IBM Developer Workbench Version - Release notes
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Table of contents
1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
3.0 Notices and trademarks
1.0 About this
Developer Workbench Version contains enhancements and fixes to
the version 9.1 release.
Back to the table of contents.
1.1 New in this release.
Developer Workbench Version provides the following new features:
- Support for DB2 for z/OS Version 9:
- You can create a JDBC connection to DB2 for z/OS Version 9 in the Database
- You can use the workbench to create, test, and deploy the following types
of routines that target DB2 for z/OS Version 9 in a data development project:
- SQL native stored procedures, including multiple versions of native stored
- SQL external stored procedures
- Java (JDBC and SQLJ) stored procedures
- SQL scalar user-defined functions
- You can use the workbench to develop Java stored procedures that target
DB2 for z/OS Version 9 that depend on classes in JAR files other than the
JAR file that the stored procedure is deployed in. You can import a JAR
file to a data development project to allow this type of Java stored procedure
to compile and package locally. You can also use the workbench to deploy
or drop a JAR file from a database server, and view the properties of deployed
JAR files from the Database Explorer.
- You can use the integrated stored procedure debugger in the workbench to
debug stored procedures that target DB2 for z/OS Version 9.
- Translated documentation and user-interface text for OLE DB and XML UDFs. See the documentation correction section of these release notes for information about some prerequisite steps that must be completed before you can create OLE DB or XML UDFs.
- Support for the .db2 extension with files that contain SQL statements and scripts. In addition to files with .sql and .ddl extensions, you can edit and import SQL files that have a .db2 extension.
- Support for creating a single package for SQLJ stored procedures. To create a single package, specify an isolation level in the Bind Options field of the Deploy Routines wizard.
- Support for saving routines with errors. When you save a routine in the
Routine Editor that contains errors, you see a message that shows that
there are errors in the source code, but you can save the source code with
the errors so you do not lose your work.
Back to the table of contents.
1.2 Product fix
The following known problems from version 9.1 or have been fixed:
- Before you delete a project, close the open routines and SQL editors that belong to the project. If you do not close the open routines and SQL editors, though the project and its contents will still be deleted, you will see error messages.
- If you are debugging a Java stored procedure that calls a second Java stored procedure, you cannot debug the second stored procedure. You cannot step into the nested store procedure and any breakpoints that you set in the nested stored procedure will be ignored. This restriction is for DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
1.3 Known limitations and problems
This release contains the following known limitations and problems.
- General
- In order to launch Developer Workbench on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, add
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=<location of mozilla>
to /opt/IBM/DWB/V9.1/dwb_prod/shortcut_dwb
- If you define a table that contains XML data, but does not include a primary
key, updating the XML column will fail in the table editor. You must add
a primary key or unique index to the table that contains the XML data.
- XQuery development in the XQuery builder is only supported in data development projects that are associated with DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Version 9 connections.
- After you create a federated server in the Database Explorer, the newly
created server will not automatically be displayed in the Defined Server
folder. You must refresh the folder to see the new server.
- On Linux, if your system uses JDK 1.4.1 as it's default JDK, Developer
Workbench processes may not get closed when you exit DWB. To avoid this
problem, use the JDK that DWB supplies:
- Routine development
- User-defined types (UDTs) are not supported as parameters for routines.
- Visual Explain is not available for user-defined functions that target
DB2 for z/OS databases. The workbench only supports expressions, not statements,
for z/OS user-defined functions.
- When you first create a routine in a data development project, Visual Explain options might not be available in the New Stored Procedure wizard, the New User-Defined Function wizard, or the routine editor. To work around this problem, close and reopen the workspace and the Visual Explain options are enabled.
- When deploying a stored procedure or a user-defined function using the
Ant deployment feature, the following message might appear if you do not
have the tools.jar file located in your classpath:
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in F:\jre\1.4.2\lib\tools.jar
. Ignore this message. tools.jar is part of the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE), not part of the Ant deployment feature.
- To deploy Java stored procedures that target DB2 UDB for iSeries from the file
system by using Ant deploy, you must ensure that you have the jt400.jar in your
system classpath.
- When you create a Java stored procedure and change the method name, right-clicking in the editor and clicking Save does not work. To save the updated stored procedure, click File > Save.
- If you attempt to deploy an exported stored procedure by using the instructions in DeployInstructions.txt, you might get an error message that says :
...[createsp] Could not connect to the target database. [createsp]
To work around this issue, ensure that db2jcc.jar and the appropriate license files are in your system classpath.
- Before you delete a data development project, close the open routines and
SQL editors that belong to the project. If you do not close the open routines
and SQL editors, the project and its contents will still be deleted, but
you will see error messages.
- You might see a
cannot load class
error when you deploy or run Java stored procedures. This can happen if there is a mismatch in JDK version between RAD v7 and the DB2 server, if the DB2 server is on a down-level JDK. To prevent this error, you should specify the "-source 1.4" option in the Compile
options field of the Deploy Routines wizard when you are deploying
Java stored procedures against servers that use a JDK level of 1.4. (for
example, a DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows V8.2 server). In
general, use the appropriate compilation option "-source JDK level " to match
the JDK level on the database server.
