Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference

Load API

C API Syntax

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Load */
/* ... */
  sqluload (
    sqlu_media_list * pDataFileList,
    sqlu_media_list * pLobPathList,
    struct sqldcol * pDataDescriptor,
    struct sqlchar * pActionString,
    char * pFileType,
    struct sqlchar * pFileTypeMod,
    char * pLocalMsgFileName,
    char * pRemoteMsgFileName,
    short CallerAction,
    struct sqluload_in * pLoadInfoIn,
    struct sqluload_out * pLoadInfoOut,
    sqlu_media_list * pWorkDirectoryList,
    sqlu_media_list * pCopyTargetList,
    sqlint32 * pNullIndicators,
    void * pReserved,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

Generic API Syntax

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Load */
/* ... */
  sqlgload (
    unsigned short FileTypeLen,
    unsigned short LocalMsgFileNameLen,
    unsigned short RemoteMsgFileNameLen,
    sqlu_media_list * pDataFileList,
    sqlu_media_list * pLobPathList,
    struct sqldcol * pDataDescriptor,
    struct sqlchar * pActionString,
    char * pFileType,
    struct sqlchar * pFileTypeMod,
    char * pLocalMsgFileName,
    char * pRemoteMsgFileName,
    short CallerAction,
    struct sqluload_in * pLoadInfoIn,
    struct sqluload_out * pLoadInfoOut,
    sqlu_media_list * pWorkDirectoryList,
    sqlu_media_list * pCopyTargetList,
    sqlint32 * pNullIndicators,
    void * pReserved,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

API Parameters

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the file type.

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the local message file name.

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the temporary files path name.

Input. A pointer to an sqlu_media_list structure used to provide a list of source files, devices, vendors or pipes. Tape is not supported on OS/2.

The information provided in this structure depends on the value of the media_type field. Valid values (defined in sqlutil) are:

If the media_type field is set to this value, the caller provides information through sqlu_location_entry structures. The sessions field indicates the number of sqlu_location_entry structures provided. This is used for files, devices, and named pipes.

If the media_type field is set to this value, the caller provides information through sqlu_location_entry structures. The sessions field indicates the number of sqlu_location_entry structures provided. This is used for fully qualified files and named pipes. Note that this media_type is only valid if the API is being called via a remotely connected client.

If the media_type field is set to this value, the sqlu_vendor structure is used, where filename is the unique identifier for the data to be loaded. There should only be one sqlu_vendor entry, regardless of the value of sessions. The sessions field indicates the number of TSM sessions to initiate. The load utility will start the sessions with different sequence numbers, but with the same data in the one sqlu_vendor entry.

If the media_type field is set to this value, the sqlu_vendor structure is used, where shr_lib is the shared library name, and filename is the unique identifier for the data to be loaded. There should only be one sqlu_vendor entry, regardless of the value of sessions. The sessions field indicates the number of other vendor sessions to initiate. The load utility will start the sessions with different sequence numbers, but with the same data in the one sqlu_vendor entry.

Wherever a file name is provided, it should be fully qualified. For more information, see "SQLU-MEDIA-LIST " in the Administrative API Reference.

Input. A pointer to an sqlu_media_list structure. For IXF, ASC, and DEL file types, a list of fully qualified paths or devices to identify the location of the individual LOB files to be loaded. The file names are found in the IXF, ASC, or DEL files, and are appended to the paths provided. Tape is not supported on OS/2.

The information provided in this structure depends on the value of the media_type field. Valid values (defined in sqlutil) are:

If set to this value, the caller provides information through sqlu_media_entry structures. The sessions field indicates the number of sqlu_media_entry structures provided.

If set to this value, the sqlu_vendor structure is used, where filename is the unique identifier for the data to be loaded. There should only be one sqlu_vendor entry, regardless of the value of sessions. The sessions field indicates the number of TSM sessions to initiate. The load utility will start the sessions with different sequence numbers, but with the same data in the one sqlu_vendor entry.

If set to this value, the sqlu_vendor structure is used, where shr_lib is the shared library name, and filename is the unique identifier for the data to be loaded. There should only be one sqlu_vendor entry, regardless of the value of sessions. The sessions field indicates the number of other vendor sessions to initiate. The load utility will start the sessions with different sequence numbers, but with the same data in the one sqlu_vendor entry.

For more information, see "SQLU-MEDIA-LIST " in the Administrative API Reference.

Input. Pointer to an sqldcol structure containing information about the columns being selected for loading from the external file.

If the pFileType parameter is set to SQL_ASC, the dcolmeth field of this structure must be set to SQL_METH_L. The user specifies the start and end locations for each column to be loaded.

If the file type is SQL_DEL, dcolmeth can be either SQL_METH_P or SQL_METH_D. If it is SQL_METH_P, the user must provide the source column position. If it is SQL_METH_D, the first column in the file is loaded into the first column of the table, and so on.

If the file type is SQL_IXF, dcolmeth can be one of SQL_METH_P, SQL_METH_D, or SQL_METH_N. The rules for DEL files apply here, except that SQL_METH_N indicates that file column names are to be provided in the sqldcol structure.

For more information, see "SQLDCOL" in the Administrative API Reference.

Input. Pointer to an sqlchar structure containing a 2-byte long field, followed by an array of characters specifying an action that affects the table.

The character array is of the form:

   INTO tbname [(column_list)]
   [FOR EXCEPTION e_tbname]"

Adds the loaded data to the table without changing the existing table data.

