Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Before invoking the AutoLoader utility:
- Create a temporary working directory. This directory must be
accessible to all participating database partitions. It is from this
directory that you will invoke the AutoLoader utility.
- Modify your AutoLoader configuration file (see Example AutoLoader Session), and copy it into the working directory.
- Ensure that the svcename database manager configuration parameter
and the DB2COMM profile registry variable are set correctly.
This is important, because the AutoLoader utility makes remote database
connections from the working partition (from which you invoke the utility) to
the database partitions (on which the table is defined).
The AutoLoader utility is invoked through the
db2atld command:
db2atld [-config config_file] [-restart] [-terminate]
where "-config config_file" specifies an AutoLoader configuration file
(the default is "autoloader.cfg"); "-restart" requests restart
of an interrupted AutoLoader operation (the configuration file
does not need to be modified to restart); and "-terminate" requests
termination of an interrupted AutoLoader operation.
A sample configuration file, autoloader.cfg, can be found
in the sqllib/samples/autoloader directory. It is
recommended that you copy, rename, and customize the sample configuration file
according to the operations that you want the utility to perform.
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