A Delimited ASCII (DEL) file is a sequential ASCII file with row and column delimiters. Each DEL file is a stream of ASCII characters consisting of cell values ordered by row, and then by column. Rows in the data stream are separated by row delimiters; within each row, individual cell values are separated by column delimiters.
The following table describes the format of DEL files that can be imported, or that can be generated as the result of an export action.
DEL file ::= Row 1 data || Row delimiter || Row 2 data || Row delimiter || . . . Row n data || Optional row delimiter Row i data ::= Cell value(i,1) || Column delimiter || Cell value(i,2) || Column delimiter || . . . Cell value(i,m) Row delimiter ::= ASCII line feed sequencea Column delimiter ::= Default value ASCII comma (,)b Cell value(i,j) ::= Leading spaces || ASCII representation of a numeric value (integer, decimal, or float) || Delimited character string || Non-delimited character string || Trailing spaces Non-delimited character string ::= A set of any characters except a row delimiter or a column delimiter Delimited character string ::= A character string delimiter || An extended character string || A character string delimiter || Trailing garbage Trailing garbage ::= A set of any characters except a row delimiter or a column delimiter Character string delimiter ::= Default value ASCII double quotation marks (")c extended character string ::= || A set of any characters except a row delimiter or a character string delimiter if the NODOUBLEDEL modifier is specified || A set of any characters except a row delimiter or a character string delimiter if the character string is not part of two consecutive character string delimiters || A set of any characters except a character string delimiter if the character string delimiter is not part of two consecutive character string delimiters, and the DELPRIORITYCHAR modifier is specified End-of-file character ::= Hex '1A' (OS/2 or the Windows operating system only) ASCII representation of a numeric valued ::= Optional sign '+' or '-' || 1 to 31 decimal digits with an optional decimal point before, after, or between two digits || Optional exponent Exponent ::= Character 'E' or 'e' || Optional sign '+' or '-' || 1 to 3 decimal digits with no decimal point Decimal digit ::= Any one of the characters '0', '1', ... '9' Decimal point ::= Default value ASCII period (.)e
Note: | The default priority of delimiters is:
Following is an example of a DEL file. Each line ends with a line feed sequence (on OS/2 or the Windows operating system, each line ends with a carriage return/line feed sequence).
"Smith, Bob",4973,15.46 "Jones, Bill",12345,16.34 "Williams, Sam",452,193.78
The following example illustrates the use of non-delimited character strings. The column delimiter has been changed to a semicolon, because the character data contains a comma.
Smith, Bob;4973;15.46 Jones, Bill;12345;16.34 Williams, Sam;452;193.78
Table 9. Acceptable Data Type Forms for the DEL File Format
Data Type | Form in Files Created by the Export Utility | Form Acceptable to the Import Utility |
BIGINT | An INTEGER constant in the range -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 to 9 223 372 036 854 775 807. | ASCII representation of a numeric value in the range -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 to 9 223 372 036 854 775 807. Decimal and float numbers are truncated to integer values. |
BLOB, CLOB | Character data enclosed by character delimiters (for example, double quotation marks). | A delimited or non-delimited character string. The character string is used as the database column value. |
BLOB_FILE, CLOB_FILE | The character data for each BLOB/CLOB column is stored in individual files, and the file name is enclosed by character delimiters. | The delimited or non-delimited name of the file that holds the data. |
CHAR | Character data enclosed by character delimiters (for example, double quotation marks). | A delimited or non-delimited character string. The character string is truncated or padded with spaces (X'20'), if necessary, to match the width of the database column. |
DATE | yyyymmdd (year month day) with no character delimiters.
For example: 19931029
Alternatively, the DATESISO option can be used to specify that all date values are to be exported in ISO format. | A delimited or non-delimited character string containing a date value in an ISO format consistent with the country code of the target database, or a non-delimited character string of the form yyyymmdd. |
DBCLOB (DBCS only) | Graphic data is exported as a delimited character string. | A delimited or non-delimited character string, an even number of bytes in length. The character string is used as the database column value. |
DBCLOB_FILE (DBCS only) | The character data for each DBCLOB column is stored in individual files, and the file name is enclosed by character delimiters. | The delimited or non-delimited name of the file that holds the data. |
DECIMAL | A DECIMAL constant with the precision and scale of the field being exported. The DECPLUSBLANK option can be used to specify that positive decimal values are to be prefixed with a blank space instead of a plus sign (+). | ASCII representation of a numeric value that does not overflow the range of the database column into which the field is being imported. If the input value has more digits after the decimal point than can be accommodated by the database column, the excess digits are truncated. |
FLOAT(long) | A FLOAT constant in the range -10E307 to 10E307. | ASCII representation of a numeric value in the range -10E307 to 10E307. |
GRAPHIC (DBCS only) | Graphic data is exported as a delimited character string. | A delimited or non-delimited character string, an even number of bytes in length. The character string is truncated or padded with double-byte spaces (for example, X'8140'), if necessary, to match the width of the database column. |
INTEGER | An INTEGER constant in the range -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647. | ASCII representation of a numeric value in the range -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647. Decimal and float numbers are truncated to integer values. |
LONG VARCHAR | Character data enclosed by character delimiters (for example, double quotation marks). | A delimited or non-delimited character string. The character string is used as the database column value. |
LONG VARGRAPHIC (DBCS only) | Graphic data is exported as a delimited character string. | A delimited or non-delimited character string, an even number of bytes in length. The character string is used as the database column value. |
SMALLINT | An INTEGER constant in the range -32 768 to 32 767. | ASCII representation of a numeric value in the range -32 768 to 32 767. Decimal and float numbers are truncated to integer values. |
TIME | hh.mm.ss (hour minutes seconds). A time value in ISO format enclosed by character delimiters. For example: "09.39.43" | A delimited or non-delimited character string containing a time value in a format consistent with the country code of the target database. |
TIMESTAMP | yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn (year month day hour minutes seconds microseconds). A character string representing a date and time enclosed by character delimiters. | A delimited or non-delimited character string containing a time stamp value acceptable for storage in a database. |
VARCHAR | Character data enclosed by character delimiters (for example, double quotation marks). | A delimited or non-delimited character string. The character string is truncated, if necessary, to match the maximum width of the database column. |
VARGRAPHIC (DBCS only) | Graphic data is exported as a delimited character string. | A delimited or non-delimited character string, an even number of bytes in length. The character string is truncated, if necessary, to match the maximum width of the database column. |