DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings for UNIX**

2. Update the APPC Profiles on the DB2 Connect Workstation

Use the completed worksheet in Table 16 to configure DB2 Connect APPC communications for access to a remote host or AS/400 database server.

Figure 00002671 not displayed.

Go to the sections that describe how to configure APPC communications on the platforms that are present in your network:

Configuring IBM eNetwork Communication Server for AIX

This section describes how to configure IBM eNetwork Communication Server V5.0.3 for AIX on your DB2 Connect workstation to connect to host or AS/400 database servers using APPC. IBM eNetwork Communication Server for AIX is the only SNA product supported for DB2 Connect running on RS/6000 machines.

Before you begin, ensure that your workstation has IBM eNetwork Communication Server V5.0.3 for AIX (CS/AIX) installed. If you need further information in order to configure your SNA environment, refer to the online help provided with CS/AIX.

The following assumptions are made:

To configure CS/AIX for use by DB2 Connect, log on to the system as a user with root authority and use either the /usr/bin/snaadmin program or the /usr/bin/X11/xsnaadmin program. Information about these programs can be found in the system documentation. The following steps describe how to use the xsnaadmin program to configure CS/AIX.

Step  1.

Enter the command xsnaadmin. The Node window for the server opens.

Step  2.

Define a node.

  1. Select Services --> Configure Node Parameters. The Node Parameters window opens.
    Node Parameters Window
  2. Select End node from the APPN support drop-down menu.
  3. Enter your network ID and the local PU name ((9) and (10)) in the Control point name fields.
  4. Enter the local PU name ((10)) in the Control point alias field.
  5. Enter your Node ID ((13) and (14)) in the Node ID fields.
  6. Click OK.

Step  3.

Define a port.

  1. Select the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select the Port using radio button.
  4. Click the Port Using drop down box and select the appropriate port type. For the purpose of our example, we will select the Token ring card option.
    Token Ring SAP window
  5. Click OK. The Port window for the chosen port type opens.
  6. Enter a name for the port in the SNA port name field.
  7. Select the Initially active check box.
  8. From the Connection network box, select Define on connection network check box.
  9. Enter your SNA Network Name ((9)) in the first part of the CN name field.
  10. Enter the Local PU Name ((10)) associated with your AIX computer in the second part of the CN name field.
  11. Click OK. The Port window closes and a new port opens in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.

Step  4.

Define a link station.

  1. In the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window, select the port that you defined in the previous step.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select the Add a link station to port radio button.
  4. Click OK. The Token ring link station window opens.
    Token Ring Link Station window
  5. Enter a name for the link in the Name field.
  6. Click the Activation drop-down box and select the On demand option.
  7. Select the Independent only option in the LU traffic box.
  8. In the Independent LU traffic box:
    1. Enter the network ID ((3)) and the partner LU name ((2)) in the Remote node fields.
    2. Click the Remote node type drop-down box and select the type of node that applies to your network.
  9. In the Contact information box, enter the SNA destination address ((8)) assigned for the host or AS/400 system in the Mac address field.
  10. Click OK. The Link Station window closes and a new link station appears in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.

Step  5.

Define a local LU.

  1. Select the Independent local LUs window.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Local LU window opens.
    Local LU window
  3. Enter your independent local LU Name ((11)) in the LU name field.
  4. Enter the same name in the LU alias field ((12)).
  5. Click OK. The new LU appears in the Independent Local LUs window.

Step  6.

Define a partner LU over the link station.

  1. Select Services --> APPC --> New PLUs -->Over Link Station from the menu bar. The Partner LU on link station window opens.
    Partner LU on Link Station Window
  2. Enter the name for the local LU ((11)) you defined previously in the LU name field.
  3. Enter the name for the link station you defined previously in the LS name field.
  4. Enter the name of the partner LU you want to connect to ((2)) in the Partner LU name field.
  5. Click OK. The Partner LU appears in the Independent Local LUs window of the Local LU that was created in the previous step.

Step  7.

Define an alias for the partner LU.

  1. Select the Remote Systems window.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select the Define partner LU alias radio button.
  4. Click OK. The Partner LU window opens.
  5. Enter an alias for the partner LU in the Alias field.
  6. Enter the same value in the Uninterpreted name field.
  7. Click OK.

Step  8.

Define a mode.

