Class PropLayoutGroupBox

  extended by org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget
      extended by org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
          extended by org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Scrollable
              extended by org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite
                  extended by
                      extended by
                          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PropLayoutGroupBox
extends PropLayout2

Layout for a single column of paired controls, and a column with a group box in it.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Constructor Summary
PropLayoutGroupBox(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, int style)
          Constructs a new instance of the class given the parent Composite, and style flags which are used to set the look/behavior of the control.
Method Summary
protected  void createGroupBoxContents(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group groupBox)
          Override to fill contents of the group box.
protected  void createRightContents(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite rightChild)
          Create the group box and initalize its layout.
protected  java.lang.String getGroupTitle()
          Override to return the title for the right column's group box.
protected  int getNumGroupBoxColumns()
          Override to specify the number of columns inside the group box.
protected  int getNumRightColumns()
          Right column should only have a single column, containing the Group box.
Methods inherited from class
createChildComposites, createColumnGridData, createContents, createLeftContents, getNumLeftColumns, getNumParentColumns, isFirstColumnUsed, isSecondColumnUsed
Methods inherited from class
addStateDependantChild, afterPanelCreation, cacheToolTip, checkEnableText, checkSelection, createChildLayout, createColorButton, createCombo, createCombo, createComboComputed, createComboComputed, createComboComputed, createComboComputed, createControlGDBigWidth, createControlGDDefWidth, createControlGDFill, createControlGDMultiLine, createControlGDNoWidth, createControlGDSmallWidth, createControlNonComputedGD, createDCCheckBox, createDCCheckBox, createDCCheckboxComputed, createDCCheckboxComputed, createDCCheckboxComputed, createDCCheckboxComputed, createDCLabel, createDCRadioButton, createDCText, createDCText, createDCTextComputed, createDCTextComputed, createDCTextComputed, createDCTextComputed, createDCTextComputedPositiveIntegerOnly, createDCTextNoWidth, createExtraIndentGD, createFillGD, createFillSpanGD, createFormatBean, createGroupBoxGridData, createGroupBoxLayout, createHeading, createHeightWidthSection, createIndentGD, createLabel, createLabel, createLabelSpanGD, createMultiLineText, createMultiLineTextComputed, createNoMarginGridLayout, createPanel, createResetButton, createResetButton, createSizeTextGD, createSpanGD, createTableSpanGD, createToggleButton, createUnitsGD, createUnitsTextAndCombo, createUnitsTextAndCombo, dispose, finishCreation, getComputedExtraWidthHint, getContextHelpId, getControlBigWidthHint, getControlForText, getControlForUnits, getControlIndentAmt, getControlSmallWidthHint, getControlWidthHint, getCSSLookup, getCurrentParent, getDataNode, getDefaultBackgroundColor, getDefaultTextCols, getExtraIndentAmt, getFigureContext, getHeightHint, getLabelToolTipText, getResetImage, handleTooltip, initialize, initLayout, installScrolledCompositeListeners, panelCreated, removeStateDependantChild, resetControlListeners, runAfterCreation, setCurrentParent, setFigureContext, showTooltips, useDCPanel
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite
changed, checkSubclass, computeSize, drawBackground, getBackgroundMode, getChildren, getLayout, getLayoutDeferred, getTabList, isLayoutDeferred, layout, layout, layout, layout, layout, setBackgroundMode, setFocus, setLayout, setLayoutDeferred, setTabList
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Scrollable
computeTrim, getBorderWidth, getClientArea, getHorizontalBar, getVerticalBar
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
addControlListener, addDragDetectListener, addFocusListener, addGestureListener, addHelpListener, addKeyListener, addMenuDetectListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMoveListener, addMouseTrackListener, addMouseWheelListener, addPaintListener, addTouchListener, addTraverseListener, computeSize, dragDetect, dragDetect, forceFocus, getAccessible, getBackground, getBackgroundImage, getBounds, getCursor, getDragDetect, getEnabled, getFont, getForeground, getLayoutData, getLocation, getMenu, getMonitor, getOrientation, getParent, getRegion, getShell, getSize, getToolTipText, getTouchEnabled, getVisible, internal_dispose_GC, internal_new_GC, isEnabled, isFocusControl, isReparentable, isVisible, moveAbove, moveBelow, pack, pack, print, redraw, redraw, removeControlListener, removeDragDetectListener, removeFocusListener, removeGestureListener, removeHelpListener, removeKeyListener, removeMenuDetectListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMoveListener, removeMouseTrackListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePaintListener, removeTouchListener, removeTraverseListener, setBackground, setBackgroundImage, setBounds, setBounds, setCapture, setCursor, setDragDetect, setEnabled, setFont, setForeground, setLayoutData, setLocation, setLocation, setMenu, setOrientation, setParent, setRedraw, setRegion, setSize, setSize, setToolTipText, setTouchEnabled, setVisible, toControl, toControl, toDisplay, toDisplay, traverse, traverse, traverse, update
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget
addDisposeListener, addListener, checkWidget, getData, getData, getDisplay, getListeners, getStyle, isDisposed, isListening, notifyListeners, removeDisposeListener, removeListener, removeListener, reskin, setData, setData, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PropLayoutGroupBox(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                          int style)
Constructs a new instance of the class given the parent Composite, and style flags which are used to set the look/behavior of the control. The Composite creates two outer columns which contain an inner Composite with x number of columns. The number of inner columns is defined by PropLayout2.getNumLeftColumns() and getNumGroupBoxColumns().

The style value is either one of the style constants defined in class SWT which is applicable to instances of this class, or must be built by bitwise OR'ing together (that is, using the int "|" operator) two or more of those SWT style constants. Style bits are also inherited from superclasses.

parent - a Composite control which will be the parent of the new instance (CANNOT be null).
style - the style of control to construct
Method Detail


protected void createGroupBoxContents(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group groupBox)
Override to fill contents of the group box. Subclasses SHOULD override this method

groupBox - the parent Group control


protected int getNumGroupBoxColumns()
Override to specify the number of columns inside the group box.


protected java.lang.String getGroupTitle()
Override to return the title for the right column's group box. By default, its US translated value is "Options".

returns the title of the group control


protected int getNumRightColumns()
Right column should only have a single column, containing the Group box.


getNumRightColumns in class PropLayout2
returns 2 by default


protected void createRightContents(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite rightChild)
Create the group box and initalize its layout.


createRightContents in class PropLayout2
rightChild - the right child Composite