Interface DesignerExtension

All Known Subinterfaces:
ComplexDesignerExtension, ComponentDesignerExtension, CompositeComponentDesignerExtension, DefinitionDesignerExtension, PropertyDesignerExtension

public interface DesignerExtension

An interface used by Domino Designer to read the design time meta data relating to an XPage artifact defined within xsp-config.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns a description of the component.
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Returns the name of the artifact as it is to appear in the ui, e.g.
 Icon getIcon()
          Returns an Icon object that may be used by Domino Designer as a decorator for the artifact.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns a description of the component. The description may be used as a tooltip within Domino Designer.

a short descriptive string, may be null.


java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Returns the name of the artifact as it is to appear in the ui, e.g. "Edit Box" etc.

the display name of the artifact


Icon getIcon()
Returns an Icon object that may be used by Domino Designer as a decorator for the artifact.

an icon object that contains a large icon and small icon
See Also: