
Environment variables



Command Type


general information

ClearCase LT

general information


general information


general information





This reference page describes the environment variables (EVs) used by ClearCase, ClearCase LT, MultiSite, and Attache commands, programs, utilities, and software installation scripts. It also describes standard UNIX EVs that are particularly important for ClearCase, ClearCase LT, MultiSite, and Attache. Descriptions of the EVs are organized as follows:

NOTE: This reference page does not describe all environment variables. Omitted are the EVs used by triggers and by the find commands; see the mktrtype, find, and findmerge reference pages for descriptions.

Environment Variables Common to UNIX and Windows

The full pathname with which clearmake invokes the audited build executor (abe) on a local or remote host during a parallel build. For more information about abe, see Building Software.
Default: ccase-home-dir/bin/abe

Sets the directory where clearmake and clearaudit create temporary build audit files. If this variable is not set or is set to an empty value, clearmake creates these files in the directory specified by the TMPDIR (UNIX) or TMP (Windows) environment variable.
NOTE: On UNIX systems, clearmake creates these files in the /tmp directory if neither EV is set.
All temporary files are deleted when clearmake exits. If the value of CCASE_AUDIT_TMPDIR is a directory under a VOB-tag, clearmake prints an error message and exits.
NOTE: Multiple build clients can use a common directory for audit files. Names of audit files are unique because clearmake names them using both the PID of the clearmake process and the host name of the machine on which the process is running.
Default for UNIX: /tmp
Default for Windows: None

Checks in DOs checked out by clearmake -c or omake -C unless the build of the corresponding target fails or the automatic checkout of the DO or a sibling DO fails. Checkout comments are preserved. The checkin is invoked with the -ptime option to preserve the DO's modification time.
Default: Undefined

Specifies one or more build hosts on which clearmake must build targets. For more information, see Building Software.
Default: Undefined.

Turns off clearmake's sleep-check cycle during a build. When this environment variable is set, clearmake does not check for a VOB-lock (or wait for the VOB to be unlocked).

A list of VOB-tags-separated with a space, tab, comma, colon (UNIX), or semicolon (Windows)-to be checked for lock status during a build. If a VOB on this list is locked, clearmake goes into a sleep-check cycle.

Sets the concurrency level in a clearmake build. This EV takes the same values as the -J option. Specifying a -J option on the clearmake command line overrides the setting of this EV.
Default: None.

Specifies time-out period, in minutes, for clearmake, omake, catcr, describe, or lsdo to wait before trying to contact an inaccessible view listed in its cache. To disable the cache, set CCASE_DNVW_RETRY to 0. For more information, see the clearmake or omake reference pages.
Default: 60 minutes.

Determines the name of the build hosts file to be used during a parallel build (-J option): file .bldhost.$CCASE_HOST_TYPE in your home directory. (Your home directory is determined by examining the password database.) See the clearmake reference page. For information about bldhost, see Building Software.
Specifying a -B option on the command line overrides the setting of this EV.
C Shell Users: Set this EV in your .cshrc file, not in your .login file. The parallel build facility invokes a remote shell, which does not read the .login file.
CCASE_HOST_TYPE can also be coded as a make macro.
Default: None.

In a makefile read by clearmake, expands to the full pathname of the clearmake configuration directory in the ClearCase installation area-typically ccase-home-dir/config/clearmake (UNIX) or ccase-home-dir\config\clearmake (Windows).

Specifies one of clearmake's compatibility modes. This EV takes the same values as clearmake's -C option. Specifying -C on the command line overrides the setting of this EV.
Default: None.

Provides an alternative or supplementary mechanism for specifying clearmake command options. CCASE_MAKEFLAGS can contain the same string of key letters used for command-line options, except that options that take arguments are not allowed. Options on the clearmake command line override the setting of this environment variable if there is a conflict.
clearmake uses either CCASE_MAKEFLAGS or MAKEFLAGS, but not both. If CCASE_MAKEFLAGS is set, clearmake uses it. If CCASE_MAKEFLAGS is not set, clearmake looks for MAKEFLAGS.
NOTE: CCASE_MAKEFLAGS is useful if you use multiple make programs. In this case, putting options that are specific to clearmake in the MAKEFLAGS environment variable causes problems for the other make programs.
Default: None.

