
Format strings for command output



Command Type


general information

ClearCase LT

general information


general information





-fmt "format-string"

format-string is a character string, composed of alphanumeric characters, conversion specifications, and escape sequences. It must be enclosed in double quotes ( " ).

Conversion specifications:


Attributes (modifiers: N, S, [attr-name])


Comment string (modifiers: N)


Date (modifiers: S, V, N, A, MA, BA, OA)


Event description


Checked-out version information (modifiers: R, T, [text])


Host name


Indent level (modifier: [indent-level])


Labels (modifiers: C, N)


Object kind (version, derived object, and so on) (modifiers: K)


Name of object (modifiers: D, E, L, O, S, PS, PV, V, X)


Operation kind (checkin, lock, mkelem, and so on)


Property value (modifiers: [property], C, D, O, S, T)


Starting column number (modifiers: N, S, T)


User/group information associated with the object's creation event (modifiers: F, G, L); see also %[owner]p and %[group]p.


% character

Escape sequences:






Single quote


Literal (uninterpreted) backslash


Character specified by octal code


Many ClearCase, ClearCase LT, and Attache commands read information from a VOB database, format the data, and send it to standard output. (In most cases, the information is stored in event records, written by the command when it creates or modifies an object in a VOB. See the events_ccase reference page.) Some of these commands have a -fmt option, which you can use to format simple reports on VOB contents. Note that -fmt is a mutually exclusive alternative to the -short and -long options.

The following example shows how output-formatting options affect an lshistory command.

cmd-context lshistory -since 1-Feb util.c
10-Feb.11:21 anne create version "util.c@@/main/rel2_bugfix/1"
"fix bug: extra NL in time string"
10-Feb.11:21 anne create version "util.c@@/main/rel2_bugfix/0"
10-Feb.11:21 anne create branch "util.c@@/main/rel2_bugfix"

cmd-context lshistory -short -since 1-Feb util.c

cmd-context lshistory -fmt "\tElement: %-13.13En Version: %Vn\n" -since 1-Feb util.c
Element: util.c Version: /main/rel2_bugfix/1
Element: util.c Version: /main/rel2_bugfix/0
Element: util.c Version: /main/rel2_bugfix

(A \t escape sequence tabs output to the next tab stop. Tab stops occur at eight-character intervals, except as described in the annotate reference page.)


A conversion specification identifies a particular data item to display and specifies its display format.

%[ min ][.max ][ MODIFIER [, ... ] ]keyletter

The conversion specification format closely resembles that of the C-language function printf():

Unlike printf() specifiers, conversion specifications are not replaced by arguments supplied elsewhere on the command line; they are replaced automatically by cleartool or Attache, usually with field values extracted from event records.

These are the conversion specifications:


All attached attributes. Attributes are listed as attr-name=value pairs. These pairs are enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma-space combination (,SPACE). Variants:


No commas. Suppress the parentheses and commas in attribute list output; separate multiple attributes with spaces only.


Value only. Display attribute values only (rather than attr=value)


This attribute only. Display only the specified attribute, if it has been attached to the object


Comment string. The user-supplied or system-generated comment stored in an event record. A newline character is appended to the comment string for display purposes only. Variant:


No newline. Do not append a newline character to the comment string.


Date/Time. The time stamp of the operation or event, in date.time format. Variants:


(Short) Date only.


(Very long) Day of week, date, and time.


(Numeric) Date and time in numeric form - yyyymmdd.time (time reported in 24-hour format).


Age in days.


Age in months.


Age as a bar graph (longer bars for more recent events). A bar graph is drawn as a sequence of 0-5 number signs (#), representing the elapsed time since the reported operation as follows:


Less than a week


Less than a month


Less than three months


Less than six months


Less than a year

More than a year


Age as a bar graph (longer bars for older events). A bar graph is drawn as a sequence of 0-5 number signs (#), representing the elapsed time since the reported operation as follows:


More than a year


Less than a year


Less than six months


Less than three months


Less than a month

Less than a week


Event kind; a brief description of the event. The event kind is derived from an event record's name, object kind, and operation kind fields. Sample event kinds:
create version
create branch
make hyperlink "Merge" on version
make label "REL2" on version
lock branch type

Checked-out version information - For an element checked out to your view, the version ID of the checked-out element; for an element that is not checked out to your view, displays nothing. Variants:


Checkout status - reserved or unreserved.


