IBM Books

Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference

AutoLoader Troubleshooting

If it appears that the AutoLoader utility is hanging, you can:

If the AutoLoader utility is still failing, you can:

  1. Set the MODE parameter in the AutoLoader configuration file to SPLIT_ONLY, and invoke the utility again.

  2. Check the split data files to see if there is anything abnormal in them. If the split files look correct, try to manually load one of those split files on the correct database partition.

  3. If the data loads correctly, there might be additional AutoLoader problems or database system problems. Contact your IBM service representative.

The following applies to an error scenario for the AutoLoader utility on IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT.

When running db2atld on a multi-homed machine (that is, a machine with multiple network cards installed), ensure that the machine is configured correctly by typing the hostname command on the machine where the AutoLoader is running, and then pinging this host name from the same machine. The IP address returned should be the same as that returned when this host name is pinged from another machine in your DB2 MPP node list. If the machine is not configured correctly, the utility returns an SQL6555N error, and you will see the error message errno = 10061 (connection refused) in the db2diag.log files on some of the loading nodes defined by the OUTPUTNODES parameter in your AutoLoader configuration file.

On Windows NT machines, the IP address returned for a local host name is not retrieved from the DNS or the hosts file, but from information configured locally in the Control Panel network icon. A Windows NT Version 4.0 defect causes the IP address order returned on a multi-homed machine to ignore the binding order configured in the Control Panel network icon. See Microsoft Support online article Q171320 for information that will help you to solve this problem.

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