
Attache windows, toolbar, and menus



Command Type


general information





Attache's windows, browsers, toolbar, and menus


The graphical user interface enables you to interact with the Attache client through its toolbar, menus, and browsers.


Attache provides online help facilities:


Command Window

The Command window is an editable text window with keyboard input available at the command prompt. By default, the Command window occupies the portion of the Attache Window directly above the Status Bar. To change the size of the Command window, or to completely obscure it, move the separator bar up or down. The size is remembered, and this configuration is used each time you start Attache. The Command window is the main component of Attache's command-line interface. See the attache_command_line_interface reference page for more information.

Browser Window

The Browser window is an adjustable pane above the Command window, containing the File Browser. You can change the size of this window, or obscure it completely by moving the separator bar up or down. The size is remembered, and this configuration is used each time you start Attache. The File Browser window displays your local files (Workspace Contents) and all the VOBs mounted on your helper host and visible through the current view (View Contents).

Selections you make in the Browser window enable the different toolbars and commands. You can select items in several ways:

In the left side of this window:

In the right side of this window:

To refresh the Browser window manually, use View > Refresh.





Menu Equivalent

Corresponding Command


Cuts the selected text to the clipboard

Edit > Cut



Copies the selected text to the clipboard

Edit > Copy



Pastes the text from the clipboard

Edit > Paste



Pastes the text from the clipboard after moving the insertion point to the end of the buffer

Edit > Paste submit



Downloads all nonwritable files created since you last updated your workspace

File > Update Workspace



Opens the Get dialog box for the Browser selection

Version > Get



Uploads specified writable files from your workspace to the associated view

Version > Put



Creates an element corresponding to each selected file or directory in a workspace subtree

Version > Import



Opens the Checkout dialog box for the Browser selection

Version > Checkout



Opens the Checkin dialog box for the Browser selection

Version > Checkin



Opens the Uncheckout dialog box for the Browser selection

Version > Uncheckout



Displays descriptive information for the Browser selection

Version > Properties



Displays the version history for the Browser selection

Version > History


Version Tree

Displays the graphical version tree for the Browser selection

Version > Version Tree

lsvtree -graphical

Diff vs. Predecessor

Displays the differences between the Browser selection and its predecessor version

Version > Diff vs.

diff -pred -graphical


Executes the findmerge command for the Browser selection

Version > Merge


Command Shell

Starts up the MS-DOS Prompt in the current working directory of the workspace

File > Command Shell



Cancels the currently executing command as soon as possible. The Stop Execution button is available only when a command is active.

File > Stop Execution





Corresponding Command

When Is It Enabled?

File Menu

New Workspace



Open Workspace


If workspaces have been created

Update Workspace


If there is a current workspace

Delete Workspace


If workspaces have been created

Workspace Properties


If a workspace is selected in the file browser

Edit Config Spec


If there is a current workspace

Change Directory


If a directory is selected in the File Browser

Command Shell


If there is a current workspace

Stop Execution


Only when a command is active




Edit Menu



If text is selected in the Command Window



If text is selected in the Command or Browser Window



If text has been cut or copied to the clipboard



If text has been cut or copied to the clipboard


These are not
ClearCase find


Find Next

If Find has been invoked with a search string

Version Menu



If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser



If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser



If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser



If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser



If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser



If there is a current workspace



If there is a current workspace



If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser



If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser

Version Tree

lsvtree -graphical

If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser

Diff vs. Predecessor

diff -graphical -predecessor

If one or more files or directories are selected in the File Browser



If there is a current workspace

Options Menu






If the command-line interface is active

View Menu




Status Bar






Help Menu




How to Use Help






About Attache



File > New Workspace

New Workspace creates a workspace and, if Use existing view is not selected, its associated view for a view host running ClearCase. You are prompted for the workspace name (also the view-tag name), the workspace storage directory, the workspace helper host (defaults to the view host), and if you are creating a new view, the view host, the view storage directory in which to create the view, and the global pathname to that directory.

File > Open Workspace

Open Workspace sets you to a workspace. Choosing a workspace name from the list will change your environment to the selected workspace.

File > Update Workspace

Update Workspace downloads the files specified in the project configuration file to your workspace. You can specify a log file for the operation by choosing Log update activity to this file. You are prompted for the full pathname of the file. You can specify whether to Get all versions or to Find versions checked in since the specified time and download only them. You can also choose whether to Recurse into the subdirectories of the directories specified in the project configuration file. After an Update has been performed using a given project configuration file, the time of the Update is remembered. This time is used automatically by the Find versions checked in since option the next time the Update dialog box is opened for that configuration file, unless you specify a different time. You can list the files that would be downloaded without performing the Update by selecting Display changed versions but do not download in conjunction with the Find versions checked in since option.

