DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings for UNIX**


Special Characters
Special Characters
  • .INI file
  • db2cli.ini (1779)
  • ODBC (1783)
  • A
  • access profiles
  • adding databases (1672)
  • client (1684)
  • creating (1682)
  • server (1683)
  • using (1681)
  • accessing data
  • using DB2 Connect (1171)
  • using Net.Data or JDBC (1176)
  • accessing DB2 servers
  • TCP/IP (1526), (1531), (1710)
  • accessing host servers
  • configuring communications
  • IBM eNetwork Communication Server V5 for AIX (1587)
  • SNAP-IX for Sparc Solaris (1597)
  • SNAplus2 for HP-UX (1593)
  • SunLink SNA Version 9.1 for Solaris (1599)
  • accessing multiple servers (1701)
  • accessing servers
  • overview (1697)
  • add database wizard (1835)
  • adding databases
  • manually (1675)
  • using access profiles (1671)
  • using Discovery (1673)
  • Administration Server
  • creating on AIX (1330)
  • creating on HP-UX (1366)
  • creating on Linux (1409)
  • creating on NUMA-Q (1445)
  • creating on Solaris (1487)
  • overview (1202)
  • AIX
  • creating an instance (1323)
  • creating fenced UDF and stored procedure IDs (1321)
  • creating group IDs (1319)
  • creating user IDs (1320)
  • installing additional products and components using db2setup (1307)
  • installing using db2setup (1303)
  • installing using SMIT (1310)
  • license file names (1337)
  • mounting CD-ROM (1796)
  • software requirements (1227)
  • updating the license key (1333)
  • APPC
  • Bull SNA (1591)
  • Communications Manager for OS/2 (1247)
  • manually configuring (1555)
  • on OS/2 (1246)
  • on Windows 2000 (1270)
  • on Windows 9x (1262)
  • on Windows NT (1269)
  • SNAplusLink (1588), (1594), (1600)
  • software requirements (1222)
  • SunLink SNA (1257)
  • supported platforms (1223)
  • APPL (1566)
  • application development
  • using Net.Data or JDBC (1179)
  • using ODBC (1770)
  • AS/400
  • configuring DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 for DB2 Connect (1521)
  • configuring for DB2 Connect (1522)
  • DSPNETA (1523)
  • DSPRDBDIRE (1525)
  • WRKLIND (1524)
  • B
  • backup database wizard (1837)
  • bidirectional CCSID support (1881)
  • bidirectional language support (1879)
  • bind files and package names (1903)
  • binding
  • utilities (1769)
  • books (1807), (1820)
  • C
  • cached address list
  • using (1626)
  • catalog node name
  • naming rules (1887)
  • cataloging (1538), (1542), (1605), (1607), (1728)
  • APPC node (1603), (1604)
  • databases (1539), (1540), (1543), (1606), (1608) , (1727), (1729)
  • TCP/IP node (1537), (1724), (1726)
  • CCSID (1858), (1878)
  • client profiles
  • creating (1693)
  • definition (1689)
  • importing (1695)
  • using (1691)
  • clients
  • configuring (1698)
  • installing (1635)
  • code page
  • conversion exceptions (1875)
  • conversions (1864)
  • coded character set identifier (CCSID) (1857)
  • Command Center
  • entering DB2 commands (1787)
  • entering SQL statements (1786)
  • overview (1185)
  • commands (1280), (1282), (1284), (1290), (1295) , (1326), (1343), (1362), (1379), (1405) , (1422), (1441), (1458), (1483), (1500) , (1668)
  • dasicrt (1331), (1367), (1410), (1446), (1488)
  • db2 list applications (1281)
  • db2 terminate (1283)
  • db2cc (1750)
  • db2icrt (1325), (1327), (1361), (1363), (1404) , (1406), (1440), (1442), (1482), (1484)
  • db2jstrt (1745)
  • db2licm (1335), (1371), (1414), (1450), (1492)
  • db2rmln (1344), (1380), (1423), (1459), (1501)
  • db2sampl (1751)
  • db2setup (1291), (1296), (1305), (1351), (1384) , (1429), (1466), (1655), (1665)