A list of pathnames-separated by colons (UNIX) or semicolons (Windows)- each of which specifies a BOS file to be read by clearmake. You can use this EV instead of specifying BOS files on the clearmake command line with one or more -A options.
Default: Undefined.

Specifies clearmake command options to be passed to the subshell program that executes a build script command.
Default for UNIX: -e
Default for Windows: None

Forces clearmake to execute build scripts in the shell program you specify with the SHELL macro. To make clearmake execute builds scripts in the shell program, set this EV to TRUE. To allow clearmake to execute build scripts directly, unset the EV.
Default: clearmake executes build scripts directly.

An integer that specifies the clearmake message logging level, as follows:


Equivalent to -v on the command line


Equivalent to -d on the command line

0 or undefined

Equivalent to standard message logging level

If you also specify -v or -d on the command line, the higher value prevails.
Default: 0

A list of whitespace-separated view tags. If this environment variable is set, clearmake winks in only derived objects that were built in one of the specified views.

The program that clearaudit runs in an audited shell. You must set this environment variable to the program's full pathname; for example:
/bin/csh or /usr/home/myscript (UNIX)
\windows\system32\cmd.exe or \users\anne\bin\myscript (Windows)
Default on UNIX: clearaudit runs the program specified by the SHELL environment variable or, if SHELL is undefined, a Bourne shell (/bin/sh).
Default on Windows: clearaudit runs the program specified by the COMSPEC environment variable or, if COMSPEC is undefined, cmd.exe.
See also: SHELL.

A list of VOBs to process when you use the -avobs option in the find, findmerge, lscheckout, lshistory, or rmview commands. If this EV is not set, specifying -avobs invokes the command on all VOBs mounted on the host. If there are many such VOBs, the command can take a long time to complete.
Specify CLEARCASE_AVOBS as a list of VOB-tags separated by, commas, white-space, colons (UNIX), or semicolons (Windows).
Default: None.

The pathname of the file in which cleartool and multitool cache the most recent user-supplied comment. Defining/removing this EV enables/disables comment caching.

Detects instances of the obsolete option-argument style of specifying an object (see the cleartool reference page).
If you set this environment variable to the value WARN, it issues warnings when it detects obsolete syntax. When set to SILENT, it silently accepts obsolete syntax. When set to FAIL, it issues errors when it detects obsolete syntax.
Default: FAIL.

Set to 1 to force ccperl to ignore the PERLLIB environment variable if it is set.
Default: Undefined. ccperl will look for perl libraries in the directory specified by the PERLLIB environment variable if it is set. Otherwise, it will look for perl libraries in ccase-home-dir/platform/lib/perl5, where platform is a ClearCase platform mnemonic such as sun5.

The file containing your ClearCase or ClearCase LT user profile, which includes rules that determine the comment option default for one or more cleartool and multitool commands. This setting must be a full pathname.
Default: For ClearCase and ClearCase LT, .clearcase_profile in your home directory (in Attache, on your helper host)

Specifies the tab width for output produced by cleardiff, xcleardiff, and source lines listed by the annotate command.
Default: 8

A flag variable: if defined with a nonzero value, it causes all triggers to behave when they fire as if they were defined with the -print option. See the mktrtype reference page.
Default: Undefined.

(MultiSite only) Specifies the number of minutes for syncreplica to keep retrying exports or imports when the VOB is locked. During that time, syncreplica retries the write operation every minute. If the time elapses and the VOB is still locked, syncreplica exits with an error. For more information, see the syncreplica reference page in the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearCase MultiSite.

A character used by the clearexport_* utilities to replace invalid characters in exported label and branch names.
Default: . (period character)

A character string used in the data file created by clearfsimport as the comment for create version event records.
Default: made from flat file.

A character string used by the clearexport_* utilities to replace an invalid string in exported labels and branch names. This environment variable is used if the exporter cannot replace invalid characters with the EXPORT_REPLACE_CHAR EV.

UNIX systems-Not used. ClearCase and ClearCase LT programs determine your home directory by reading the password database, not by using this environment variable.
Windows systems-User's home directory; must be set for ClearCase and ClearCase LT to work correctly. HOME is used to search for various resources, including file typing information (see also the cc.magic reference page). HOME must be a full pathname, including drive specification. For example, C:\users\anne is a legal value; \users\anne is not.
NOTE : Windows sets two variables, HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH, which combine to specify the current user's home directory as supplied by the Administrator when the user account was created. So, unless HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH have been reassigned, HOME can be set to %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%.

