This section assumes that TCP/IP is functional on the client and server workstations. See Software Requirements for the communication protocol requirements for your platform. See Possible Client-to-Server Connectivity Scenarios for the supported communication protocols for your particular client and server.
To set up TCP/IP communications on a DB2 client, perform the following steps:
Step 1. | Identify and record parameter values. |
Step 2. | Configure the client:
Step 3. | Test the connection between the client and server.
As you proceed through the configuration steps, complete the
Your Value column in the following table. You can fill in
some of the values before you start configuring this protocol.
Table 22. TCP/IP Values Required at the Client
Parameter | Description | Sample Value | Your Value |
Host Name
Use the hostname or ip_address of the remote server workstation. To resolve this parameter:
serverhost or
| |
Service Name
Values required in the services file. The Connection Service name is an arbitrary local name that represents the connection port number (port_number) on the server. The port number must be the same as the port number that the svcename parameter maps to in the services file at the server. (The svcename parameter is located in the database manager configuration file on the server.) This value must not be in use by any other applications, and must be unique within the services file. Contact your database administrator for the values used to configure the
| |
Node name (node_name) |
A local alias, or nickname, that describes the node to which you are trying
to connect. You can choose any name you want; however, all node
name values within your local node directory must be unique.
| db2node |
The following steps configure the client to communicate with the server using TCP/IP. Replace the sample values with your worksheet values.
![]() |
If your network has a name server, or you are planning to directly specify
the IP address (ip_address) of the server, skip this step and proceed
to Step B. Update the Services File.
The client must know the IP address of the server to which it is attempting to establish communications. If a name server does not exist on your network, you may directly specify a hostname that maps to the IP address (ip_address) of the server in the local hosts file. See Table 23 for the location of the hosts file for your particular platform.
If you are planning on supporting a UNIX client that is using Network
Information Services (NIS), and you are not using a name server on your
network, you must update the hosts file located on your NIS master
Table 23. Location of the Local Hosts and Services Files
Platform | Location |
OS/2 | Specified by the etc environment variable. Enter the set etc command to determine the location of your local hosts or services files. |
Windows NT or Windows 2000 | Located in the winnt\system32\drivers\etc directory. |
Windows 9x | Located in the windows directory. |
UNIX | Located in the /etc directory. |
Edit the client's hosts file and add an entry for the server's hostname. For example: serverhost # host address for serverhost
If the server is not in the same domain as the client, you must provide a fully qualified domain name such as, where is the domain name.
![]() |
If you are planning to catalog a TCP/IP node using a port number
(port_number), skip this step and go to Step C. Catalog a TCP/IP Node.
Using a local text editor, add the Connection Service name and port number to the client's services file for TCP/IP support. For example:
server1 3700/tcp # DB2 connection service port
If you are planning on supporting a UNIX client that uses Network Information Services (NIS), you must update the services file located on your NIS master server.
The services file is located in the same directory as the local hosts file that you may have edited in A. Resolve the Server's Host Address.
See Table 23 for the location of the services file for your particular platform.
You must add an entry to the client's node directory to describe the remote node. This entry specifies the chosen alias (node_name), the hostname (or ip_address), and the svcename (or port_number) that the client will use to access the remote server.
To catalog a TCP/IP node, perform the following steps:
Step 1. | Log on to the system with a valid DB2 user ID. For more
information, see Appendix D, Naming Rules.
| ||
Step 2. | If you are using a UNIX client, run the start-up script as follows: . INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile (for bash, Bourne or Korn shell) source INSTHOME/sqllib/db2cshrc (for C shell) where INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance. | ||
Step 3. | Catalog the node by entering the following commands: db2 "catalog tcpip node node_name remote [hostname|ip_address] server [svcename|port_number]" db2 terminate For example, to catalog the remote server serverhost on the node called db2node, using the service name server1, enter the following: db2 catalog tcpip node db2node remote serverhost server server1 db2 terminate To catalog a remote server with the IP address on the node called db2node, using the port number 3700, enter the following: db2 catalog tcpip node db2node remote server 3700 db2 terminate
![]() | If you need to change values that were set with the catalog
node command, perform the following steps:
Before a client application can access a remote database, the database must be cataloged on the server node and on any client nodes that will connect to it. By default, when you create a database, it is automatically cataloged on the server with the database alias (database_alias) the same as the database name (database_name). The information in the database directory, along with the information in the node directory, is used on the client to establish a connection to the remote database.
To catalog a database on the client, perform the following steps:
Step 1. | Log on to the system with a valid DB2 user ID. For more
information, see Appendix D, Naming Rules.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
Step 2. | Fill in the Your Value column in the following
Table 24. Worksheet: Parameter Values for Cataloging Databases
| ||||||||||||||||||||
Step 3. | If you are using a UNIX client, run the start-up script as follows: . INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile (for bash, Bourne or Korn shell) source INSTHOME/sqllib/db2cshrc (for C shell) where INSTHOME represents the home directory of the instance. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Step 4. | Catalog the database by entering the following commands: catalog database database_name as database_alias at node node_name authentication auth_type terminate For example, to catalog a remote database called sample so that it has the alias tor1, on the node db2node, enter the following commands: catalog database sample as tor1 at node db2node authentication dcs terminate
After configuring the client for communications, you will need to connect to a remote database to test the connection.
Step 1. | Start the database manager by entering the db2start command on the server (if it was not automatically started at boot time). |
Step 2. | If you are using a UNIX client, run the start-up script as follows: . INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile (for Bash, Bourne or Korn shell) source INSTHOME/sqllib/db2cshrc (for C shell) where INSTHOME represents the home directory of the instance. |
Step 3. | Enter the following command on the client to connect the client to the remote database: db2 connect to database_alias user userid using password
The values for userid and password must be valid for the system on which they are authenticated. By default, authentication takes place on the server for a DB2 server and on the host or AS/400 machine for a DB2 Connect server.
If the connection is successful, you will get a message showing the name of the database to which you have connected. You are now able to retrieve data from that database. For example, to retrieve a list of all the table names listed in the system catalog table, enter the following SQL command in the Command Center or CLP:
"select tabname from syscat.tables"
When you are finished using the database connection, enter the
command reset command to end the database connection.
![]() |
You are now ready to start using DB2. For more advanced topics,
refer to the Administration Guide and the Installation and Configuration Supplement.
If the connection fails, check the following items:
At the server:
![]() |
Check the settings for the db2comm registry value by entering the
db2set DB2COMM command. For more information, refer to the
Administration Guide.
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For more information on the db2diag.log file, refer to
the Troubleshooting Guide.
At the client:
If the connection still fails after you verify these items, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.