  1. Select Services --> APPC--> Modes from the menu bar. The Modes window opens.
  2. Click the New push button. The Mode window opens.
    Mode Window
  3. Enter a mode name ((15)) in the Name field.
  4. The configuration values below are suggested for the following fields:
    • Initial session limits: 20
    • Maximum session limits: 32767
    • Min con. winner sessions: 10
    • Min con. loser sessions: 10
    • Auto-activated sessions: 4
    • Initial receive pacing window: 8

    These values are suggested because they are known to work. You will need to tailor these values so that they are optimized for your particular application environment.

  5. Click OK. The new mode appears in the Modes window.
  6. Click Done.

Step  9.

Define the CPI-C destination name.

  1. Select Services --> APPC--> CPI-C from the menu bar. The CPI-C destination names window opens.
  2. Click the New push button. The CPI-C destination window opens.
    CPI-C Destination Window
  3. In the Name field, enter the Symbolic Destination Name ((16)) you want to associate with the host or AS/400 server database. This example uses db2cpic.
  4. In the Partner TP box:
    • For DB2 for MVS/ESA, DB2 for OS/390, and DB2 for AS/400, select the Service TP (hex) radio button, and enter the hexadecimal TP number ((17)). (For DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 or DB2/MVS, you can also use the default application TP DB2DRDA. For DB2 for AS/400 you can also use the default application TP QCNTEDDM.)
    • For DB2 for VM or VSE, select the Application TP radio button. For DB2 for VM, enter the DB2 for VM database name. For DB2 for VSE, enter the AXE as the application TP ((17)).
  5. In the Partner LU and mode box:
    1. Select the Use PLU alias radio button, and enter the partner LU alias ((2)) you created in a previous step.
    2. In the Mode field, enter the mode name ((15)) for the mode that you created in a previous step.
  6. In the Security box, select the radio button that corresponds to the type of security level that you want to run on your network.
  7. Click OK. The new destination name appears in the Destination Names window.
  8. Click Done.

Step 10.

Test the APPC connection.

  1. Start the SNA subsystem by entering the /usr/bin/sna start command. You can enter the /usr/bin/sna stop command to stop the SNA subsystem first, if required.
  2. Start the SNA administration program. You can enter either the /usr/bin/snaadmin command or the /usr/bin/X11/xsnaadmin command.
  3. Start the subsystem node. Select the appropriate node icon in the button bar, and click the Start push button.
  4. Start the link station. Select the link station you defined previously in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window, and click the Start push button.
  5. Start the session. Select the LU you defined previously in the Independent Local LUs window, and click the Start push button. A session activation window opens.
  6. Select or enter a partner LU and mode.
  7. Click OK.

Figure 00002674 not displayed.

You may also need to contact your database or network administrators to have your local LU names added to the appropriate tables in order to access the host or AS/400 server database.

Figure 00002671 not displayed.

You now need to update the DB2 directories, bind utilities and applications to the server, and test the connection.

Go to 3. Catalog the APPC Node.

Configuring Bull SNA for AIX

This section describes how to configure Bull DPX/20 SNA/20 Server on your DB2 Connect workstation to connect to host or AS/400 database servers using APPC. If Bull DPX/20 SNA/20 Server is installed prior to installing DB2 Connect, DB2 Connect uses Bull SNA. Otherwise, you need to configure DB2 Connect to work with IBM eNetwork Communications Server V5.0.3 for AIX. See Configuring IBM eNetwork Communication Server for AIX for more information.

To determine if Bull SNA is installed on your AIX 4.2 (or later) system, enter the following command:

  lslpp -l express.exsrv+dsk

If Bull SNA is installed, you will see output similar to the following:

    Fileset                      Level  State      Description
  Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
    express.exsrv+dsk  COMMITTED  EXPRESS SNA Server and
                                                   Integrated Desktop

If you install Bull SNA after installing DB2 Connect and you want DB2 Connect to use Bull SNA instead of IBM eNetwork Communications Server for AIX, log on to the system as a user with root authority and enter the following command:


If you want to install the Bull DPX/20 SNA/20 Server, then you must have the following software:

__  1.

AIX V4.1.4

__  2.

Express SNA Server V2.1.3

For more information on setting up your SNA environment, refer to the Bull DPX/20 SNA/20 Server Configuration Guide.