A colon (UNIX) or semicolon (Windows) separated list of directories to be searched for magic files. Various ClearCase and ClearCase LT programs consult magic files to perform file-typing on file system objects. See the cc.magic reference page.
Default for UNIX: home-directory/.magic:$ATRIAHOME/config/magic
Default for Windows: home-directory\.magic;ccase-home-dir\config\magic\

Provides an alternative (or supplementary) mechanism for specifying clearmake command options. MAKEFLAGS can contain the same string of keyletters used for command-line options, except that options that take arguments are not allowed. Options on the clearmake command line override the setting of this environment variable if there is a conflict.
See also the description of the CCASE_MAKEFLAGS environment variable.
Default: None.

The default shell program to be run by various commands and programs, including the shell and setview commands. On UNIX, the clearaudit utility uses the value of SHELL if the environment variable CLEARAUDIT_SHELL is undefined.
Default for UNIX: Set by your shell program.
Default for Windows: Not set by most Windows shells; some shells that are ported from UNIX (for example, Hamilton csh, MKS korn sh, etc.) may set it.

Time zone for the host. If the TZ environment variable is set to a value different from the time maintained by the operating system, the TZ time rather than the system time is used. In this case, file creation and change dates can be in error, and config specs do not work as expected.
UNIX-Only Environment Variables

Installation directory for ClearCase, ClearCase LT, and MultiSite software. Set this EV before running the install_release script to specify a nonstandard installation location. On such hosts, users' shell startup scripts should use $ATRIAHOME/bin to specify the pathname of the ClearCase, ClearCase LT, or MultiSite executables.
Default: /usr/atria

A flag variable: if defined with a nonzero value, it suppresses generation of bold characters in cleartool and clearmake output.
Default: Undefined.

Bitmap file search path. The icons that an xclearcase directory browser displays for file system objects are stored in bitmap files. It searches in directories on this colon-separated search path for such bitmap files. See the cc.icon reference page.
Default: home-directory/.bitmaps:$ATRIAHOME/config/ui/bitmaps
See also ICON_PATH.

Sets the umask(1) value to be used for files created from a clearmake build script. It may be advisable to have this EV be more permissive than your standard umask-for example, CCASE_BLD_UMASK = 2 where umask = 22. The reason to create DOs that are more accessible than other files is winkin: a winked-in file retains its original ownership and permissions. For example, when another user winks in a file that you originally built, the file is still owned by you, is still a member of your principal group, and still has the permissions with which you created it. You can use the standard chmod command to change the permissions of a DO after you create it, and these permissions remain in effect while the DO is unshared. However, for a shared DO, you may need to use the standard chmod and protect -chmod to set appropriate permissions.
If you are using a tool that ignores umask (and hence CCASE_BLD_UMASK) settings and you want winkins to work correctly, you have to use chmod on the file in your build script to give it write permissions if the tool creates the file without these permissions.
CLEARCASE_BLD_UMASK can also be coded as a make macro.
NOTE: If you want to use CCASE_BLD_UMASK, do not set your umask value in your shell startup file. If you set the umask value in your startup file, the umask value is reset to its original value when clearmake starts a shell to run the build script. Setting CCASE_BLD_UMASK in your startup file has no effect.
Default: Same as current umask.

Set this variable to a nonzero value to force xclearcase to print debugging information when executing button and menu commands in the graphical interface.
Default: None.

Enables one-way message forwarding between ClearCase or ClearCase LT and an interprogram messaging system. This feature enables ClearCase and ClearCase LT to notify the messaging system that an operation succeeded (for example, a checkout) without going through an encapsulator. One-way message forwarding succeeds only if all programs involved have the same value for the DISPLAY environment variable.
For more information, see the softbench_ccase reference page.
Default: None. Supported values: SoftBench. See also: DISPLAY, WINEDITOR.

(Set by the setview command; do not set this variable yourself.) The full pathname of the root directory of a set view process, which is a process created by the setview command. For example, the command setview bugfix creates a shell in which CLEARCASE_ROOT is set to /view/bugfix.
Default: Not set in a process that was not created by setview.

The X Window System display to use for ClearCase and ClearCase LT GUI utilities (and all other X applications). If you are using an interprogram messaging system, all your tools must have the same DISPLAY value.
Default: Undefined.