Deletes all existing data from the table, and inserts the loaded data. The table definition and the index definitions are not changed.

Restarts a previously interrupted load operation. The load operation will automatically continue from the last consistency point in the load, build, or delete phase.

Terminates a previously interrupted load operation, and rolls back the operation to the point in time at which it started, even if consistency points were passed. The states of any table spaces involved in the operation return to normal, and all table objects are made consistent (index objects may be marked as invalid, in which case index rebuild will automatically take place at next access). If the table spaces in which the table resides are not in load pending state, this option does not affect the state of the table spaces.

The load terminate option will not remove a backup pending state from table spaces.

The name of the table into which the data is to be loaded. The table cannot be a system table or a declared temporary table. An alias, or the fully qualified or unqualified table name can be specified. A qualified table name is in the form schema.tablename. If an unqualified table name is specified, the table will be qualified with the CURRENT SCHEMA.

A list of table column names into which the data is to be inserted. The column names must be separated by commas. If a name contains spaces or lowercase characters, it must be enclosed by quotation marks.

Specifies parameters pertaining to DB2 Data Links. These parameters can be specified using the same syntax as in the LOAD command (see LOAD Command).

Specifies the exception table into which rows in error will be copied. Any row that is in violation of a unique index or a primary key index is copied. DATALINK exceptions are also captured in the exception table.

Input. A string that indicates the format of the data within the external file. Supported external file formats (defined in sqlutil) are:

Non-delimited ASCII.

Delimited ASCII, for exchange with dBase, BASIC, and the IBM Personal Decision Series programs, and many other database managers and file managers.

PC version of the Integrated Exchange Format, the preferred method for exporting data from a table so that it can be loaded later into the same table or into another database manager table.

For more information about file formats, see Appendix C, Export/Import/Load Utility File Formats.

Input. A pointer to a structure containing a 2-byte long field, followed by an array of characters that specify one or more processing options. If this pointer is NULL, or the structure pointed to has zero characters, this action is interpreted as selection of a default specification.

Not all options can be used with all of the supported file types.

For more information, see "SQLCHAR" in the Administrative API Reference, and File Type Modifiers (Load).

Input. A string containing the name of a local file to which output messages are to be written.

Input. A string containing the path name to be used on the server for temporary files. Temporary files are created to store messages, consistency points, and delete phase information. For more information about temporary files, see Load Temporary Files.

Input. An action requested by the caller. Valid values (defined in sqlutil) are:

Initial call. This value (or SQLU_NOINTERRUPT) must be used on the first call to the API.

Initial call. Do not suspend processing. This value (or SQLU_INITIAL) must be used on the first call to the API.

If the initial call or any subsequent call returns and requires the calling application to perform some action prior to completing the requested load operation, the caller action must be set to one of the following:

Continue processing. This value can only be used on subsequent calls to the API, after the initial call has returned with the utility requesting user input (for example, to respond to an end of tape condition). It specifies that the user action requested by the utility has completed, and the utility can continue processing the initial request.

Terminate processing. Causes the load utility to exit prematurely, leaving the table spaces being loaded in LOAD_PENDING state. This option should be specified if further processing of the data is not to be done.

Terminate processing. Causes the load utility to exit prematurely, leaving the table spaces being loaded in LOAD_PENDING state. This option should be specified if further processing of the data is not to be done.

Restart processing.

Terminate a single device. This option should be specified if the utility is to stop reading data from the device, but further processing of the data is to be done.

Input. Optional pointer to the sqluload_in structure containing additional input parameters. For information about this structure, see Data Structure: SQLULOAD-IN.

Output. Optional pointer to the sqluload_out structure containing additional output parameters. For information about this structure, see Data Structure: SQLULOAD-OUT.


Input. A pointer to an sqlu_media_list structure used (if a copy image is to be created) to provide a list of target paths, devices, or a shared library to which the copy image is to be written.

The values provided in this structure depend on the value of the media_type field. Valid values for this field (defined in sqlutil) are:

If the copy is to be written to local media, set the media_type to this value and provide information about the targets in sqlu_media_entry structures. The sessions field specifies the number of sqlu_media_entry structures provided.

If the copy is to be written to TSM, use this value. No further information is required.

If a vendor product is to be used, use this value and provide further information via an sqlu_vendor structure. Set the shr_lib field of this structure to the shared library name of the vendor product. Provide only one sqlu_vendor entry, regardless of the value of sessions. The sessions field specifies the number of sqlu_media_entry structures provided. The load utility will start the sessions with different sequence numbers, but with the same data provided in the one sqlu_vendor entry.

For more information, see "SQLU-MEDIA-LIST " in the Administrative API Reference.

Input. For ASC files only. An array of integers that indicate whether or not the column data is nullable. There is a one-to-one ordered correspondence between the elements of this array and the columns being loaded from the data file. That is, the number of elements must equal the dcolnum field of the pDataDescriptor parameter. Each element of the array contains a number identifying a location in the data file that is to be used as a NULL indicator field, or a zero indicating that the table column is not nullable. If the element is not zero, the identified location in the data file must contain a Y or an N. A Y indicates that the table column data is NULL, and N indicates that the table column data is not NULL.

Reserved for future use.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see the Administrative API Reference and the SQL Reference.


This API can be called from REXX through the SQLDB2 interface. See the Application Development Guide. For a description of the syntax, see LOAD Command.

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