Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The export utility exports data from a database to an operating system
file, which can be in one of several external file formats.
The following information is required when exporting data:
- An SQL SELECT statement specifying the data to be exported.
- The path and name of the operating system file that will store the
exported data.
- The format of the data in the input file. This format can be IXF,
WSF, or DEL. See Appendix C. Export/Import/Load Utility File Formats.
- A message file name.
- When exporting typed tables, you may need to provide the subtable traverse
order within the hierarchy. If the IXF format is to be used, the
default order is recommended. When specifying the order, recall that
the subtables must be traversed in the PRE-ORDER fashion. When
exporting typed tables, you cannot provide a SELECT statement directly.
Instead, you must specify the target subtable name, and optionally a WHERE
clause. The export utility uses this information, along with the
traverse order, to generate and execute the required SELECT statement.
For more information, see Moving Data Between Typed Tables.
You can also specify:
- New column names when exporting to IXF or WSF files. If you do not
want to specify new column names, the column names in the existing table or
view are used in the exported file.
- Additional options to customize the export operation (see File Type Modifiers (Export)).
If you want to use the export utility in a multiple database partition
environment, you can use db2batch to complete the task at each
database partition. The SELECT statement must be able to return only
the data found locally. The selection condition is as follows:
For more information about db2batch, see the Command Reference or the Administration Guide.
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