DB2 Connect, when used with the Bull SNA server, cannot have inbound APPC connections from remote clients. The only APPC connections it can have are outbound APPC connections to the host.

To configure Bull SNA for use by DB2 Connect, enter the express command to configure the following SNA parameters:

     Config         Express           Default configuration for EXPRESS
      Node          NYX1              SPIFNET.NYX1 (HOSTNAME=NYX1)
       Indep. LUs   6.2 LUs Using All Stations
         LU         NYX1              Control Point LU
       Link         tok0.00001        Link (tok0)
        Station     MVS               To MVS from NYX1
         LU         NYX1GW01          To MVS from NYX1
          LU Pair   NYM2DB2           To MVS from NYX1
           Mode     IBMRDB            IBMRDB

Use default values for fields not listed.

The following example illustrates the sample configuration:

   Defining hardware:
   System (hostname) = NYX1
   Adapter and Port  = NYX1.tok0
     MAC Address     = 400011529778
   Defining SNA node:
   Name          = NYX1
   Description   = SPIFNET.NYX1 (HOSTNAME=NYX1)
   Network ID    = SPIFNET
   Control Point = NYX1
   XID Block     = 05D
   XID ID        = 29778
   Defining token ring link:
   Name            = tok0.00001
   Description     = Link (tok0)
   Connection Network name
     Network ID    = SPIFNET
     Control Point = NYX
   Defining token ring station:
   Name               = MVS
   Description        = To MVS from NYX1
   Remote MAC address = 400009451902
   Remote Node name
     Network ID       = SPIFNET
     Control Point    = NYX
   Defining Local LU 6.2:
   Name        = NYX1GW01
   Description = To MVS from NYX1
   Network ID  = SPIFNET
   LU name     = NYX1GW01
   Defining Remote LU 6.2:
   Name                 = NYM2DB2
   Description          = To MVS from NYX1
   Network ID           = SPIFNET
   LU name              = NYM2DB2
   Remote Network ID    = SPIFNET
   Remote Control Point = NYX
   Uninterpreted Name   = NYM2DB2
   Defining Mode:
   Name             = IBMRDB
   Description      = IBMRDB
   Class of service = #CONNECT
   Defining Symbolic Destination Info:
   Name        = DB2CPIC
   Description = To MVS from NYX1
   Partner LU  = SPIFNET.NYM2DB2
   Mode        = IBMRDB
   Local LU    = NYX1GW01
   Partner TP  = DB2DRDA

After you have configured these SNA parameters, you must stop and start the SNA server. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Log on to the system as a user with root authority.

Step  2.

Make sure your PATH contains the $express/bin (/usr/lpp/express/bin)entry.

Step  3.

Check for active users before stopping the server by entering the following command:

   express_adm shutdown

Step  4.

Stop all EXPRESS activity by entering the following command:

   express_adm stop

Step  5.

Start EXPRESS by entering the following command:

   express_adm start

Figure 00002671 not displayed.

You now need to update the DB2 directories, bind utilities and applications to the server, and test the connection.

Go to 3. Catalog the APPC Node.

Configuring SNAPlus2 for HP-UX

This section describes how to configure SNAplus2 for HP-UX on your DB2 Connect workstation to connect to host or AS/400 database servers using APPC. SNAplus2 for HP-UX is the only SNA product supported for DB2 Connect running on HP-UX V10 and V11 machines.

Before you begin, ensure that your workstation has HP-UX SNAplus2 installed. If you need more information in order to configure your SNA environment, refer to the online help provided with SNAplus2.

The following assumptions are made:

To configure SNAplus2 for DB2 Connect, log on to the system as a user with root authority and use either the /opt/sna/bin/snapadmin program or the /opt/sna/bin/X11/xsnapadmin program. Information about these programs can be found in the system documentation. The following steps describe how to use the xsnapadmin program to configure SNAplus2.

Step  1.

Enter the command xsnapadmin. The Node window for the server opens.

Step  2.

Define a node.

  1. Select Services --> Configure Node Parameters. The Node Parameters window opens.
    Node Parameters Window
  2. Select End node from the APPN support drop-down menu.
  3. Enter your network ID and the local PU name ((9) and (10)) in the Control point name fields.
  4. Enter the local PU name ((10)) in the Control point alias field.
  5. Enter your Node ID ((13) and (14)) in the Node ID fields.
  6. Click OK.

Step  3.

Define a port.