View tag - the view-tag of the view that checked out the element.


Text - Displays text as a prefix to the version ID.


Name of the host where the event originated (the host on which the user %u was running that user caused the event). The host name is as reported by uname(2) (UNIX) or as stored in the ComputerName key in the Windows Registry (Windows).
For a VOB replica, %h displays the name of the host at which the mkreplica -export command that created the replica was entered. For the original replica in a family, this is the host where the original VOB was located when the first mkreplica -export command was entered.

Labels - For versions, all attached labels; the null string otherwise. Labels are output as a comma-separated list, enclosed in parentheses. A <SPACE> character follows each comma. Variants:


Max labels - Specify the maximum number of labels to display with the max-field-width parameter (see Specifying Field Width). If there are more labels, "..." is appended to the output. If no max-field-width is specified, the maximum default value is 3.


No commas - Suppress the parentheses and commas in label list output; separate labels with spaces only.


Object kind - The kind of object involved in the operation. For example:
file element
derived object
branch type
label type


Object selector kind - For example, brtype or lbtype. For more information about object selectors, see the cleartool reference page.


Name of object - For a file system object, the extended pathname (including the version ID for versions, and the DO ID for derived objects); for a type object, its name. Variants:


Database identifier (DBID) - The unique database identifier of the object.


Element name - For a file system object, its standard file or element name, or its pathname; for a type object, its name.


Leaf name - For any named object, its simple name. The terminal node of a pathname. This modifier can be combined with others.


Object identifier (OID) - The unique identifier of a VOB object.


Short name - For a version, a short form of the version ID: branch-pathname/version-number. For other objects, the null string.


Predecessor Short name - For a version, a short form of the predecessor version's version ID: branch-pathname/version-number. For other objects, the null string.


Version ID - For a version or derived object, the version ID; for other objects, the null string.


Predecessor Version ID - For a version, the predecessor version's version ID; for other objects, the null string.


Extended name - Same as default %n output, but for checked-out versions, append the .extension @@\branch-pathname\CHECKEDOUT. For non-file-system objects, prints the object selector. For more information about object selectors, see the cleartool reference page.


Operation kind - The operation that caused the event to take place; commonly, the name of a cleartool subcommand or an Attache command. For example:
See the events_ccase reference page for a complete list of operations and the commands that cause them.

Property value - Displays the value of the property specified in square brackets. The following tables list variants and the objects to which they apply. For ClearCase and ClearCase LT variants, see Table 8. For UCM variants, see Table 9. For MultiSite variants, see Table 10.

Table 8 Variants for ClearCase and ClearCase LT Objects


Applies to



All objects

Same as %n, including variants.


All objects

Kind of object. For example: version, file element, directory element, versioned object base, replica, branch type, and so on.


All objects that can be locked

Lock status of the object: locked, unlocked, or obsolete.



Activity whose change set contains the specified version.



Version ID (branch pathname and version number) of the version's predecessor version.


Versions, elements

Name of version or element's element type (see type_manager for a list of element types); not to be confused with the object kind (for which the conversion specification is %m).



List of trigger types attached to element. Does not list all-element triggers. The list is displayed in the following format:

(trtype, trtype, trtype, ...)



Suppresses parentheses and commas.


Elements, shared derived objects

For an element, name of source pool. For a shared DO, name of DO pool.



Name of cleartext pool.


Shared derived objects

Name of derived object pool.



Name of source pool.


Derived objects

Kind of derived object: shared, unshared, non-shareable.


Derived objects

Reference count for derived object.


VOB symbolic links

Target of symbolic link, as displayed by cleartool ls.


VOB symbolic links

Target of symbolic link, after link is traversed.


Metadata object types

Object type's scope.

  • ordinary means that use of the type is limited to the current (or specified) VOB
  • global means that the VOB is an administrative VOB and the type can be used in any client VOB of the admin VOB or in any client VOB of a lower-level Admin VOB within an Admin VOB hierarchy
  • local copy means that the type has been copied to the VOB from the Admin VOB that contains the master version of the type's definition


Branch types, label types

Constraint on type object: one version per element or one version per branch.