  • -d option (1297)
  • description (1292)
  • generating trace log using (1299)
  • supported UNIX shells (1298)
  • db2stop (1285)
  • db2_install (1472)
  • pkgadd (1473)
  • rlogin (1669)
  • sniffle (1762)
  • communication protocols
  • APPC (1553)
  • by platform (1225)
  • configuring (1532), (1720)
  • configuring for DRDA host access (1519)
  • TCP/IP (1527), (1711)
  • communications
  • configuring the client (1716)
  • Control Center (1189)
  • managing (1702)
  • TCP/IP (1715)
  • components
  • on UNIX operating systems (1507)
  • selecting (1506)
  • configuration parameters
  • setting DB2 (1789)
  • SYSADM_GROUP (1790)
  • configure multisite update wizard (1839)
  • configuring
  • application server (1556)
  • AS/400 (1558)
  • DB2 clients
  • using the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) (1670)
  • DRDA server (1557)
  • IBM eNetwork Communication Server for AIX (1586)
  • MVS (1560)
  • ODBC driver (1776), (1777)
  • SNAP-IX Version 6.0.1 for SPARC Solaris (1596)
  • SNAPlus (1590), (1595), (1602)
  • SNAPlus2 for HP-UX (1592)
  • SQL/DS (1561)
  • SunLink SNA for Solaris (1598)
  • TCP/IP (1713)
  • VM (1562)
  • VSE (1559)
  • configuring client communications
  • setting configuration parameters (1704)
  • using the Command Line Processor (1703)
  • configuring communications
  • overview (1709)
  • connection
  • testing APPC (1613)
  • connections to DRDA hosts
  • through communications gateway (1518), (1520)
  • Control Center
  • administering DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition (1766)
  • administering DB2 for OS/390 (1765)
  • as a Java applet (1735)
  • as a Java application (1734)
  • configuring to work with a web server (1756)
  • customizing db2cc.htm (1755)
  • functional considerations (1757)
  • JDBC Applet Server (1744)
  • machine configurations (1738)
  • overview (1182), (1187)
  • running as an applet (1752)
  • running as an application (1749)
  • setting up to run as an applet (1742)
  • supported browsers (1740)
  • supported Java Runtime Environments (JRE) (1739)
  • troubleshooting information (1764)
  • UNIX installation tips (1758)
  • control point name (1580)
  • country code page support (1870)
  • create database wizard (1841)
  • create table space wizard (1845)
  • create table wizard (1843)
  • creating an instance
  • on AIX (1322)
  • on HP-UX (1358)
  • on Linux (1401)
  • on NUMA-Q (1437)
  • on Solaris (1479)
  • creating group IDs
  • Administration Server (1317), (1396)
  • fenced UDFs and stored procedures (1318), (1397)
  • instance owner (1316), (1395)
  • creating profiles
  • clients (1694)
  • server (1688)
  • creating the Administration Server
  • on AIX (1329)
  • on HP-UX (1365)
  • on Linux (1408)
  • on NUMA-Q (1444)
  • on Solaris (1486)
  • creating the sample database (1548), (1730), (1732)
  • cataloging a database (1731)
  • cataloging a node (1725)
  • connecting to a database (1549), (1733)
  • creating user IDs
  • Administration Server (1312), (1391)
  • fenced UDFs and stored procedures (1313), (1392)
  • instance owner (1311), (1390)
  • D
  • data conversion
  • CCSIDs (1871)
  • character substitution (1876)
  • code pages (1872)
  • double-byte characters (1877)
  • exceptions (1874)
  • database administration tools
  • Control Center (1183)
  • overview (1186)
  • database alias
  • naming rules (1883)
  • database objects
  • naming rules (1889)
  • databases (1544), (1546), (1609), (1611)
  • cataloging (1541), (1545), (1610)
  • creating a sample database (1547), (1612)