File > Delete Workspace

Delete Workspace removes the selected workspace. Removing a workspace causes all its local files and subdirectories to be deleted including its workspace storage directory, even if it is being shared with another workspace.The view associated with the workspace is not deleted unless it was created with the same mkws or File > New Workspace command as the workspace.

File > Workspace Properties > Workspace

Workspace specifies the following attributes for the selected workspace: Workspace and view tag name, Workspace storage directory, and the Initial working directory. The Workspace and view tag name and the Workspace storage directory are set when you create the workspace using mkws or File > New Workspace. The default Initial working directory is set to root (\).Change the default by entering the full pathname of the preferred Initial working directory in this field.

File > Workspace Properties > Helper

Helper is used to specify the Helper host, Login username, and Login password of the selected workspace. The default Helper host is set when the workspace is created using mkws or File > New Workspace. Change the default by entering a new Helper host name in this field. You can edit the Login username and Login password fields. The Login password is encrypted. Delete the current password by clicking Delete Password. You can also choose to Delete view when workspace is deleted.

File > Workspace Properties > Update Status

For a selected workspace, Update Status displays the Time of last successful update and the Project config file used in that update.

File > Edit Config Spec

Edit Config Spec brings up the Notepad in which to modify the current config spec. On return, you are prompted about whether to accept this as the current config spec or to abort.

File > Change Directory

Change Directory changes your working directory to that of the selected directory in both the workspace and the view.

File > Command Shell

Command Shell starts the MS-DOS Prompt in the current working directory of the workspace.

File > Stop Execution

Stop Execution cancels the currently executing command as soon as possible.

File > Exit

Exit quits the Attache program.

Edit > Cut

Cut moves the text selected in the Command Window to the clipboard.

Edit > Copy

Copy makes a copy of the text selected in the Command Window on the clipboard. Executing a Copy command while the browser has the focus puts the pathnames of selected items on the clipboard.

Edit > Paste

Paste copies the text from the clipboard to the Command Window.

Edit > Paste/Submit

Paste/Submit moves the insertion point to the end of the buffer before pasting.

Edit > Find

Find searches for an occurrence of a text string in the Command window. You are prompted for the string, whether to Match case, and the Direction in which to search.

Edit > Find Next

Find Next reexecutes the search with the same string.

Version > Import

Import creates an element corresponding to each selected file or directory in a workspace, if the element does not already exist in the VOB. You can enter a new comment or accept the last comment entered in this Attache session. Selecting Exclude files matching patterns contained in this file specifies the pathname of a file containing file-name patterns that are not to be imported. You can use Browse to specify an existing file or Edit to change a file. If Checkin initial versions of new elements is selected, Import creates the new element and version \main\0, checks out the element, then uploads and checks in a new version containing the data in the workspace file. Selecting Lower-case new element names causes new element names to be created all lower-case in Windows 95 and Windows NT. Windows 3.x creates element names in lowercase by default.

Version > Remove

Remove executes the rmname command for the selected element name or VOB symbolic link listed in the Remove Names dialog box. The directory is checked out, if needed.

Version > Get

Get downloads files or directories selected from the File Browser to your workspace. You can specify a log file for the operation by choosing Log download activity to this file. You are prompted for the full pathname of the file. You can choose to Overwrite local files for any existing writable file of the same name, to Prompt for Overwrite confirmation with existing writable files, or to select the Do Not Overwrite local files option. There is also a Recurse through subdirectories toggle switch to download the full directory tree beneath your selection and a Preserve timestamps from remote files toggle switch to allow you to download the files while maintaining their date and time.

Version > Put

Put uploads files or directories selected from your workspace to the associated view. You can specify a log file for the operation by choosing Log download activity to this file. You are prompted for the full pathname of the file. There is also a Recurse through subdirectories toggle switch to upload the full directory tree beneath your selection and a Preserve timestamps from remote files toggle switch to allow you to upload the files while maintaining their date and time.

Version > Checkout

Checkout checks out files or directories selected from the File Browser. You can enter a new checkout comment or accept the last checkout comment entered in this Attache session. If you click Query for each file, you are prompted for comments in the Command window; otherwise, the comment is used for each checkout. The Comment text box may be left empty. You can also select the check box for an Unreserved checkout, which is not selected by default.

Version > Checkin

Checkin checks in a list of versions selected from the File Browser. You can enter a new checkin comment or (by leaving the Comment text box empty) accept the default comment which is the checkout comment for the first selected version. Any comment specified is used for all checked-in files, as long as Query for each file is not selected. To use the checkout comment for all files being checked in, select Use Checkout comment for each file. If you select Query for each file, you are prompted for comments in the Command window. You can also select Checkin even if identical, which is not selected by default.