- If you drag and drop a stored procedure or UDF between unlike servers (for
example, from a DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows server to a DB2 UDB for
z/OS server), you will see a warning during the drag and drop operation about
certain incompatibilities between the two servers. If you continue with the
operation and then try to open the stored procedure or UDF, you might see an
- Running SQL Profiling against a DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows V8.2 server
may cause a null pointer exception if the server is missing the prerequisite
stored procedure (SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGECCSID) that is required by the JCC driver
to retrieve error message text. To work around this issue, you can create a
connection to the server without the retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage=true
- During monitoring of the execution of SQL procedures, profiling events
are generated for DML statements such as INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE
that are issued in the procedure. However, events are not generated in
a deterministic fashion for procedural statements for variable assignments
and control structures such as WHILE or IF. Therefore, tuning data will
not be captured for these procedural statements.
- Stored procedure debugger
- When you are connected to a UNIX DB2 server, timeout exceptions can occur when
you are adding breakpoints or running in debug mode.
- The debugger does not run for a stored procedure whose name contains both
English and Chinese characters.
- Watch expressions are only supported for dynamic Java stored procedures. They
are not supported for SQL and SQLJ stored procedures.
- The debugger does not stop at a breakpoint if it is not positioned at the first
token of an executable statement, such as SET. In addition, it does not stop on
- If you are debugging a Java stored procedure and you select a Terminate action,
it might take several minutes for the debug session to fully terminate. New
debug sessions that are started during this time may behave erratically.
- When you are debugging a Java stored procedure that is called from another SQL or Java stored procedure, the Step Return button is disabled. To work around this problem, you can add a breakpoint at the next line of the calling stored procedure and then click Resume to get back to the calling stored procedure.
- When a Java stored procedure calls another stored procedure and then you step back into the Java stored procedure, you might stop in some intermediate Java code. To work around this problem, use the Step Return button to return to Java stored procedure stack frame.
- If you get a
Timeout occurred while waiting for packet
error while you are debugging a Java stored procedure, try increasing the Java timeout setting. To increase the Java timeout setting, click Window >
Preferences from the workbench menu bar. Expand the
Java node and click Debug. On the Debug
preferences page, increase the Debugger timeout(ms) value in
the Communication timeout section. It is recommended that you
at least double the default value.
- When you are debugging a Java stored procedure, if you use the Change
Value action to modify a variable that has an empty string value, the
OK button in the edit dialog might not become enabled. To
enable the button, select the Input an evaluation radio button,
set the value to a non-empty string (for example, 'a'), and then select the
Input literal text radio button. The OK button
will then be available.
- If you do not see local variables when you are debugging a Java stored
procedure, the stored procedure might have been deployed without the -g compiler
option. Ensure that you specify the -g compiler option when you deploy Java
stored procedures.
- If you see an 'invalid stack frame' message in the Variables view, go to the
Debug view and click on the thread object above the stack frame and then click
on the stack frame. This should refresh the Variables view and the error should
no longer appear.
- When you are debugging an SQLJ stored procedure that is running on DB2 UDB for
iSeries V5 R4, the current line that is being executed will not correspond to
the indicated SQLJ source line displayed in the Debug view unless you have
applied an iSeries PTF that updates the linemap to correspond to the SQLJ source
instead of the Java source.
- Debugger preferences for session manager timeout are not recognized. These
preferences are set as follows: Click Window >
Preferences, expand the Run/Debug node, and click
DB2 Stored Procedure Debugger. Modify the Session
manager timeout in minutes field.
- The debugger cannot process a stored procedure that has large number of
variables on DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. The maximum number of variables
is 200.
- Cursor movement in a debug session: In some cases, when there is more than one
variable declaration in a procedure, you must click Step Into
or Step Over more than once in order to move to the next line.
For example, you must click twice on this line: DECLARE v_dept, v_actdept
CHAR(3); and three times on this line: DECLARE v_bonus, v_deptbonus, v_newbonus
DECIMAL(9,2); You must click a number of times equal to the number of variable
- If you start a debug session for a Java stored procedure and add breakpoints,
then disable the breakpoints, the breakpoints are still enabled. To work around
this issue, when you start a new debug session, you should first remove all of
the old breakpoints and then add new breakpoints.
- In some cases when you are working with multiple data development projects, you
might see an error when you attempt to debug a stored procedure that says
"Unable to locate stored procedure PROCNAME. Procedure may have been deleted
from workspace" or "Source not found".
- If you are debugging a SQL stored procedure right after you terminate a debug
session of a Java stored procedure, the debugger might shows "User defined
function ... has been interrupted by the user." To work around this issue, try
debugging the SQL stored procedure again.