  • naming rules (1884)
  • DB2 Application Development Client
  • overview (1203)
  • DB2 clients
  • accessing databases (1170)
  • changing privileges (1788)
  • installing (1633)
  • installing on UNIX workstations (1664)
  • licensing (1631)
  • OS/2 (1644)
  • overview (1169), (1201)
  • pre-version 7 (1632)
  • software requirements (1234)
  • supported platforms (1634)
  • updating kernel parameters on HP-UX, NUMA-Q/PTX and Solaris (1656)
  • WIN-OS/2 support (1647)
  • Windows 32-bit operating systems (1638)
  • DB2 Connect
  • overview (1167), (1172), (1173)
  • DB2 for MVS/ESA
  • updating system tables (1513), (1514)
  • DB2 libraries (1340), (1376), (1419), (1455), (1497)
  • creating links (1341), (1377), (1420), (1456), (1498)
  • DB2 library
  • books (1806)
  • Information Center (1828)
  • language identifier for books (1811)
  • late-breaking information (1813)
  • online help (1821)
  • ordering printed books (1819)
  • printing PDF books (1816)
  • searching online information (1854)
  • setting up document server (1852)
  • structure of (1805)
  • viewing online information (1823)
  • wizards (1831)
  • DB2 Security Server
  • starting on Windows NT or Windows 2000 (1748)
  • DB2 Universal Database
  • Control Center (1188)
  • DB2 Performance Monitor (1197)
  • DB2 Snapshot Monitor (1177)
  • platforms supported (1184)
  • Visual Explain (1191), (1193), (1196)
  • db2classes.exe (1753)
  • db2classes.tar.Z (1754)
  • db2cli.ini (1778)
  • DB2CONNECT_IN_APP_PROCESS registry variable (1630)
  • db2icrt command (1328), (1364), (1407), (1443), (1485)
  • db2rmln command (1342), (1378), (1421), (1457), (1499)
  • db2setup
  • installing additional products and components on AIX using (1306)
  • installing additional products and components on HP-UX using (1352)
  • installing additional products and components on Linux using (1385)
  • installing additional products and components on NUMA-Q using (1430)
  • installing additional products and components on Solaris using (1467)
  • installing DB2 Connect for HP-UX using (1348)
  • installing DB2 Connect for AIX using (1302)
  • installing DB2 Connect for Linux using (1381)
  • installing DB2 Connect for Solaris using (1463), (1470)
  • installing DB2 for NUMA-Q using (1426)
  • using to install DB2 clients (1654)
  • db2setup utility (1293)
  • description (1294)
  • naming rules (1898)
  • DBNAME (VSE or VM) (1574)
  • developing applications
  • using Net.Data or JDBC (1180)
  • Discovery
  • adding databases (1674)
  • disk requirements
  • client (1214)
  • server (1215)
  • Distributed Computing Environment
  • AIX (1240)
  • HP-UX (1228)
  • software requirements (1224), (1242), (1250), (1259)
  • Solaris (1233)
  • E
  • Export function (1679), (1692)
  • F
  • files
  • bind files (1902)
  • list files (1901)
  • filesets
  • choosing on AIX (1503)
  • choosing on HP-UX (1504)
  • choosing on Solaris (1505)
  • fixed disks
  • hardware requirements (1217)
  • G
  • group IDs
  • creating on AIX (1315)
  • creating on Linux (1394)
  • H
  • hardware requirements
  • fixed disk (1216)
  • host character sets (1865)
  • HP-UX
  • creating an instance (1359)
  • creating fenced UDF and stored procedure IDs (1357)
  • creating group IDs (1355)
  • creating user IDs (1356)
  • installing additional products and components using db2setup (1353)
  • installing using db2setup (1349)
  • kernel configuration parameters (1345)
  • license file names (1373)
  • mounting CD-ROM (1798)
  • software requirements (1229)
  • updating the license key (1369)
