Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference

Table of Contents

About This Book

Who Should Use this Book
How this Book is Structured

Chapter 1. Export

Export Overview
Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization Required to Use Export
Using Export
Before Using Export
Invoking Export
Using Export with Identity Columns
Recreating an Exported Table
Exporting Large Objects (LOBs)
Exporting Data in Parallel
EXPORT Command
Export API
SQLUEXPT-OUT Data Structure
File Type Modifiers (Export)
Delimiter Restrictions
Example Export Sessions
CLP Examples
API Examples

Chapter 2. Import

Import Overview
Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization Required to Use Import
Using Import
Before Using Import
Invoking Import
Using Import in a Client/Server Environment
Using Import with Buffered Inserts
Using Import with Identity Columns
Using Import with Generated Columns
Recreating an Exported Table
Importing Large Objects (LOBs)
Importing User-defined Distinct Types (UDTs)
Table Locking During Import
IMPORT Command
Import API
SQLUIMPT-IN Data Structure
SQLUIMPT-OUT Data Structure
File Type Modifiers (Import)
Character Set and NLS Considerations
Example Import Sessions
CLP Examples
API Examples
Optimizing Import Performance
Restrictions and Limitations

Chapter 3. Load

Load Overview
Changes to Previous Load Behavior Introduced in Version 6 and Version 7
Parallelism and Loading
Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization Required to Use Load
Using Load
Before Using Load
Invoking Load
Using Load with Identity Columns
Using Load with Generated Columns
Checking for Constraints Violations
Restarting an Interrupted Load Operation
Using the Load Copy Location File
LOAD Command
Load API
Data Structure: SQLULOAD-IN
Data Structure: SQLULOAD-OUT
db2LoadQuery - Load Query API
File Type Modifiers (Load)
Exception Table
Dump File
Load Temporary Files
Load Utility Log Records
Character Set and National Language Support
Example Load Sessions
CLP Examples
API Examples
Pending States After a Load Operation
Optimizing Load Performance
Restrictions and Limitations

Chapter 4. AutoLoader

AutoLoader Overview
Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization Required to Use AutoLoader
Using AutoLoader
Before Using AutoLoader
Invoking AutoLoader
Loading into Multiple Database Partitions
AutoLoader Options
Example AutoLoader Session
Migration and Back-level Compatibility
AutoLoader Hints and Tips
Restrictions and Limitations
AutoLoader Troubleshooting

Chapter 5. Moving DB2 Data Links Manager Data

Using Export to Move DB2 Data Links Manager Data
Using Import to Move DB2 Data Links Manager Data
Using Load to Move DB2 Data Links Manager Data

Chapter 6. Moving Data Between Systems

Moving Data Across Platforms
PC/IXF File Format
Delimited ASCII (DEL) File Format
WSF File Format
Moving Data Using the db2move Tool
Moving Data With DB2 Connect
Using the Export and the Import Utilities
Moving Data Between Typed Tables
Traverse Order
Selection During Data Movement
Examples of Moving Data Between Typed Tables
Using Replication to Move Data
The IBM Replication Tools by Component
Using the Data Warehouse Center to Move Data

Appendix A. How to Read the Syntax Diagrams

Appendix B. Differences Between the Import and the Load Utility

Appendix C. Export/Import/Load Utility File Formats

Delimited ASCII (DEL) File Format
Sample DEL File
DEL Data Type Descriptions
Non-delimited ASCII (ASC) File Format
Sample ASC File
ASC Data Type Descriptions
PC Version of IXF File Format
PC/IXF Record Types
PC/IXF Data Types
PC/IXF Data Type Descriptions
General Rules Governing PC/IXF File Import into Databases
Data Type-Specific Rules Governing PC/IXF File Import into Databases
Differences between PC/IXF and Version 0 System/370 IXF
Worksheet File Format (WSF)

Appendix D. Warning, Error, and Completion Messages

Appendix E. Using the DB2 Library

DB2 PDF Files and Printed Books
DB2 Information
Printing the PDF Books
Ordering the Printed Books
DB2 Online Documentation
Accessing Online Help
Viewing Information Online
Using DB2 Wizards
Setting Up a Document Server
Searching Information Online

Appendix F. Notices


Appendix G. Contacting IBM

Product Information