Version > Uncheckout

Uncheckout cancels the checkout of one or more files or directories as selected from the File Browser. You can specify which checkouts to cancel by selecting All selected elements or Checked-out elements in all current work activities. To save the current checked-out version as a view-private file, select the Keep view-private copies check box .

Version > Properties > General

For a selected element, General displays as a Description the comment the user supplied when creating the element, and the Element Type.

For a version, General displays as a Description the last comment issued on the checkin or checkout of the version.

For a checked-out version, General also displays the view from which the version is checked-out (Checkout View), whether it is a Reserved checkout, and the name the Predecessor version for the checked-out file.

Version > Properties > Labels

Labels displays any labels attached to the version selected in the File Browser.

Version > Properties > Attributes

Attributes displays the Type and Value of any attribute for the version or element selected in the File Browser.

Version > Properties > HyperLinks

HyperLinks displays the list of hyperlinks for the version or element selected in the File Browser.

Version > Properties > Triggers

For directory elements, Triggers displays the list of triggers that fire on operations involving the element (Attached Triggers) and the list of triggers inherited by elements created within the directory (Inherited Triggers).

For file elements, Triggers displays an Attached Triggers list.

Version > Properties > Protection

Protection displays the meaningful access permissions (read, write, execute) for the particular element type selected in the File Browser. Access permissions are displayed in three sections: Owner, Group, and World. Not all permissions are meaningful in the VOB. Available check boxes indicate that the permission is meaningful; dimmed check boxes indicate that the permission is not.

Version > Properties > Lock

Lock displays whether the element selected in the File Browser is Locked with a lock command or Obsolete with a lock -obsolete command. The Description field displays the comment the user specified when locking or obsoleting the element, and Excluded Users displays a list of user names to which the lock does not apply.

Version > History

History executes the lshistory command for the file or directory selected in the File Browser.

Version > Version Tree

Version Tree executes the lsvtree -graphical command for the file or directory selected in the File Browser.

Version > Diff vs. Predecessor

Diff vs. Predecessor executes the diff -graphical -predecessor command for the file or directory selected in the File Browser.

Version > Merge

Merge executes the findmerge command for one or more files selected in the File Browser. Merge allows you to consider merges either for Selected elements only, or All elements in containing VOBs (-all), or in All VOBs (-avobs), or for a specific Project configuration file. The merge action can be one of Display needed merges only (-print), Character mode merge (-merge), Graphical mode merge (-graphical), or Graphical mode only when there are conflicts (-merge -graphical). The source version can be one of the specified Version specifier (-fversion), the Latest version on the checked-out branch (-flatest), or the Version selected by this view (-ftag). Click Browse to see a list of views. As options, you can specify Recurse into subdirectories (-nrecurse), Prompt for each needed merge (-okmergel or -okgraphical), and Serial output format (-serial). The Comment box may be left empty. For more information, see the findmerge reference page.

Options > Preferences > Login Info

Login Info stores your user name and password information, which is used when you connect to a workspace using File > New Workspace or the mkws or setws commands. If you have different user name and password combinations for different ClearCase hosts, you can store a different combination for each workspace by selecting Current workspace only, or you may choose to be prompted for this information, rather than to store it.

Options > Preferences > Registry

Registry is used to specify the ClearCase registry host and the ClearCase network region.

Options > Preferences > View Attributes

View Attributes specifies the interop text mode for new views created by the mkws command or File > New Workspace. Each view has an associated text mode that determines whether line terminators are presented to the view exactly as stored. This is important if you are sharing files between the PC and UNIX machines, and if you run applications on the PC requiring that lines be terminated with line feed and carriage return characters. The values you can specify are those allowed by the -tmode option to the mkview command; see the mkview reference page.

Options > Preferences > Options

Compress during file transfer specifies whether to compress files during transfer between the workspace and the view and to uncompress them after the transfer to improve performance over slow communications lines. Display properties in workspace contents browser enables the display in the Workspace browser of properties that are always visible in the View browser. Unreserved flag set for checkout operations allows you to change the default checkout mode to unreserved.

Options > Font

Font is used to specify the Font, Font style, Size, and Script used in the Command Window.

View > Toolbar

If selected, the Toolbar is displayed. This is a toggle switch.

View > Status Bar

If selected, the Status Bar is displayed. This is a toggle switch.

View > Refresh

Refresh updates the display for the Browser window.

Help > Contents

Contents starts the online help system at the main Table of Contents.

Help > How to Use Help

Help on Help provides information about using the Windows Help System.

Help > Tutorial

Tutorial starts the interactive Attache online Tutorial.

Help > About

About provides information about the Attache executable, including the version number.


attache, attache_command_line_interface, attcmd, att_clnt