  • HP-UX client
  • updating kernel components (1658)
  • HTML
  • sample programs (1810)
  • I
  • Import function (1680)
  • importing profiles
  • client (1696)
  • index wizard (1847)
  • Information Center (1829)
  • initialization file, ODBC (1782)
  • installing (1338), (1346), (1374), (1417), (1453) , (1461), (1495), (1640), (1649), (1659) , (1666)
  • additional products and components on AIX (1308)
  • additional products and components on HP-UX (1354)
  • additional products and components on Linux (1387)
  • additional products and components on NUMA-Q (1432)
  • additional products and components on Solaris (1469)
  • CID using SystemView LAN (1642), (1650)
  • client (1205), (1212)
  • creating links (1339), (1375), (1418), (1454), (1496)
  • DB2 Application Development Clients (1637)
  • OS/2 (1646)
  • Windows 32-bit operating systems (1639)
  • DB2 clients (1636)
  • OS/2 (1645)
  • DB2 clients on UNIX workstations (1663)
  • errors (1641), (1651)
  • log (1643), (1652)
  • Netscape browser (1826)
  • on AIX using db2setup (1304)
  • on HP-UX using db2setup (1350)
  • on Linux using db2setup (1383)
  • on NUMA-Q using db2setup (1428)
  • on Solaris using db2setup (1465)
  • OS/2 client (1648)
  • remote clients (1667)
  • server (1204), (1213)
  • updating kernel components (1347), (1462), (1660)
  • instances
  • creating on AIX (1324)
  • creating on HP-UX (1360)
  • creating on Linux (1403)
  • creating on NUMA-Q (1439)
  • creating on Solaris (1481)
  • naming restrictions (1895)
  • IPX/SPX (1550)
  • on OS/2 (1248)
  • on Solaris (1258)
  • on Windows 2000 (1271)
  • on Windows 9x (1263)
  • on Windows NT (1272)
  • verifying the connection (1551)
  • J
  • Java
  • running programs (1785)
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  • defined (1737)
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM) (1736)
  • JDBC
  • running programs (1784)
  • JDBC Applet Server (1743)
  • JRE
  • supported levels for Control Center (1741)
  • K
  • kernel configuration parameters
  • updating on NUMA-Q/PTX (1425)
  • updating on UNIX clients (1657)
  • L
  • LANG environment variable (1863), (1867)
  • language identifier
  • books (1812)
  • language support (1860)
  • late-breaking information (1814)
  • license files
  • AIX names (1336)
  • HP-UX names (1372)
  • Linux names (1415)
  • NUMA-Q names (1451)
  • Solaris names (1493)
  • license key
  • updating on AIX (1332)
  • updating on HP-UX (1368)
  • updating on Linux (1411)
  • updating on NUMA-Q (1447)
  • updating on Solaris (1489)
  • Linux
  • creating an instance (1402)
  • creating fenced UDF and stored procedure IDs (1400)
  • creating group IDs (1398)
  • creating user IDs (1399)
  • installing additional products and components using db2setup (1386)
  • installing using db2setup (1382)
  • installing using RPM (1389)
  • license file names (1416)
  • mounting CD-ROM (1800)
  • software requirements (1230)
  • updating the license key (1412)
  • list files (1904)
  • local adapter address (1579)
  • local control point name (1568)
  • local LU name (1582)
  • LOCATION NAME (MVS, OS/390) (1573)
  • LU (1583)
  • M
  • managing connections (1708)
  • overview (1199), (1706)
  • using the Client Configuration Assistant (1200)
  • using the Command Line Processor (1705), (1707)
  • managing server communications
  • overview (1190)
  • manually adding databases (1676)
  • memory requirements
  • client (1207)
  • estimating (1209)
  • recommended (1208)
  • server (1206)
  • Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager (1773)
