
Describes an object



Command Type


cleartool subcommand

ClearCase LT

cleartool subcommand




multitool subcommand





des·cribe -g·raphical { object-selector | pname } ...
des·cribe -g·raphical { object-selector | pname } ...
des·cribe [ -local ] [ -l·ong | -s·hort | -fmt format-string ]

[ -ala·bel { label-type-selector[,...] | -all } ]
[ -aat·tr { attr-type-selector[,...] | -all } ]
[ -ahl·ink { hlink-type-selector[,...] | -all } ]
{ [ -cvi·ew ] [ -ver·sion version-selector | -anc·estor ]
[ -ihl·ink { hlink-type-selector[,...] | -all } ]
[ -pre·decessor ] [ -pna·me ] pname ...
| -typ·e type-selector ...
| -cact
| object-selector ...


The describe command lists information about VOBs and the objects they contain. For example:

describe produces several kinds of listings:

Access Control Information

For an MVFS object, describe lists the object's protections. For information on access control, see the Administrator's Guide and the reference pages for protect and protectvob.

Unavailable Remote VOB

File-system objects can be hyperlinked to objects in another VOB. If the other VOB is currently unavailable (perhaps it has been unmounted), describe tries to be helpful:

cleartool: Error: Unable to locate versioned object base with object id:

@183@/usr/proj /usr/proj/elem2.c@@/main/2 -> <object not available>

Versions Without Data

The description of a version can include the annotation [version has no data]. A file element version can be created without data, using checkin -cr; an existing version's data can be removed with rmver -data.

Hyperlink Inheritance

By default, a version inherits a hyperlink attached to any of its ancestor versions, on the same branch or on a parent branch. Inherited hyperlinks are listed only if you use the -ihlink option.

A hyperlink stops being passed down to its descendents if it is superseded by another hyperlink of the same type, explicitly attached to some descendent version. You can use a null-ended hyperlink (from-object, but no to-object ) as the superseding hyperlink to effectively cancel hyperlink inheritance.

DOs in Unavailable Views

NOTE: Derived objects may be present only in ClearCase and Attache dynamic views.

describe maintains a cache of tags of inaccessible views. For each view-tag, describe records the time of the first unsuccessful contact. Before trying to access a view, describe checks the cache. If the view's tag is not listed in the cache, describe tries to contact the view. If the view's tag is listed in the cache, describe compares the time elapsed since the last attempt with the time-out period specified by the CCASE_DNVW_RETRY environment variable. If the elapsed time is greater than the time-out period, describe removes the view-tag from the cache and tries to contact the view again.

The default timeout period is 60 minutes. To specify a different time-out period, set CCASE_DNVW_RETRY to another integer value (representing minutes). To disable the cache, set CCASE_DNVW_RETRY to 0.

Objects in Replicated VOBs

The describe command shows additional information for objects in MultiSite replicated VOBs:

For more information about replicated VOBs, see the Administrator's Guide.




DESCRIBING OBJECTS GRAPHICALLY. Default: Describes objects in nongraphical form.


Starts a browser that describes objects.

DESCRIBING LOCAL COPIES OF GLOBAL TYPES. Default: describe displays information about the global type object for the specified object-selector.


Displays information for the local copy of the specified object-selector. For more information about global types, see the Administrator's Guide.

REPORT FORMAT.  Default: Lists the object's name and some additional information.


Expands the listing. With vob:, for example, lists all views that have checkouts or unshared derived objects associated with the specified VOB. This listing includes the UUIDs of those views, which can be used with rmview.

Lists only an object's pathname. The effect is slightly different when used in combination with -alabel, -aattr, -ahlink, -ihlink, or -predecessor.
-fmt format-string

Lists information using the specified format string. See the fmt_ccase reference page for details on using this report-writing facility.

DESCRIBING OBJECTS IN OTHER VIEWS.  Default: If you use a view-extended pathname to specify an object in (or as seen through) another view, describe lists that view's name for the object:

version: "M:\gamma\vob1\project\src\util.c"


Lists an object using the current view's name for it.
version: "/usr/project/src/all_utils.c"
This option is useful when different views select different directory versions, in which elements have been renamed.

Describes the current activity for your view.