The pathname of a text editor. The edcs subcommand invokes the editor specified by the environment variable WINEDITOR (first choice), or VISUAL (second choice), or EDITOR (third choice). xclearcase invokes the editor specified by the environment variable WINEDITOR (first choice) or EDITOR (second choice). See also: WINEDITOR.
Default: vi

A colon-separated list of files and directories to be searched for group files when you start xclearcase.
Default: home-directory/.grp:ccase-home-dir/config/ui/grp

A colon-separated list of directories to be searched for icon files. xclearcase directory browsers use the bitmap images in such files as icons for file system objects. See the cc.icon reference page.
Default: home-directory/.icon:$ATRIAHOME/config/ui/icon
See also: BITMAP_PATH.

A colon-separated list of directories in which the UNIX man(1) command searches for reference pages. (The cleartool man and multitool man commands do not use MANPATH, but always search in $ATRIAHOME/doc/man.)
Default: Varies with operating system.

The standard UNIX program search path. To access ClearCase or ClearCase LT executables, change your search path to include directory $ATRIAHOME/bin.
Default: Set by your shell program; typically modified in shell startup script.
NOTE: Do not specify an MVFS path as a value for PATH.

A colon-separated list of directories to be searched for scheme files, which contain X Window System resource settings. See the schemes reference page.
Default: /usr/lib/X11/%T/%N%:$ATRIAHOME/config/ui/%T/%N%S

The kind of terminal for which output is to be prepared. Certain cleartool commands produce output that use special terminal capabilities. For example, catcr uses boldface to highlight information in a configuration record. To see bold characters in an xterm, set TERM to xterm, and provide a bold font with the X Toolkit option -fb, or with the X resource xterm*boldFont. To prevent the control characters that enable bold from appearing in an emacs shell, set TERM to emacs in your emacs startup script, or set ATRIA_NO_BOLD.
Default: None; typically set in shell startup script.

An X Window System text editor application (for example, xedit(1)), which is invoked by xclearcase on a browser item. If WINEDITOR is undefined, xclearcase creates a terminal window, and runs the program specified by the EDITOR environment variable. If neither of these variables are defined, no editor is invoked.
Default: None.
Windows-Only Environment Variables
ATRIAHOME (environment variable)

Installation directory for ClearCase, ClearCase LT, and MultiSite; same as Windows Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion\ProductHome. This EV is set by the albd_server when it runs a schedule request. For more information, see the schedule reference page. For information about albd_server, see the Administrator's Guide.
NOTE: You can create ATRIAHOME as a user or system environment variable, but the albd_server will overwrite it when it runs a schedule request.
Default: Directory in which you installed ClearCase or ClearCase LT (the installation default is c:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase)

Specifies which of the user's groups ClearCase should consider the primary group. Overrides the Windows primary group assignment for ClearCase operations. This environment variable must be a per-user variable (not a system variable) and must be set to a group that already appears in the user's group list.

Specifies a list of up to 32 groups that ClearCase will consider first when determining or displaying which groups a user belongs to. Users who are members of more than 32 groups can set this environment variable to designate a subset of those groups that ClearCase will consider when evaluating the user's group membership. The value of this variable is a semicolon-separated list of groups to which the user belongs. The list should not include the group that is specified in the environment variable CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP.

Sets the pathname separator for pathnames constructed by clearmake. This variable can be set in the makefile, in a BOS file, on the command line, or as an environment variable.
Default: If this variable is not set or is set to any other value than a slash (/) or a backslash (\), clearmake uses a backslash (\) as the pathname separator.

The default command shell program to be run by various ClearCase or ClearCase LT commands and programs, including the shell command, and the clearaudit utility (if the environment variable CLEARAUDIT_SHELL is undefined).
Default: Set by Windows to cmd.exe

The pathname of a text editor. The edcs subcommand invokes the editor specified by the environment variable VISUAL (first choice), or EDITOR (second choice). If the pathname contains spaces, you enclose the pathname in quotes. For example:
"c:\Program Files\tools\editor.exe"
Default: notepad

The standard executable program search path. The Install Wizard adds the directory ccase-home-dir\bin to your search path.
Default: Set from the system and user path values in the Windows registry.
NOTE: Do not specify an MVFS path as a value for PATH.
ProductHome (Windows NT Registry key value)

Installation directory for ClearCase and ClearCase LT software. This value is stored in the Windows registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion.
Default: C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase


mktrtype, find, and findmerge for information about other environment variables