  • Microsoft SNA Server
  • version required (1277)
  • migrating (1278), (1286)
  • databases (1287)
  • pre-installation tasks (1279)
  • mode name (1576)
  • MODEENT (1577)
  • mounting CD-ROM
  • AIX (1795)
  • HP-UX (1797)
  • Linux (1799)
  • PTX (1801)
  • Solaris (1804)
  • multisite update wizard (1619)
  • multisite updates (1614)
  • Control Center (1617)
  • testing (1620)
  • preparing MVS/ESA or OS/390 for DB2 Connect (1508)
  • N
  • Named Pipes
  • on Windows 2000 (1275)
  • on Windows 9x (1265)
  • on Windows NT (1276)
  • naming rules
  • database alias (1885)
  • database objects (1888)
  • databases (1886)
  • general (1882)
  • groups (1890)
  • instance names (1893)
  • password (1899)
  • userids (1891)
  • username (1892)
  • national language support (NLS)
  • bidirectional CCSID support (1880)
  • CCSID support (1859)
  • converting character data (1873)
  • Net.Data (1251)
  • connecting to the Internet (1175)
  • overview (1178), (1181)
  • NetBIOS
  • code set (1866)
  • codepage support (1868)
  • configuring (1861)
  • determining codepage (1869)
  • on the client (1249)
  • on Windows 2000 (1273)
  • on Windows 9x (1264)
  • on Windows NT (1274)
  • Netscape browser
  • installing (1827)
  • network
  • ID (1563)
  • name (1564)
  • nodelock file
  • AIX (1334)
  • HP-UX (1370)
  • Linux (1413)
  • NUMA-Q (1449)
  • Solaris (1491)
  • NUMA-Q
  • creating an instance (1438)
  • creating fenced UDF and stored procedure IDs (1436)
  • creating group IDs (1434)
  • creating user IDs (1435)
  • installing additional products and components using db2setup (1431)
  • installing product messages (1433)
  • installing using db2setup (1427)
  • license file names (1452)
  • mounting CD-ROM (1802)
  • software requirements (1231)
  • updating the license key (1448)
  • kernel configuration parameters (1424)
  • NUMA-Q/PTX client
  • updating kernel components (1661)
  • O
  • ODBC
  • odbc.ini file (1780)
  • odbcinst.ini file (1781)
  • registering the driver manager (1775)
  • running applications on OS/2 (1653)
  • running ODBC-enabled applications
  • running programs (1771)
  • odbcad32.exe (1772)
  • online help (1822)
  • online information
  • searching (1856)
  • viewing (1825)
  • OS/390
  • configuring TCP/IP (1515)
  • P
  • parameters (1288)
  • SYSADM_GROUP (1791)
  • values required for installation (1289)
  • partner
  • LU name (1565)
  • node name (1569)
  • passwords
  • naming rules (1900)
  • PDF (1817)
  • performance configuration wizard (1849)
  • Performance Monitor
  • using (1192)
  • planning
  • DB2 Connect configuration (1210)
  • installation (1211)
  • printing PDF books (1818)
  • privileges
  • required (1792)
  • product
  • components (1502)
  • descriptions (1166)
  • overview (1165)
  • profiles
  • client (1677), (1690)
  • export (1678)
  • server (1686)
  • protocols
  • APPC (1554)
  • TCP/IP (1528), (1712)
  • PTX
  • mounting CD-ROM (1802)
  • software requirements (1231)
  • PU (1581)
  • R
  • RDB name (AS/400) (1575)
  • registering
  • ODBC driver manager (1774)
  • relational database name (1571)
  • release notes (1815)
  • remote
  • link address (1578)
  • transaction program (1585)
  • restore wizard (1851)
  • restrictions
  • instance name (1894)
  • RPM
  • installing DB2 Connect for Linux using (1388)
  • running applications
  • database client (1767)
  • ODBC considerations
  • S
  • sample programs
  • cross-platform (1809)
  • HTML (1808)
  • searching
  • online information (1830), (1855)
  • server profiles
  • creating (1687)