EXCERPTING DESCRIPTION INFORMATION.  Default: describe lists the predecessor (if the object is a version), and reports on all of the object's version labels, attributes, and hyperlinks. With one or more of the following options, the report includes the extended pathname of the object and the requested information only-for example, only a listing of the predecessor version and version label.

-ala·bel { label-type-selector[,...] | -all }
-aat·tr { attr-type-selector[,...] | -all }
-ahl·ink { hlink-type-selector[,...] | -all }
-ihl·ink { hlink-type-selector[,...] | -all }

Specify one or more of these options to excerpt information from the overall description of an object. A list of names of type objects must be comma-separated, with no white space; you can use the special keyword -all to specify all types of a particular kind.
If you combine -fmt with any of these options, describe uses the format-string to construct and display the object's extended pathname.
For the type-selector arguments, use one of the type selectors shown in the object-selector description.
If you specify -short as well, the listing is restricted even further.


Only the version-ID of the predecessor version is listed.


Only the version labels are listed.


Only the attribute values are listed.


The listing includes the pathnames of the objects hyperlinked to pname, annotated with -> (listed object is the to- object) or <- (listed object is the from-object).

For example:

-> M:\gamma\vob1\proj\include\db.c@@\main\52
<- M:\gamma\vob1\proj\bin\vega@@\main\5

Inherited hyperlinks are not included in this listing.


The listing includes the hyperlinks inherited by pname, which must specify a version. Pathnames of the from-object and to- object are listed, one of which is an ancestor of pname, or is pname itself. (That is, -ihlink also includes hyperlinks that are attached to pname itself.)

SPECIFYING THE OBJECTS TO BE DESCRIBED.  Default: describe expects at least one argument that names an element, branch, version, VOB link, derived object, or hyperlink (pname, DO-name, or hlink-selector). You can use -version or -ancestor to control the way pname arguments are interpreted.

[ -pna·me ] pname ...

One or more pathnames, indicating objects to be described: elements, branches, versions, or derived objects. If pname has the form of an object selector, you must include the -pname option to indicate that pname is a pathname.

  • A standard or view-extended pathname to an element specifies the version selected by the view.
  • A standard or view-extended pathname to a derived object specifies the DO in the view.
  • An extended pathname specifies an element, branch, version, or derived object, different from the one selected by the view. For example:


(version of foo.c selected by current view)


(derived object foo.o built in or winked in to current view)


(version of foo.c selected by another view; however, the current view must select some version of foo.c)


(derived object foo.o built in another view)


(version 5 on main branch of foo.c)


(derived object, specified by DO-ID)


(version of foo.c with version label REL3; however, the view must select some version of foo.c)


(the element foo.c)


(the main branch of element foo.c)

For versions, -version overrides these interpretations of pname.
-ver·sion version-selector

(For use with versions only) For each pname, describes the version specified by version-selector. This option overrides both version selection by the view and version-extended naming. See the version_selector reference page for syntax details.

(For use with elements and versions only) Describes the closest common ancestor version of all the pname arguments, which must all be versions of the same element. See the merge reference page for a information about closest common ancestors.
-typ·e type-selector ...

Lists information about the type objects specified by the type-name arguments. If there are multiple types with the same name (for example, a label type and a hyperlink type are both named REL3), all of them are listed. Use one of the type-selectors shown in the description of the object-selector argument.
object-selector ...

One or more object-selectors, indicating objects to be described. Specify object-selector in one of the following forms:



pname-in-vob can be the pathname of the VOB-tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file-system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted). It cannot be the pathname of the VOB storage directory.



















The following object selectors are valid only if you use MultiSite:





NOTE: The replica you specify must be located at your current site.

The following object selectors are valid only if you use UCM:














The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.

NOTE: In the UNIX examples that follow, arguments and output that show multicomponent VOB tags are not applicable to ClearCase LT, which recognizes only single-component VOB tags. In this manual, a multicomponent VOB tag is by convention a two-component VOB tag of the form /vobs/vob-tag-leaf-for example, /vobs/src. A single-component VOB tag consists of a leaf only-for example, /src. In all other respects, the examples are valid for ClearCase LT.


chflevel, chpool, fmt_ccase, lsactivity, lsbl, lscomp, lsdo, lshistory, lspool, lsproject, lsstream, lstype, merge, mkpool, protect, protectvob, rmview, version_selector