
XPages Property Panel Foundation Classes.


Class Summary
XSPBasicsPanel A panel that dynamically builds its contents based on what is available in the FacesRegistry for the selected control.
By default this panel will lay out its controls in two distinct columns.
XSPBasicsPanelNoOptions Creates a Basics properties panel that does not contain an Options Group box.
XSPBasicsPanelWithTextValue Creates a Basics panel that has an edit box to display/set the value attribute.
XSPBasicsPanelWithValue A properties panel that has a field where the user can enter a value for the 'value' attribute, so long as the given control has an attribute named 'value' or whatever is returned by the XSPBasicsPanel.getValueAttr() call.
XSPBasicsPanelWithValueNoOptions Creates a panel with a 'value' attribute entry field, but that does not have an Options group box.
XSPPropLayout1 A Composite that has one primary column.
XSPPropLayout2 A Composite that has two primary columns.

Package Description

XPages Property Panel Foundation Classes.

This package contains classes that allow users to create their own property panels for XPage controls. These classes provide core functionality such as panel layout. These panels are mainly intended to show the basic properties for a given XPage tag. The panels have built in functionality which queries the currently selected tag for attribute information and displays controls for those attributes based on the information in the FacesRegistry.