1.4 Documentation corrections
- In the topic called "Using Visual Explain for routines" there
is an incorrect statement about which servers are supported for Visual
Explain. Visual Explain is supported on the following operating system
and servers:
Visual Explain is available on the Windows(R) platform. The following servers
are supported:
- DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, Version 8.2
- DB2 Version 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
- DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 7 and Version 8
- The following prerequisites are required before you can create OLE DB UDFs
with Developer Workbench:
- DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, Version 8 or later.
- OLE DB 2.0 or later, available from Microsoft at If you attempt to invoke an OLE DB table function without first installing OLE DB, DB2(R) issues SQLCODE -465, SQLSTATE 58032, reason code 35. For the system requirements and OLE DB providers available for your data sources, refer to your data source documentation. For the OLE DB specification, see the Microsoft OLE DB 2.0 Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK, Microsoft Press, 1998.
- db2olefn.dll must be registered on your computer. To
register this DLL file, enter regsvr32 DB2installdir\sqllib\function\db2olefn.dll on a
command line, where DB2installdir is the root directory
where you installed DB2.
- The following prerequisites are required before you can create XML UDFs
with Developer Workbench:
- DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, Version 8 or later.
- If you want to perform XSL transformations on the XML document prior to
processing, your target database must be enabled for the DB2 XML Extender.
When you enable the DB2 XML Extender, the XSLTransform UDFs that are provided
by the database engine are available on the target database to perform
the XSL transformation. For local databases, DB2 XML Extender enablement
occurs automatically. To enable a remote database for XML Extender, enter
dxxadm enable_db sample
from the DB2installdir\sqllib\bin
directory on a command line, where sample is your target database, and DB2installdir is the directory in which you installed DB2.
- The following actions are not available when you are working with an offline
connection in the Database Explorer. This information is missing from the
topic called "Limitations for offline connections in the Database
- Setting before and after execution SQL statements, and setting the input or inout parameters through the Run Settings menu action.
- Debugging stored procedures against the current server.
Back to the table of contents.
2.0 Installation
2.1 Hardware and software requirements
Hardware requirements
- Disk space: 50 MB
- Memory: 512 MB (1 GB recommended)
Software requirements
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Professional, Microsoft Windows 2003
Server, and Microsoft XP Professional
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
Back to the table of contents.
This section describes how to install IBM Developer Workbench Version
by using the Developer Workbench Product Updater. This fix pack is provided
as an update. You should download this fix pack directly from the IBM update
server. However, you can also download a ZIP file that contains this fix
pack for local installations. The following sections describe how to install
this fix pack.
- If you disabled any product features through the Update Manager by clicking Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration, or by modifying feature.xml files, you must re-enable them before you install this fix pack.
Install the fix pack with the same user account that installed IBM Developer
- IBM Developer Workbench cannot be open when you install this fix pack.
- On Windows(R) operating systems, you must use an account with Administrator privileges. On Linux(R) operating systems, you must use the root user account.
To install the fix pack, complete the following steps:
- Start the Developer Workbench Product Updater:
- On Windows operating systems, click Start > Programs > IBM DB2 Developer Workbench > DWB Product Updater.
- On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (GNOME desktop environment), open the main
menu and click Programming > DWB Product Updater.
- On SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (K Desktop Environment), open the main
menu and click IBM DB2 Developer Workbench > DWB Product Updater.
Note: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 and SuSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9.0, if you use a desktop environment other than the default,
the product shortcuts might not appear in the default location.
- Click Find Updates.
- By default, all available updates are selected. Ensure that you select IBM Developer Workbench Version
Tip: To view the description for this update, click the update. The
description is displayed in the Detailed information pane.
- Click Install Updates.
- To accept the license agreement and continue the installation, click OK.
Depending on the speed of your computer processor, the amount of RAM, and the
speed of your Internet connection, the update might take an extended period of
time to download and install.
After the installation is complete, the Developer Workbench Product Updater
lists the installed updates on the Installed Products page.
- Close the Developer Workbench Product Updater.
- Restart Developer Workbench with the
option so that the changes are picked up. For example: eclipse -clean
You should install the fix pack directly from the IBM update server; however,
it is also available for download. You might want to download and install the
fix pack in the following situations:
- You have a slow or unstable Internet connection and want to use a download
manager that can resume the download.
- You have difficulty accessing the live IBM update servers from behind a
- You prefer to download the fix pack and install it later.
To download and install the fix pack, complete the following steps:
- Download the fix pack from
- Extract the fix pack to a temporary directory, such as C:\temp.
- For installation instructions, navigate to C:\temp\dwbfp2\ and
open install_local_9102.html.
For product news, events, support, and other information, see the DB2 home
page at
3.0 Notices and trademarks
3.1 Notices
This information was developed for
products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the
products, services, or features discussed in this document in other
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This information could include
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Information concerning non-IBM
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3.2 Trademarks
IBM, Derby, Rational, DB2 Universal Database, and zSeries are trademarks
or registered trademarks of the IBM corporation in the United States, other
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Java and all Java-based trademarks
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Linux is a copyright of Linus
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Microsoft, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, and Windows XP are trademarks of
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Other company, product or service
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Back to the table of contents.