  1. Select the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select the Port using radio button.
  4. Click the Port Using drop down box and select the appropriate port. For the purpose of our example, we will select the Token ring card option.
  5. Click OK. The Port window for the chosen port type opens.
    Token Ring SAP window
  6. Enter a name for the port in the SNA port name field.
  7. Select the Initially active check box.
  8. Select the Define on a connection network check box.
  9. Enter your network ID ((9)) in the first part of the CN name field.
  10. Enter your local control point name ((10)) in the second part of the CN name field.
  11. Click OK. The Port window closes and a new port appears in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.

Step  4.

Define a link station.

  1. In the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window, select the port that you defined in the previous step.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select the Add a link station to port radio button.
  4. Click OK. The Token ring link station window opens.
    Token Ring Link Station window
  5. Enter a name for the link in the Name field.
  6. Click the Activation drop-down box and select the On demand option.
  7. Select the Independent only option in the LU traffic box.
  8. In the Independent LU traffic box:
    1. Enter the network ID ((3)) and the partner LU name ((2)) in the Remote node fields.
    2. Click the Remote node type drop-down box and select the type of node that applies to your network.
  9. In the Contact information box, enter the SNA destination address ((8)) assigned for the host or AS/400 system in the Mac address field.
  10. Click OK. The Link Station window closes and a new link station appears in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.

Step  5.

Define a local LU.

  1. Select the Independent local LUs window.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Local LU window opens.
    Local LU window
  3. Enter your independent local LU Name ((11)) in the LU name field.
  4. Enter the same name in the LU alias field ((12)).
  5. Click OK. The new LU appears in the Independent Local LUs window.

Step  6.

Define a remote node.

  1. Select the Remote Systems window.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select Define remote node.
  4. Click OK. The Remote Node configuration window opens.
    Remote Node Window
  5. Enter the network ID ((3)) and the partner LU name ((2)) in the Node's SNA network name field.
  6. Click OK. The remote node appears in the Remote Systems window, and a default partner LU is defined for the node.

Step  7.

Define a partner LU.

  1. In the Remote Systems window, double-click the default partner LU that was created when you defined a remote node in the previous step. The Partner LU window opens.
    Partner LU Window
  2. Enter the same partner LU name ((2)) in the Alias and Uninterpreted name fields.
  3. Select Supports parallel sessions.
  4. Click OK.

Step  8.

Define a mode.

  1. Select Services --> APPC--> Modes from the menu bar. The Modes window opens.
  2. Click the New push button. The Mode window opens.
    Mode Window
  3. Enter a mode name ((15)) in the Name field.
  4. The configuration values below are suggested for the following fields:
    • Initial session limits: 20
    • Maximum session limits: 32767
    • Min con. winner sessions: 10
    • Min con. loser sessions: 10
    • Auto-activated sessions: 4
    • Initial receive pacing window: 8

    These values are suggested because they are known to work. You will need to tailor these values so that they are optimized for your particular application environment.

  5. Click OK. The new mode appears in the Modes window.
  6. Click Done.

Step  9.

Define the CPI-C destination name.

  1. Select Services --> APPC--> CPI-C from the menu bar. The CPI-C destination names window opens.
  2. Click the New push button. The CPI-C destination window opens.
    CPI-C Destination Window
  3. In the Name field, enter the Symbolic Destination Name ((16)) you want to associate with the host or AS/400 server database. This example uses db2cpic.
  4. In the Partner TP box:
    • For DB2 for MVS/ESA, DB2 for OS/390, and DB2 for AS/400, select the Service TP (hex) radio button, and enter the hexadecimal TP number ((17)). (For DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 or DB2/MVS, you can also use the default application TP DB2DRDA. For DB2 for AS/400 you can also use the default application TP QCNTEDDM.)
    • For DB2 for VM or VSE, select the Application TP radio button. For DB2 for VM, enter the DB2 for VM database name. For DB2 for VSE, enter the AXE as the application TP ((17)).
  5. In the Partner LU and mode box:
    1. Select the Use PLU alias radio button, and enter the partner LU alias ((2)) you created in a previous step.
    2. In the Mode field, enter the mode name ((15)) for the mode that you created in a previous step.
  6. In the Security box, select the radio button that corresponds to the type of security level that you want to run on your network.
  7. Click OK. The new destination name appears in the Destination Names window.
  8. Click Done.

