
Lists checkouts of an element



Command Type


cleartool subcommand

ClearCase LT

cleartool subcommand







lsc·heckout | lsco [ -l·ong | -s·hort | -fmt format-string ] [ -cvi·ew ]

[ -brt·ype branch-type-selector ]
[ -me | -use·r login-name ]
[ -r·ecurse | -d·irectory | -a·ll | -avo·bs ] [ -are·plicas ]
[ pname ... ]
lsc·heckout | lsco [ -l·ong | -s·hort | -fmt format-string ] [ -cvi·ew ]

[ -brt·ype branch-type-selector ]
[ -me | -use·r login-name ]
[ -r·ecurse | -d·irectory | -a·ll | -avo·bs ] [ -are·plicas ]
[ pname ... ]
lsc·heckout -g·raphical pname


The lscheckout command lists the checkout records (the checkouts) for one or more elements. There are many controls for specifying the scope: which elements, directories, or VOBs; which user; which view; and so on.




(CLEARCASE AND CLEARCASE  LT ONLY) LISTING CHECKOUTS GRAPHICALLY. Default: Lists checkouts in the command window.


Starts the Find Checkouts tool to display checkouts.

REPORT FORMAT.  Default: The listing of a checkout event record looks like this:

31-Aug.20:19 drp checkout version "ct+lscheckout.1" from /main/4 (reserved)
  "delete extra spaces"


Expands the listing to include the view to which the element is checked out.

Restricts the listing to the pathnames of checked-out elements.
-fmt format-string

Lists information using the specified format string. See the fmt_ccase reference page for details on using this report-writing facility.

SELECTING CHECKOUT RECORDS TO LIST.  Default: The listing includes all checkouts for the specified elements, including checkouts made in any view by any user.


Restricts the listing to your own checkouts.
-use·r login-name

Restricts the listing to checkouts made by the specified user.

Restricts the listing to checkouts made in the current view. On UNIX systems, if there is a working directory view, lscheckout lists its checkouts; otherwise, it lists the checkouts in the set view.
-brt·ype branch-type-selector

Restricts the listing to checkouts on branches of the specified type. Specify branch-type-selector in the form [brtype:]type-name[@vob-selector]


Name of the branch type


VOB specifier

Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


Pathname of the VOB-tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file-system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

SPECIFYING THE ELEMENTS.  Default: The current working directory (equivalent to specifying "." as the pname argument). If you don't specify any options, lscheckout lists all checkouts of elements in the current directory, to any view. If the current directory is itself checked out, this is also indicated.

pname ...

One or more pathnames, specifying file elements and/or versions of directory elements. (A Windows pathname or a UNIX standard or view-extended pathname to a directory specifies the version in the view.)

  • For each pname that specifies a file element, the listing includes that element's checkout event records.
  • For each pname that specifies a version of a directory element, the listing includes checkout event records of elements cataloged in that directory version-but not checkout records for the pname directory itself.

The following options modify the processing of the pname arguments.


Lists the checkouts of elements in the entire subtree below any directory encountered in the current view. VOB symbolic links are not traversed during the recursive descent.

Lists the checkouts (if any) of a directory itself, rather than the checkouts of elements cataloged in it.

Lists all the checkouts in the VOB containing pname. If you don't specify any pname arguments, lists all checkouts in the VOB containing the current working directory.
NOTE: A file element can have several names, by virtue of one or more VOB hard links. Checking out such an element under one name causes all the names to be listed as checked out. However, the -all option lists the checked-out element only once.

Lists checkouts of the element specified by pname in all replicas of the VOB that contains pname. If you don't specify any pname arguments, lists all checkouts in all replicas of the VOB containing the current working directory.

The following option is mutually exclusive with pname arguments:


Similar to -all, but includes checkouts in all VOBs active (mounted) on the local host. (If environment variable CLEARCASE_AVOBS is set to a list of VOB-tags, this set of VOBs is used instead.) This option depends on the MVFS, and so has no meaning for snapshot-view-only hosts.
NOTE: A view context is required when using this option.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.


checkin, checkout, lsprivate, uncheckout