
Lists derived objects created by clearmake, omake, or clearaudit (dynamic views only)



Command Type


cleartool subcommand







lsdo [ -r·ecurse ] [ -me ] [ -l·ong | -s·hort | -fmt format-string ] [ -zer·o ]

[ -sti·me | -sna·me ] [ -nsh·areable_dos ] [ pname ... ]


The lsdo command lists information about one or more derived objects (DOs) in a VOB. Derived objects are created by clearmake, omake, and clearaudit when these tools are invoked from a dynamic view. lsdo lists derived objects without respect to which dynamic views (if any) reference them. At any given time, a dynamic view sees at most one derived object at a given pathname.

By default, lsdo lists all derived objects built at a given pathname, except for the following kinds of DOs:

You can use pname arguments to restrict the listing to derived objects with particular pathnames, or to all the derived objects in particular directories. You can specify a derived object with a standard pathname, or with an extended name that includes a derived object's unique DO-ID.

DOs in Unavailable Dynamic Views

lsdo maintains a cache of tags of inaccessible dynamic views. For each view-tag, lsdo records the time of the first unsuccessful contact. Before trying to access a dynamic view, lsdo checks the cache. If the view's tag is not listed in the cache, lsdo tries to contact the dynamic view. If the view's tag is listed in the cache, lsdo compares the time elapsed since the last attempt with the time-out period specified by the CCASE_DNVW_RETRY environment variable. If the elapsed time is greater than the time-out period, lsdo removes the view-tag from the cache and tries to contact the dynamic view again.

The default timeout period is 60 minutes. To specify a different time-out period, set CCASE_DNVW_RETRY to another integer value (representing minutes). To disable the cache, set CCASE_DNVW_RETRY to 0.




HANDLING OF DIRECTORY ARGUMENTS.  Default: If any pname argument is a directory, the DOs in pname are listed, but not the DOs in any subdirectories of pname.


Includes DOs in the entire subtree below any pname that is a directory (or the current working directory if you don't specify any pname arguments). VOB symbolic links are not traversed during the recursive descent into a directory.

SELECTION OF DERIVED OBJECTS.  Default: lsdo lists DOs created by any user, but excludes DOs whose data containers no longer exist.


Restricts the listing to derived objects that you created.

Includes in the listing unshared (that is, never-shared) derived objects with zero reference counts. Such objects cannot be candidates for configuration lookup and winkin, because their data containers no longer exist.

Lists only nonshareable DOs created in the current dynamic view, by any user.

CONTROLLING REPORT APPEARANCE.  Default: Each DO's listing includes its extended name (including DO-ID) along with creation-related data: time, user name, and host name. For example:

11-Jun.12:00 akp "hello.o@@11-Jun.12:00.554" on neptune

In a listing of several DOs, the entries are sorted by derived object name. Within a group of like-named DOs, the entries are sorted chronologically, most recent entry first. The -long, -short, and -fmt options are mutually exclusive; the -sname and -stime options are mutually exclusive.


Expands the listing to include a DO's size in bytes, the last access time, the reference count, and the dynamic views that reference the DO.

Restricts the listing for a DO to its extended name (including DO-ID).
-fmt format-string

Lists information using the specified format string. See the fmt_ccase reference page for details on using this report-writing facility.

Sorts all entries chronologically, most recent entry first.

(Same as default) Sorts entries alphabetically by name.

SPECIFYING THE DERIVED OBJECTS.  Default: Lists all derived objects created in the current working directory.

pname ...

Standard pathnames and/or DO-IDs:

  • A directory name causes all derived objects built in that directory to be listed.
  • A standard or view-extended pathname of a file causes all derived objects built under that name to be listed.
  • A pathname that includes a unique DO-ID (for example, conv.obj@@19-Nov.21:28.127450) specifies a particular derived object to be listed.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.


catcr, clearaudit, clearmake, diffcr, fmt_ccase, omake, rmdo