Step 10.

Test the APPC connection.

  1. Start the SNA subsystem by entering the /opt/sna/bin/sna start command. You may need to enter the /opt/sna/bin/sna stop command to stop the SNA subsystem first.
  2. Start the SNA administration program. You can use either the /opt/sna/bin/snaadmin command or the /opt/sna/bin/X11/xsnaadmin command.
  3. Start the subsystem node. Select the appropriate node icon in the button bar, and click the Start push button.
  4. Start the link station. Select the link station you defined previously in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window, and click the Start push button.
  5. Start the session. Select the LU you defined previously in the Independent Local LUs pane, then click the Start button. A session activation window opens. Select or enter a partner LU and mode.
  6. Click OK.

Figure 00002674 not displayed.

You may also need to contact your database or network administrators to have your Local LU names added to the appropriate tables in order to access the host or AS/400 server database.

Figure 00002671 not displayed.

You now need to update the DB2 directories, bind utilities and applications to the server, and test the connection.

Go to 3. Catalog the APPC Node.

Configuring SNAP-IX Version 6.0.1 for SPARC Solaris

This section describes how to configure DCL SNAP-IX V6.0.6 for SPARC Solaris on your DB2 Connect workstation to connect to host or AS/400 database servers using APPC.

Before you begin, ensure that your workstation has DCL SNAP-IX V6.1.0 for SPARC Solaris installed. For more information on configuring your SNA environment, refer to the online help provided with DCL SNAP-IX V6.1.0 for SPARC Solaris.

The following assumptions have been made:

To configure DCL SNAP-IX V6.1.0 for SPARC Solaris for DB2 Connect, log on to the system as a user with root authority and use either the /opt/sna/bin/snaadmin or the /opt/sna/bin/X11/xsnaadmin program. For more information about these programs, refer to the system documentation.

To configure DCL SNAP-IX V6.1.0 for SPARC Solaris using the xsnaadmin program, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Enter the xsnaadmin command. The Node window for the server opens.

Step  2.

Define a node.

  1. Select Services --> Configure Node Parameters. The Node Parameters window opens.
    Node Parameters Window
  2. Select End node from the APPN support drop-down menu.
  3. Enter your network ID and the local PU name ((9) and (10)) in the Control point name fields.
  4. Enter the local PU name ((10)) in the Control point alias field.
  5. Enter your Node ID ((13) and (14)) in the Node ID fields.
  6. Click OK.

Step  3.

Define a port.

  1. Select the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.
  2. Click Add. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select the Port using radio button.
  4. Click on the Port Using drop down box and select the appropriate port. For the purpose of our example, we will select the SunTRI/P Adapter option.
  5. Click OK. The Port window for the chosen port type opens.
  6. Enter a name for the port in the SNA port name field.
  7. Select the Initially active check box.
  8. Click OK. The Port window closes, and a new port appears in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window.

Step  4.

Define a link station.

  1. In the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window, select the port that you defined in the previous step.
  2. Click Add. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select the Add a Link Station to Port radio button.
  4. Click OK. The Token Ring Link Station window opens.
  5. Enter a name for the link in the Name field.
  6. Select the Independent Only option in the LU traffic box.
  7. In the Independent LU traffic box:
    1. Enter the Network ID ((3)) and the Partner PU Name ((2)) in the Remote Node fields.
    2. Click on the Remote node type drop down box and select the type of node that applies to your network.
  8. In the Contact information box, enter the SNA Destination Address ((8)) assigned for the host or AS/400 system in the Mac address field.
  9. Click OK. The Link Station window closes, and a new link station appears in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs pane.

Step  5.

Define a local LU.

  1. Select the Independent local LUs window.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Local LU window opens.
    Local LU window
  3. Enter your independent local LU Name ((11)) in the LU name field.
  4. Enter the same name in the LU alias field ((12)).
  5. Click OK. The new LU appears in the Independent Local LUs window.

Step  6.

Define a remote node.

  1. Select the Remote Systems window.
  2. Click the Add push button. The Add to Node window opens.
  3. Select Define remote node.
  4. Click OK. The Remote Node configuration window opens.
    Remote Node Window
  5. Enter the network ID ((3)) and the partner LU name ((2)) in the Node's SNA network name field.
  6. Click OK. The remote node appears in the Remote Systems window, and a default partner LU is defined for the node.

