
X Window System resources for ClearCase and ClearCase LT Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)



Command Type


data structure

ClearCase LT

data structure




ClearCase and ClearCase LT GUIs use Common Desktop Environment (CDE) settings or can read scheme files.


Scheme files are collections of X Window System resource settings that control the geometry, colors, and fonts used by application GUIs. By default, ClearCase and ClearCase LT do not enable schemes. Instead, the GUIs use the settings that your Common Desktop Environment (CDE) specifies. However, you can enable schemes and use the ClearCase and ClearCase LT schemes mechanism by adding the following resource to your .Xdefaults file:

*useSchemes: all

All ClearCase and ClearCase LT GUIs except the following support the schemes mechanism:

Each scheme is implemented as a separate directory. For example, the scheme Turner consists of four files:


Defines mnemonic names for colors and fonts, using a subset of standard cpp(1) syntax:

#ifndef GAMMA_1_0
#define TextForeground         #fffff
#define BasicBackground        #002e5c
#define ScrolledListBackground  #623463


Specifies resources for use by the X Toolkit widgets that make up the GUI panels. These resources can be specified absolutely, or in terms of the mnemonic names defined in the palette file:

*XmText*marginHeight: 4
*foreground: TextForeground
*background: BasicBackground


Extends and/or overrides the standard palette definitions.


Extends and/or overrides the standard Turner file definitions,

The two mnemonic map declaration files are combined, as are the two resource definition files. If the same resource is specified in the standard file and the ClearCase or ClearCase LT file, the specification in the ClearCase or ClearCase LT file is used. To add your own definitions, or to replace existing ones, either edit one or both of the ClearCase and ClearCase LT-specific files, or create your own scheme files and specify a scheme file search path as described in the section Search Path for Schemes.

Note that the palette and ClearCasePalette files are not actually processed by cpp; they are processed by the ClearCase or ClearCase LT GUI itself. The resources (Turner and ClearCase) apply only to the program that reads them. They are not added to the RESOURCE_MANAGER property of the root window and, therefore, do not affect other X applications.

Schemes are configured at two levels:

Resources for Schemes

The scheme resource specifies a scheme to be used by the ClearCase or ClearCase LT GUI. For example:

*scheme: Turner

(specifies scheme for all GUI utilities)

xclearcase*scheme: Turner

(specifies scheme for xclearcase)

If you enable scheme use but do not specify a particular scheme, the color scheme Lascaux or the black-and-white scheme Willis is used. If you do not explicitly enable schemes, the CDE resource settings are used.

Monochrome and Grayscale Schemes. A user working on a monochrome monitor gets the Willis scheme automatically. A user working on a grayscale monitor gets the Print scheme automatically. You can override these assignments with the resources *monoScheme and *grayScheme, respectively. If you specify an alternative scheme, it must be located in the scheme search path, which is described in the following section.

Search Path for Schemes

The GUIs use a search path to find scheme directories. The default search path is /usr/lib/X11/Schemes:/usr/atria/config/ui/Schemes.

You can use the environment variable SCHEMESEARCHPATH to specify a colon-separated list of directories to be searched instead. Each entry on this list must be in the following standard X Toolkit form:


The GUIs always make these substitutions:

%T ` Schemes
%N ` scheme-name
%S ` (null)

For example, if your SCHEMESEARCHPATH value is


and your .Xdefaults file includes the line

*scheme: Rembrandt

then the GUI reads resource schemes from these two directories:


The GUI searches for the first instance of each scheme file (the standard map declaration file, the standard resource definition file, and the versions of the standard files), and then concatenates the files.

NOTE: If the GUI does not find a complete set of scheme files, it returns an error. Therefore, we recommend that you include the default search path in the SCHEMESEARCHPATH environment variable.

International Language Support. If your site uses the language resource *xnlLanguage to implement pathname substitutions based on national language and/or codeset, you may want to expand customized SCHEMESEARCHPATH entries to use one or more of these optional substitution parameters:

%L ` value of *xnlLanguage (language[_territory][.codeset])
%l ` language
%t ` territory (if any)
%c ` codeset (if any)

See X Windows System Toolkit documentation for more details on constructing directory trees to store language-dependent application text files.

Platform-specific Support. On some platforms, there are specific requirements for the location of the Schemes directory. See the Release Notes for information on platform-specific requirements.




X Toolkit documentation, Common Desktop Environment documentation