Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference

Import API

C API Syntax

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Import */
/* ... */
  sqluimpr (
    char * pDataFileName,
    sqlu_media_list * pLobPathList,
    struct sqldcol * pDataDescriptor,
    struct sqlchar * pActionString,
    char * pFileType,
    struct sqlchar * pFileTypeMod,
    char * pMsgFileName,
    short CallerAction,
    struct sqluimpt_in*  pImportInfoIn,
    struct sqluimpt_out*  pImportInfoOut,
    sqlint32 * pNullIndicators,
    void * pReserved,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

Generic API Syntax

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Import */
/* ... */
  sqlgimpr (
    unsigned short DataFileNameLen,
    unsigned short FileTypeLen,
    unsigned short MsgFileNameLen,
    char * pDataFileName,
    sqlu_media_list * pLobPathList,
    struct sqldcol * pDataDescriptor,
    struct sqlchar * pActionString,
    char * pFileType,
    struct sqlchar * pFileTypeMod,
    char * pMsgFileName,
    short CallerAction,
    struct sqluimpt_in*  pImportInfoIn,
    struct sqluimpt_out*  pImportInfoOut,
    sqlint32 * NullIndicators,
    void * pReserved,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

API Parameters

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the input file name.

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the input file type.

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the message file name.

Input. A string containing the path and the name of the external input file from which the data is to be imported.

Input. An sqlu_media_list using media_type SQLU_LOCAL_MEDIA, and the sqlu_media_entry structure listing paths on the client where the LOB files can be found.

For more information, see "SQLU-MEDIA-LIST " in the Administrative API Reference.

Input. Pointer to an sqldcol structure containing information about the columns being selected for import from the external file. The value of the dcolmeth field determines how the remainder of the information provided in this parameter is interpreted by the import utility. Valid values for this parameter (defined in sqlutil) are:

Names. Selection of columns from the external input file is by column name.

Positions. Selection of columns from the external input file is by column position.

Locations. Selection of columns from the external input file is by column location. The database manager rejects an import call with a location pair that is invalid because of any one of the following conditions:
  • Either the beginning or the ending location is not in the range from 1 to the largest signed 2-byte integer.
  • The ending location is smaller than the beginning location.
  • The input column width defined by the location pair is not compatible with the type and the length of the target column.

A location pair with both locations equal to zero indicates that a nullable column is to be filled with NULLs.

Default. If pDataDescriptor is NULL, or is set to SQL_METH_D, default selection of columns from the external input file is done. In this case, the number of columns and the column specification array are both ignored. The first n columns of data in the external input file are taken in their natural order, where n is the number of database columns into which the data is to be imported.

For more information, see "SQLDCOL" in the Administrative API Reference.

Input. Pointer to an sqlchar structure containing a 2-byte long field, followed by an array of characters identifying the columns into which data is to be imported.

The character array is of the form:

   INTO {tname[(tcolumn-list)] |
   [{ALL TABLES | (tname[(tcolumn-list)][, tname[(tcolumn-list)]])}]
   [IN] HIERARCHY {STARTING tname | (tname[, tname])}
   [UNDER sub-table-name | AS ROOT TABLE]}

Adds the imported data to the table without changing the existing table data.

Adds the imported rows if their primary key values are not in the table, and uses them for update if their primary key values are found. This option is only valid if the target table has a primary key, and the specified (or implied) list of target columns being imported includes all columns for the primary key. This option cannot be applied to views.

Deletes all existing data from the table by truncating the table object, and inserts the imported data. The table definition and the index definitions are not changed. (Indexes are deleted and replaced if indexixf is in FileTypeMod, and FileType is SQL_IXF.) If the table is not already defined, an error is returned.

Attention: If an error occurs after the existing data is deleted, that data is lost.

Creates the table definition and the row contents using the information in the specified PC/IXF file, if the specified table is not defined. If the file was previously exported by DB2, indexes are also created. If the specified table is already defined, an error is returned. This option is valid for the PC/IXF file format only.

Replaces the table contents using the PC/IXF row information in the PC/IXF file, if the specified table is defined. If the table is not already defined, the table definition and row contents are created using the information in the specified PC/IXF file. If the PC/IXF file was previously exported by DB2, indexes are also created. This option is valid for the PC/IXF file format only.

Attention: If an error occurs after the existing data is deleted, that data is lost.

The name of the table, typed table, view, or object view into which the data is to be inserted. An alias for REPLACE, INSERT_UPDATE, or INSERT can be specified, except in the case of a down-level server, when a qualified or unqualified name should be specified. If it is a view, it cannot be a read-only view.

A list of table or view column names into which the data is to be inserted. The column names must be separated by commas. If column names are not specified, column names as defined in the CREATE TABLE or the ALTER TABLE statement are used. If no column list is specified for typed tables, data is inserted into all columns within each sub-table.

Specifies a parent table when creating one or more sub-tables under the CREATE option.

An implicit keyword for hierarchy only. When importing a hierarchy, the default is to import all tables specified in the traversal-order-list.

Specifies that hierarchical data is to be imported.

Keyword for hierarchy only. Specifies that the default order, starting from a given sub-table name, is to be used.

Keyword for hierarchy and CREATE only. Specifies that the new hierarchy, sub-hierarchy, or sub-table is to be created under a given sub-table.