Step  7.

Define a partner LU.

  1. Select Services --> APPC --> New partner LUs --> Partner LU on Remote Node from the menu bar. The Partner LU window opens.
  2. Enter the Partner LU name in the Partner LU Name fields.
  3. Enter the same Partner LU name ((2)) in the Alias and Uninterpreted Name fields.
  4. Select Supports Parallel Sessions.
  5. Enter the Partner PU name in the Location fields.
  6. Click OK.

Step  8.

Define a mode.

  1. Select Services --> APPC--> Modes from the menu bar. The Modes window opens.
  2. Click the New push button. The Mode window opens.
    Mode Window
  3. Enter a mode name ((15)) in the Name field.
  4. The configuration values below are suggested for the following fields:
    • Initial session limits: 20
    • Maximum session limits: 32767
    • Min con. winner sessions: 10
    • Min con. loser sessions: 10
    • Auto-activated sessions: 4
    • Initial receive pacing window: 8

    These values are suggested because they are known to work. You will need to tailor these values so that they are optimized for your particular application environment.

  5. Click OK. The new mode appears in the Modes window.
  6. Click Done.

Step  9.

Define the CPI-C destination name.

  1. Select Services --> APPC -->CPI-C from the menu bar. The CPI-C Destination Names window opens.
    CPI-C Destination Names window
  2. Click New. The CPI-C Destination window opens.
    CPI-C Destination Window
  3. Enter the Symbolic Destination Name ((16)) you want to associate with the host or AS/400 server database in the Name field. This example uses DB2CPIC.
  4. In the Local LU box:
    • Select the specific Local LU alias radio button and enter the Local LU alias you created previously.
  5. In the Partner LU and mode box:
    1. Select the Use PLU Alias radio button, and enter the Partner LU Alias ((2)) you created in a previous step.
    2. Enter the Mode name ((15)) for the mode that you created in a previous step in the Mode field.
  6. In the Partner TP Box:
    1. For DB2 for MVS/ESA, DB2 for OS/390, and DB2 for AS/400, select the Service TP (hex) radio button.
    2. Enter the hexadecimal TP number ((17)). (For DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 or DB2/MVS, you can also use the default application TP DB2DRDA. For DB2 for AS/400 you can also use the default application TP QCNTEDDM.)
    3. For DB2 for VM or VSE, select the Application TP radio button. For DB2 for VM, enter the DB2 for VM database name. For DB2 for VSE, enter the AXE as the application TP. ((17))
  7. In the Security box, select the radio button that corresponds to the type of security level that you want to run on your network.
  8. Click OK. The new destination name appears in the Destination Names window.
  9. Click Done.
  10. Test the APPC connection.
    1. Start the SNA subsystem by entering the /opt/sna/bin/sna start command. You can enter the /opt/sna/bin/sna stop command to stop the SNA subsystem first, if required.
    2. Start the SNA administration program. You can use either the /opt/sna/bin/snaadmin or the /opt/sna/bin/X11/xsnaadmin command.
    3. Start the subsystem node. Select the node icon in the button bar, and click the Start push button.
    4. Start the link station. Select the link station that you previously defined in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window. Click Start.
    5. Start the session. Select the LU you defined previously in the Independent Local LUs window, then click Start. A session activation window opens. Select or enter the Partner LU and Mode desired.
    6. Click OK.

Figure 00002671 not displayed.

You now need to update the DB2 directories, bind utilities and applications to the server, and test the connection.

Go to 3. Catalog the APPC Node.

Step 10.

Test the APPC connection.

  1. Start the SNA subsystem by entering the /opt/sna/bin/sna start command. You can enter the /opt/sna/bin/sna stop command to stop the SNA subsystem first, if required.
  2. Start the SNA administration program. You can use either the /opt/sna/bin/snaadmin or the /opt/sna/bin/X11/xsnaadmin command.
  3. Start the subsystem node. Select the node icon in the button bar, and click the Start push button.
  4. Start the link station. Select the link station that you previously defined in the Connectivity and Dependent LUs window. Click Start.
  5. Start the session. Select the LU you defined previously in the Independent Local LUs window, then click Start. A session activation window opens. Select or enter the Partner LU and Mode desired.
  6. Click OK.

Figure 00002674 not displayed.

You may also need to contact your database or network administrators to have your Local LU names added to the appropriate tables in order to access the host or AS/400 server database.

