Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference

Non-delimited ASCII (ASC) File Format

A non-delimited ASCII (ASC) file is a sequential ASCII file with row delimiters. It can be used for data exchange with any ASCII product that has a columnar format for data, including word processors. Each ASC file is a stream of ASCII characters consisting of data values ordered by row and column. Rows in the data stream are separated by row delimiters. Each column within a row is defined by a beginning-ending location pair (specified by IMPORT parameters). Each pair represents locations within a row specified as byte positions. The first position within a row is byte position 1. The first element of each location pair is the byte on which the column begins, and the second element of each location pair is the byte on which the column ends. The columns may overlap. Every row in an ASC file has the same column definition.

An ASC file is defined by:

ASC file ::= Row 1 data || Row delimiter ||
             Row 2 data || Row delimiter ||
             Row n data
Row i data ::= ASCII characters || Row delimiter
Row Delimiter ::= ASCII line feed sequencea

Sample ASC File

Following is an example of an ASC file. Each line ends with a line feed sequence (on OS/2 or the Windows operating system, each line ends with a carriage return/line feed sequence).

   Smith, Bob       4973     15.46
   Jones, Suzanne   12345    16.34
   Williams, Sam    452123  193.78


  1. ASC files are assumed not to contain column names.

  2. Character strings are not enclosed by delimiters. The data type of a column in the ASC file is determined by the data type of the target column in the database table.

  3. A NULL is imported into a nullable database column if:

  4. If the target column is not nullable, an attempt to import a field of blanks into a numeric, DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP column causes the row to be rejected.

  5. If the input data is not compatible with the target column, and that column is nullable, a null is imported or the row is rejected, depending on where the error is detected. If the column is not nullable, the row is rejected. Messages are written to the message file, specifying incompatibilities that are found.

ASC Data Type Descriptions

Table 10. Acceptable Data Type Forms for the ASC File Format
Data Type Form Acceptable to the Import Utility
BIGINT A constant in any numeric type (SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted. Individual values are rejected if they are not in the range -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 to 9 223 372 036 854 775 807. Decimal numbers are truncated to integer values. A comma, period, or colon is considered to be a decimal point. Thousands separators are not allowed.

The beginning and ending locations should specify a field whose width does not exceed 50 bytes. Integers, decimal numbers, and the mantissas of floating point numbers can have no more than 31 digits. Exponents of floating point numbers can have no more than 3 digits.

BLOB/CLOB A string of characters. The character string is truncated on the right, if necessary, to match the maximum length of the target column. If the ASC truncate blanks option is in effect, trailing blanks are stripped from the original or the truncated string.
BLOB_FILE, CLOB_FILE, DBCLOB_FILE (DBCS only) A delimited or non-delimited name of the file that holds the data.
CHAR A string of characters. The character string is truncated or padded with spaces on the right, if necessary, to match the width of the target column.
DATE A character string representing a date value in a format consistent with the country code of the target database.

The beginning and ending locations should specify a field width that is within the range for the external representation of a date.

DBCLOB (DBCS only) A string of an even number of bytes. A string of an odd number of bytes is invalid and is not accepted. A valid string is truncated on the right, if necessary, to match the maximum length of the target column.
DECIMAL A constant in any numeric type (SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted. Individual values are rejected if they are not in the range of the database column into which they are being imported. If the input value has more digits after the decimal point than the scale of the database column, the excess digits are truncated. A comma, period, or colon is considered to be a decimal point. Thousands separators are not allowed.

The beginning and ending locations should specify a field whose width does not exceed 50 bytes. Integers, decimal numbers, and the mantissas of floating point numbers can have no more than 31 digits. Exponents of floating point numbers can have no more than 3 digits.

FLOAT(long) A constant in any numeric type (SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted. All values are valid. A comma, period, or colon is considered to be a decimal point. An uppercase or lowercase E is accepted as the beginning of the exponent of a FLOAT constant.

The beginning and ending locations should specify a field whose width does not exceed 50 bytes. Integers, decimal numbers, and the mantissas of floating point numbers can have no more than 31 digits. Exponents of floating point numbers can have no more than 3 digits.

GRAPHIC (DBCS only) A string of an even number of bytes. A string of an odd number of bytes is invalid and is not accepted. A valid string is truncated or padded with double-byte spaces (0x8140) on the right, if necessary, to match the maximum length of the target column.
INTEGER A constant in any numeric type (SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted. Individual values are rejected if they are not in the range -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647. Decimal numbers are truncated to integer values. A comma, period, or colon is considered to be a decimal point. Thousands separators are not allowed.

The beginning and ending locations should specify a field whose width does not exceed 50 bytes. Integers, decimal numbers, and the mantissas of floating point numbers can have no more than 31 digits. Exponents of floating point numbers can have no more than 3 digits.

LONG VARCHAR A string of characters. The character string is truncated on the right, if necessary, to match the maximum length of the target column. If the ASC truncate blanks option is in effect, trailing blanks are stripped from the original or the truncated string.
LONG VARGRAPHIC (DBCS only) A string of an even number of bytes. A string of an odd number of bytes is invalid and is not accepted. A valid string is truncated on the right, if necessary, to match the maximum length of the target column.
SMALLINT A constant in any numeric type (SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted. Individual values are rejected if they are not in the range -32 768 to 32 767. Decimal numbers are truncated to integer values. A comma, period, or colon is considered to be a decimal point. Thousands separators are not allowed.

The beginning and ending locations should specify a field whose width does not exceed 50 bytes. Integers, decimal numbers, and the mantissas of floating point numbers can have no more than 31 digits. Exponents of floating point numbers can have no more than 3 digits.

TIME A character string representing a time value in a format consistent with the country code of the target database.

The beginning and ending locations should specify a field width that is within the range for the external representation of a time.

TIMESTAMP A character string representing a time stamp value acceptable for storage in a database.

The beginning and ending locations should specify a field width that is within the range for the external representation of a time stamp.

VARCHAR A string of characters. The character string is truncated on the right, if necessary, to match the maximum length of the target column. If the ASC truncate blanks option is in effect, trailing blanks are stripped from the original or the truncated string.
VARGRAPHIC (DBCS only) A string of an even number of bytes. A string of an odd number of bytes is invalid and is not accepted. A valid string is truncated on the right, if necessary, to match the maximum length of the target column.

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