Keyword for hierarchy and CREATE only. Specifies that the new hierarchy, sub-hierarchy, or sub-table is to be created as a stand-alone hierarchy.

Specifies parameters pertaining to DB2 Data Links. These parameters can be specified using the same syntax as in the IMPORT command (see IMPORT Command).

The tname and the tcolumn-list parameters correspond to the tablename and the colname lists of SQL INSERT statements, and have the same restrictions.

The columns in tcolumn-list and the external columns (either specified or implied) are matched according to their position in the list or the structure (data from the first column specified in the sqldcol structure is inserted into the table or view field corresponding to the first element of the tcolumn-list).

If unequal numbers of columns are specified, the number of columns actually processed is the lesser of the two numbers. This could result in an error (because there are no values to place in some non-nullable table fields) or an informational message (because some external file columns are ignored).

For more information, see "SQLCHAR" in the Administrative API Reference.

Input. A string that indicates the format of the data within the external file. Supported external file formats (defined in sqlutil) are:

Non-delimited ASCII.

Delimited ASCII, for exchange with dBase, BASIC, and the IBM Personal Decision Series programs, and many other database managers and file managers.

PC version of the Integrated Exchange Format, the preferred method for exporting data from a table so that it can be imported later into the same table or into another database manager table.

Worksheet formats for exchange with Lotus Symphony and 1-2-3 programs.

For more information about file formats, see Appendix C, Export/Import/Load Utility File Formats.

Input. A pointer to a structure containing a 2-byte long field, followed by an array of characters that specify one or more processing options. If this pointer is NULL, or the structure pointed to has zero characters, this action is interpreted as selection of a default specification.

Not all options can be used with all of the supported file types.

For more information, see "SQLCHAR" in the Administrative API Reference, and File Type Modifiers (Import).

Input. A string containing the destination for error, warning, and informational messages returned by the utility. It can be the path and the name of an operating system file or a standard device. If the file already exists, it is appended to. If it does not exist, a file is created.

Input. An action requested by the caller. Valid values (defined in sqlutil) are:

Initial call. This value must be used on the first call to the API.

If the initial call or any subsequent call returns and requires the calling application to perform some action prior to completing the requested import operation, the caller action must be set to one of the following:

Continue processing. This value can only be used on subsequent calls to the API, after the initial call has returned with the utility requesting user input (for example, to respond to an end of tape condition). It specifies that the user action requested by the utility has completed, and the utility can continue processing the initial request.

Terminate processing. This value can only be used on subsequent calls to the API, after the initial call has returned with the utility requesting user input (for example, to respond to an end of tape condition). It specifies that the user action requested by the utility was not performed, and the utility is to terminate processing the initial request.

Input. Optional pointer to the sqluimpt_in structure containing additional input parameters. For information about this structure, see SQLUIMPT-IN Data Structure.

Output. Optional pointer to the sqluimpt_out structure containing additional output parameters. For information about this structure, see SQLUIMPT-OUT Data Structure.

Input. For ASC files only. An array of integers that indicate whether or not the column data is nullable. The number of elements in this array must match the number of columns in the input file; there is a one-to-one ordered correspondence between the elements of this array and the columns being imported from the data file. Therefore, the number of elements must equal the dcolnum field of the pDataDescriptor parameter. Each element of the array contains a number identifying a column in the data file that is to be used as a null indicator field, or a zero indicating that the table column is not nullable. If the element is not zero, the identified column in the data file must contain a Y or an N. A Y indicates that the table column data is NULL, and N indicates that the table column data is not NULL.

Reserved for future use.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see "SQLCA" in the Administrative API Reference.


IMPORT FROM datafile OF filetype
[MODIFIED BY :filetmod]
[METHOD {L|N|P} USING :dcoldata]
[COMMITCOUNT :commitcnt] [RESTARTCOUNT :restartcnt]
MESSAGES msgfile
INTO tname [(:columns)]
[OUTPUT INTO :output]

REXX API Parameters

Name of the file from which the data is to be imported.

The format of the data in the external import file. The supported file formats are:

Delimited ASCII

Non-delimited ASCII

Worksheet format

PC version of Integrated Exchange Format.

A host variable containing additional processing options (see File Type Modifiers (Import)).

A character specifying the method to be used to select columns within the external input file. Valid values are:




A compound REXX host variable containing information about the columns selected for import from the external input file. The content of the structure depends upon the specified method. In the following, XXX represents the name of the host variable:

Name of the target table or view. Data cannot be imported to a read-only view.

A REXX host variable containing the names of the columns in the table or the view into which the data is to be inserted. In the following, XXX represents the name of the host variable:

Number of columns.

First column name.

Second column name.

and so on.

File, path, or device name where error and warning messages are to be sent.

Performs a COMMIT after every commitcnt records are imported.

Specifies that an import operation is to be started at record restartcnt + 1. The first restartcnt records are skipped.

A compound REXX host variable into which information from the import operation is passed. In the following, XXX represents the name of the host variable:

Number of records read from the external input file during the import operation.

Number of records skipped before inserting or updating begins.

Number of rows inserted into the target table.

Number of rows in the target table updated with information from the imported records.

Number of records that could not be imported.

Number of records imported successfully and committed to the database, including rows inserted, updated, skipped, and rejected.

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