Configuring SunLink 9.1 for Solaris

This section describes how to configure SunLink 9.1 (SunLink SNA) for Solaris on your DB2 Connect workstation to connect to host or AS/400 database servers using APPC. SunLink SNA for Solaris is the only SNA product supported for DB2 Connect running on Solaris.

Before you begin, ensure that your workstation has SunLink SNA 9.1 installed. The following assumptions have been made:

To configure the SunLink SNA Server for use by DB2 Connect, log on to the system as a user with root authority and perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Start the Configuration Program

Step  2.

Configuring for a Link Station

Step  3.

Configuring for a Session

Figure 00002674 not displayed.

You may also need to contact your database or network administrators to have your local LU names added to the appropriate tables in order to access the host or AS/400 server database.

Start the Configuration Program

The Sunlink Version 9.1 configuration tool uses a graphical user interface accessible through X Windows. To begin the configuration, do the following:

  1. Log on as root.
  2. To initialize the daemons:
    1. Start the sunsetup program by entering:
    2. Select option 4, and then 5 (Start GMAN/PU21 Software).
  3. To start the graphical interface for configuring Sunlink:
    1. Export your display (for example, export DISPLAY=hostname:0)
    2. Start the sungmi program by entering:

Configuring for a Link Station

In SNA networking you must have a working link station before you can establish a session. To establish a link station with Sunlink 9.1, complete the following steps:

  1. Double click on the config1 folder in the left-hand pane of the configuration window. A hierarchical tree of icons representing resources will open. Each of the configuration actions you will perform can be launched by right-clicking on the appropriate icon in this window.
  2. Begin by configuring Systems. Select the Systems icon, and right-click.
    1. From the menu that appears, select New --> System
    2. Set HOST = Solaris3. All other information can be left to defaults.
  3. Next, you will need to configure PU2.1 Servers. Select the PU2.1 Servers icon, and right-click.
    1. From the menu that appears, select New PU2.1 Servers> PU2.1 Server.
    2. If you are using Solaris3, enter the following:
           Name: OMXUF5
           CP Name: CAIBMOML.OMXUF5
           Command Options: -t -1
           sunop service:  brxadmin_pu2 
           lu6.2 service:  brxlu62_serv

      All other options can be left as default values.

  4. The next step is to configure your LAN connections. Select the LAN Connections icon, and right-click.
    1. From the menu that appears, select New 'Lan Connections' LAN Connection.
    2. If you are using Solaris3, enter the following:
           Line Name:  MAC	
           Local Mac:  08002082611F
    3. Click on Advanced. Ensure that the following is set:
           Lan Speed: 16Mbs
  5. The last item is your DLC settings. Select MAC icon, and right-click.
    1. From the menu that appears, select New --> DLC (PU2).
    2. For example, If you are using Solaris3, enter the following:
           DLC Name:  Jetsons
           Remote Mac:  400011529798
           Remote CP: CAIBMOML.OMXR88

Stop the SNA daemons and start them again. You should now see an active Link Station connection. Ensure that this works before continuing.

Configuring for a Session

To configure an SNA session for database communications, double click on the config1 folder in the left-hand pane of the configuration window. A hierarchical tree of icons representing resources will open. Each of the configuration actions you will perform can be launched by right-clicking on the appropriate icon in this window.

To configure for a session:

  1. Start by configuring the independent LU. Select the Independent LU icon, and right-click.
    1. From the menu that appears, select New --> Independent LU.
    2. If you are using Solaris3, enter the following:
           Name:  OMXUF50A
    3. Click on Advanced. Set the session limit as follows:
           Session Limit:  16
           Sync level : No 
      Note:Two-Phase commit is currently not supported by DB2 with SUNLINK.
  2. Next, set the partner LU. Select the Partner LU's icon, and right-click.
    1. From the menu that appears, select New --> Partner LU.
    2. If you are using Solaris3, enter the following:
           Name:  OMXR880A
           Local LU: OMXUF50A
  3. Finally, set the mode. Select the OMXR880A icon found under the Partner LU icon, and right-click.
    1. From the menu that appears, select New --> Mode.
    2. For example, If you are using Solaris3, enter the following:
           Mode Name:  IBMRDB  
           DLC Name: Jetsons

To activate the session, you must stop and then restart the SNA daemons.

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