IBM Books

Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference

Table of Contents

About This Book

  • Who Should Use this Book
  • How this Book is Structured
  • Chapter 1. Export

  • Export Overview
  • Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization Required to Use Export
  • Using Export
  • Before Using Export
  • Invoking Export
  • Recreating an Exported Table
  • Exporting Large Objects (LOBs)
  • EXPORT Command
  • Export API
  • SQLUEXPT-OUT Data Structure
  • File Type Modifiers (Export)
  • Delimiter Restrictions
  • Example Export Sessions
  • CLP Examples
  • API Examples
  • Restrictions
  • Troubleshooting
  • Chapter 2. Import

  • Import Overview
  • Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization Required to Use Import
  • Using Import
  • Before Using Import
  • Invoking Import
  • Using Import in a Client/Server Environment
  • Using Import with Buffered Inserts
  • Recreating an Exported Table
  • Importing Large Objects (LOBs)
  • Importing User-defined Distinct Types (UDTs)
  • IMPORT Command
  • Import API
  • SQLUIMPT-IN Data Structure
  • SQLUIMPT-OUT Data Structure
  • File Type Modifiers (Import)
  • Character Set and NLS Considerations
  • Example Import Sessions
  • CLP Examples
  • API Examples
  • Optimizing Import Performance
  • Restrictions and Limitations
  • Troubleshooting
  • Chapter 3. Load

  • Load Overview
  • Parallelism and Loading
  • Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization Required to Use Load
  • Using Load
  • Before Using Load
  • Invoking Load
  • Checking for Constraints Violations
  • Restarting an Interrupted Load Operation
  • Using the Load Copy Location File
  • LOAD Command
  • LOAD QUERY Command
  • Load API
  • Data Structure: SQLULOAD-IN
  • Data Structure: SQLULOAD-OUT
  • db2LoadQuery - Load Query API
  • File Type Modifiers (Load)
  • Exception Table
  • Dump File
  • Load Temporary Files
  • Load Utility Log Records
  • Character Set and NLS Considerations
  • Example Load Sessions
  • CLP Examples
  • API Examples
  • Pending States After a Load Operation
  • Optimizing Load Performance
  • Restrictions and Limitations
  • Troubleshooting
  • Chapter 4. AutoLoader

  • AutoLoader Overview
  • Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization Required to Use AutoLoader
  • Using AutoLoader
  • Before Using AutoLoader
  • Invoking AutoLoader
  • Loading into Multiple Database Partitions
  • AutoLoader Options
  • Example AutoLoader Session
  • Migration and Back-level Compatibility
  • AutoLoader Hints and Tips
  • Restrictions and Limitations
  • AutoLoader Troubleshooting
  • Chapter 5. Moving DB2 Data Links Manager Data

  • Using Export to Move DB2 Data Links Manager Data
  • Using Import to Move DB2 Data Links Manager Data
  • Using Load to Move DB2 Data Links Manager Data
  • Chapter 6. Moving Data Between Systems

  • Moving Data Across Platforms
  • PC/IXF File Format
  • Delimited ASCII (DEL) File Format
  • WSF File Format
  • Moving Data Using the db2move Tool
  • Moving Data With DB2 Connect
  • Using the Export and the Import Utilities
  • Moving Data Between Typed Tables
  • Traverse Order
  • Selection During Data Movement
  • Examples of Moving Data Between Typed Tables
  • Using Replication to Move Data
  • The IBM Replication Tools by Component
  • Appendix A. How to Read the Syntax Diagrams

    Appendix B. Differences Between the Import and the Load Utility

    Appendix C. Export/Import/Load Utility File Formats

  • Delimited ASCII (DEL) File Format
  • Sample DEL File
  • DEL Data Type Descriptions
  • Non-delimited ASCII (ASC) File Format
  • Sample ASC File
  • ASC Data Type Descriptions
  • PC Version of IXF File Format
  • PC/IXF Record Types
  • PC/IXF Data Types
  • PC/IXF Data Type Descriptions
  • General Rules Governing PC/IXF File Import into Databases
  • Data Type-Specific Rules Governing PC/IXF File Import into Databases
  • FORCEIN Option
  • Differences between Version 1 PC/IXF and Version 0 System/370 IXF
  • Worksheet File Format (WSF)
  • Appendix D. Warning, Error, and Completion Messages

    Appendix E. How the DB2 Library Is Structured

  • Completing Tasks with SmartGuides
  • Accessing Online Help
  • DB2 Information - Hardcopy and Online
  • Viewing Online Information
  • Accessing Information with the Information Center
  • Setting Up a Document Server
  • Searching Online Information
  • Printing the PostScript Books
  • Ordering the Printed Books
  • Appendix F. Notices

  • Trademarks
  • Trademarks of Other Companies
  • Appendix G. Contacting IBM


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