  • definition (1685)
  • setting configuration parameters (1700)
  • setting up client communications
  • using the Command Line Processor (1699)
  • setting up document server (1853)
  • SmartGuides
  • wizards (1832)
  • SNA
  • configuring SNAPlus (1589), (1601)
  • software requirements (1221)
  • communication protocols (1218)
  • DB2 Application Development Client (1220), (1235), (1238), (1241), (1243) , (1252), (1254), (1260), (1266)
  • DB2 client (1236), (1244), (1253), (1255), (1261) , (1267)
  • DB2 clients (1239)
  • DB2 Connect (1219)
  • Net.Data (1237), (1245), (1256), (1268)
  • Solaris (1474)
  • creating an instance (1480)
  • creating fenced UDF and stored procedure IDs (1478)
  • creating group IDs (1476)
  • creating user IDs (1477)
  • installing additional products and components using db2setup (1468)
  • installing product messages (1475)
  • installing using db2setup (1464)
  • kernel configuration parameters (1460)
  • license file names (1494)
  • manually installing DB2 (1471)
  • mounting CD-ROM (1803)
  • software requirements (1232)
  • updating the license key (1490)
  • Solaris client
  • updating kernel components (1662)
  • SQL
  • viewing using Visual Explain (1195)
  • SSCP (1570)
  • symbolic destination name (1584)
  • controlling (1794)
  • SYSADM_GROUP parameter (1793)
  • APPC connections (1628)
  • configuration requirements (1627)
  • considerations for System/390 (1629)
  • DB2 Connect support (1621)
  • fault tolerance (1625)
  • load balancing (1624)
  • priority information (1623)
  • using (1622)
  • system configuration
  • with DB2 Connect (1174)
  • System Management Interface Tool (SMIT)
  • installing DB2 Connect for AIX using (1309)
  • T
  • target database name (1572)
  • TCP/IP (1533), (1721)
  • client (1714)
  • client-to-server connection (1529)
  • configuring (1719)
  • configuring DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 for (1509)
  • configuring for OS/390 (1516)
  • configuring host connections (1517)
  • configuring on OS/2 (1759)
  • enabling localhost on OS/2 (1761)
  • enabling loopback on OS/2 (1760)
  • hostname (1536)
  • preventing socket collisions (1534), (1722)
  • setting up client-to-server (1718)
  • testing database connection (1552)
  • troubleshooting (1535), (1723)
  • verifying on OS/2 (1763)
  • territory (1862)
  • Tivoli Storage Manager
  • software requirements (1226)
  • trace log (1300)
  • generating during installation (1301)
  • two-phase commit (1615)
  • U
  • unit of work
  • distributed (1616)
  • user IDs
  • creating on AIX (1314)
  • creating on Linux (1393)
  • username
  • naming rules (1896)
  • utilities
  • binding (1768)
  • V
  • verifying the connection
  • TCP/IP (1530), (1717)
  • viewing
  • online information (1824)
  • Visual Explain
  • overview (1194), (1198)
  • VTAM
  • application name is Partner LU name (1567)
  • sample definitions (1510)
  • sample logon mode table entry (1512)
  • sample PU and LU definitions (1511)
  • W
  • Windows 2000
  • starting the security server (1747)
  • Windows NT
  • starting the security server (1746)
  • wizards
  • add database (1834)
  • backup database (1836)
  • completing tasks (1833)
  • configure multisite update (1838)
  • create database (1840)
  • create table (1842)
  • create table space (1844)
  • index (1846)
  • multisite update (1618)
  • performance configuration (1848)
  • restore database (1850)
  • working with DB2 data (1168)
  • workstation name (nname)
  • naming rules (1897)

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