Trigger types

Kind of trigger type: element trigger, all element trigger, type trigger.



State of MS-DOS text mode setting for VOB: enabled or disabled.


Group name.

%[owner]p (Windows only)

Login name of the object's current owner.

%[owner]Fp (UNIX only)

Login name of the objects` current owner. The optional F argument lists the owner's full name.

The variants in Table 9 apply only to UCM objects.

Table 9 Variants for UCM Objects


Applies to



UCM activities

A ClearQuest record ID.


UCM activities

The stream containing the activity


UCM activities

Space separated list of versions in activity's change set


UCM baselines

The component associated with the baseline


UCM baselines

The baselines that the composite baseline directly depends on


UCM baselines

All of the baselines in the full dependence graph of a composite baseline


UCM baselines

The label status of a baseline: full, incremental, or unlabeled


UCM components

The root directory for the component


UCM folders

Subfolders of the folder


UCM folders

Projects contained by the folder


UCM folders

The parent folder for the folder


UCM projects

The promotion level required of a baseline before it can be used as the source of a rebase operation


UCM projects

The parent folder for the project


UCM projects

The project integration stream


UCM projects

The modifiable components for a project


UCM projects

The recommended baselines of a project's integration stream


UCM streams

Activities that are part of the stream


UCM streams

Config spec of object


UCM streams

The default stream that the stream will deliver to


UCM streams

The child streams of an integration stream or a development stream


UCM streams

The foundation baselines for the stream


UCM streams

Latest baseline in each component in a stream's configuration


UCM streams

The project the stream is part of


UCM streams

The recommended baselines of an integration stream or a parent development stream


UCM streams

Views attached to the stream

The variants in Table 10 apply only to objects in replicated VOBs (ClearCase MultiSite product).

Table 10 Variants for Replicated Objects


Applies to



All objects that have mastership

Name of object's master replica


All objects that have mastership

OID of object's master replica


Replicas, branch types, branches

Request for mastership status of the object.

For a replica:

  • disabled means that requests for mastership are not enabled in the replica
  • enabled means that requests for mastership are enabled in the replica

For a branch type:

  • denied for all instances means that requests for mastership of any instance of the branch type are denied
  • allowed for all instances means that requests for mastership of any instance of the branch type are allowed (unless mastership requests for the specific branch are denied)
  • denied for branch type means that requests for mastership of the branch type are denied
  • allowed for branch type means that requests for mastership of the branch type are denied

For a branch:

  • denied means that requests for mastership of the branch are denied
  • allowed means that requests for mastership of the branch are allowed


Attribute types, hyperlink types, label types

Kind of mastership of the type: shared or unshared.



Replica name of the specified VOB.



Replication status of VOB: replicated or unreplicated.



Name of replica host.


Starting column number - Starts printing at the column number specified in square brackets. An overflow condition exists if the current position on the line is beyond the starting column number. By default, when an overflow condition occurs, the %t directive is ignored. Variants:


When an overflow condition occurs, print a newline and resume printing at the starting column number.


When an overflow condition occurs, print one space before printing the next value.


When an overflow condition occurs, print a tab before printing the next value.


Login name of the user associated with the event. Variants:


Full name of the user. This information is taken from the password database.


Group name of the user.


Login name and group of the user, in the form


Percent character (%).
Specifying Field Width

A conversion specification can include an optional field width specifier, which assigns a minimum and/or maximum width, in characters, to the data field display. For example, the conversion specifier %10.15Lu will display, for each output line, the user's login name and group with a minimum of 10 characters (space padded if necessary) but not more than 15.

Usage rules:


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.

NOTE: In the UNIX examples that follow, arguments and output that show multicomponent VOB tags are not applicable to ClearCase LT, which recognizes only single-component VOB tags. In this manual, a multicomponent VOB tag is by convention a two-component VOB tag of the form /vobs/vob-tag-leaf-for example, /vobs/src. A single-component VOB tag consists of a leaf only-for example, /src. In all other respects, the examples are valid for ClearCase LT.


annotate, cleartool, describe, events_ccase, lsactivity, lsbl, lscheckout, lscomp, lsdo, lsfolder, lshistory, lslock, lspool, lsproject, lsreplica, lsstream, lstype, reqmaster, type_manager