Domino Designer to build tooling around the XPages component that this object describes.

See Also:

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCategoryId()
          Internally designer would use this to place the component in the proper category (by using this value as an id of a pre-existing category).
 java.lang.String getRenderMarkup()
          Some markup used by design to render the control instead of the regular rendering.
 java.lang.String getSelectedEvent()
          The name of this component's event FacesProperty that is selected by default in designer.
 boolean isDeprecated()
          To display a warning in the Problems view when this deprecated control is used in an XPage.
 boolean isGenerateId()
          Some controls should not automatically generate an id.
 boolean isInPalette()
          Whether the component or composite-component should appear in the component palette.
 boolean isVisible()
          Whether the component should appear nested within it's container in designer.
Methods inherited from interface
getDescription, getDisplayName, getIcon

Method Detail


java.lang.String getCategoryId()
Internally designer would use this to place the component in the proper category (by using this value as an id of a pre-existing category). If it isn't found, this value is used as the name of a new category to place the component into.

This is an unlocalizable string that may be null.


java.lang.String getSelectedEvent()
The name of this component's event FacesProperty that is selected by default in designer. The component's property must have a PropertyDesignerExtension where PropertyDesignerExtension.isEvent() returns true.



boolean isVisible()
Whether the component should appear nested within it's container in designer. E.g. The xf:selectItems tag isn't rendered within a combo box - the combo box itself renders it's items.



boolean isInPalette()
Whether the component or composite-component should appear in the component palette. Defaults to true if not set.


boolean isGenerateId()
Some controls should not automatically generate an id. For custom controls, the layout changes depending on whether an id is present, if it has an id then it must be rendered in a div and it appears on a new line. For the other controls where isGenerateId() is false, the id is not normally required and adding it just leads to clutter in the Source view of the .xsp file.

Whether or not an id should automatically be generated by default for this component.


java.lang.String getRenderMarkup()
Some markup used by design to render the control instead of the regular rendering.

The value is expected to correspond a chunk of xsp that will be used by designer to render the control at design time. Any valid XSP tag can be used, including references to images.
Moreover, the markup can contain JavaScript snippets, wrapped within <% and %> pseudo tag. These snippets will be executed before the markup is rendered and can generate any markup. For example, the javaScript code can evaluate property values, or loop against component properties. The JavaScript context gives access to the components design time properties through the 'this' keywords.

No validation is performed on the string to verify that it is xsp, nor that the JavaScript is valid.



boolean isDeprecated()
To display a warning in the Problems view when this deprecated control is used in an XPage. Defaults to false.