DB2 creates temporary binary files during load processing. These files are used for load crash recovery, load terminate operations, warning and error messages, and runtime control data. The temporary files are removed when the load operation completes without error.
The temporary files are written to a path that can be specified through the temp-pathname parameter of the LOAD command, or in the pRemoteMsgFileName parameter of the sqluload API. The default path is a subdirectory of the database directory.
The temporary files path resides on the server machine and is accessed by the DB2 instance exclusively. Therefore, it is imperative that any path name qualification given to the temp-pathname parameter reflects the directory structure of the server, not the client, and that the DB2 instance owner has read and write permission on the path.
Note: | In an MPP system, the temporary files path must reside on a local disk, not on an NFS mount. If the path is on an NFS mount, there will be significant performance degradation during the load operation. |
Attention: The temporary files written to this path must not be tampered with under any circumstances. Doing so will cause the load operation to malfunction, and will place your database in jeopardy.