
Creates and registers a view



Command Type


cleartool subcommand

ClearCase LT

cleartool subcommand







mkview -tag dynamic-view-tag [ -tco·mment tag-comment ]

[ -tmo·de { insert_cr | transparent | strip_cr } ]
[ -reg·ion network-region ] [ -ln remote-storage-dir-pname ]
[ -nca·exported ] [ -cac·hesize size ]
[ -sha·reable_dos | -nsh·areable_dos ] [ -str·eam stream-selector ]
{ -stg·loc { view-stgloc-name | -aut·o }
| [ -hos·t hostname -hpa·th host-storage-pname -gpa·th global-storage-pname ]
dynamic-view-storage-pname }
mkview -tag dynamic-view-tag [ -tco·mment tag-comment ]

[ -tmo·de { insert_cr | transparent | strip_cr } ]
[ -reg·ion network-region ] [ -cac·hesize size ]
[ -sha·reable_dos | -nsh·areable_dos ] [ -str·eam stream-selector ]
{ -stg·loc { view-stgloc-name | -aut·o }
| [ -hos·t hostname -hpa·th host-storage-pname -gpa·th global-storage-pname ]
dynamic-view-storage-pname }
mkview -sna·pshot [ -tag snapshot-view-tag ] [ -tco·mment tag-comment ]

[ -tmo·de { insert_cr | transparent | strip_cr } ]
[ -cac·hesize size ] [ -pti·me ] [ -str·eam stream-selector ]
[ -stg·loc view-stgloc-name
| -col·ocated_server [ -hos·t hostname -hpa·th host-snapshot-view-pname
-gpa·th global-snapshot-view-pname ]
| -vws view-storage-pname [ -hos·t hostname -hpa·th host-storage-pname
-gpa·th global-storage-pname ]
] snapshot-view-pname
mkview [-sna·pshot ] [ -tag view-tag ] [ -tco·mment tag-comment ]

[ -tmo·de { insert_cr | transparent | strip_cr } ]
[ -pti·me ] [ -str·eam stream-selector ]
[ -stg·loc view-stgloc-name ] snapshot-view-pname


The mkview command creates a new view as follows:


If you want to use a snapshot view on a host that is disconnected from the network:


Operating systems use different character sequences to terminate lines of text files. In UNIX, the line terminator for text files is a single <LF> character. On Windows systems, the standard line terminator is <CR><LF>. Each view has an interop text mode-specified by the -tmode option-that determines the line terminator sequence for text files in that view. The interop text mode also determines whether line terminators are adjusted before a text file is presented to the view (at checkout time, for example). For example, a text file element created by a Windows client that is accessed through a UNIX view would be stripped of <CR> characters, and the <CR> characters would be reinserted when the file was written to the VOB as a new version.

In Attache, when you use mkws to create a workspace, you can create an associated view at the same time. The mkws command does not take the -tmode option, but the Attache client has a preference you can set to specify the interop text mode for any views created on behalf of a workspace.

For more information, see the Administrator's Guide and the reference pages for msdostext_mode and mkeltype.


Views are attached to streams in the UCM model. Only views can modify a UCM stream. Views cannot be moved between streams or detached from a stream without removing the view.


Although both kinds of views use caches, cache size is more significant for a dynamic view than for a snapshot view. The dynamic view's cache size determines the number of VOB lookups that can be stored. You can set the size of the cache with the -cachesize option. This creates the following line in the .view file for the view:

-cache size

When a view_server process is started, it uses this value. For more information about the view_server cache and changing its size, see the setcache and chview reference pages and the Administrator's Guide.


A view's associated view_server process reads a configuration file when it starts up. You can revise this file-for example, to make the view read-only. See the Administrator's Guide.


For information about performing view backups, see the Administrator's Guide.

If you create a snapshot view in which the view-storage directory is located outside the snapshot view directory, you must back up recursively both the view storage directory and the snapshot view directory.


The view created by this command is the root of a standard directory tree; but a view must be deleted only with the rmview command, never with an operating system file deletion command. See the rmview reference page for details.


This section contains information about view creation that differs depending on the product, view type, and platform you are using.

ClearCase and Attache Dynamic Views-Using Express Builds

You can configure a dynamic view to use the express builds feature by creating the view with the -nshareable_dos option. When you invoke clearmake or omake in this kind of view, clearmake or omake builds nonshareable derived objects (DOs). Information about these DOs is not written into the VOB, so the build is faster; however, nonshareable DOs cannot be winked in by other views.

If you do not specify -shareable_dos or -nshareable_dos, mkview uses the site-wide default set in the registry (with the setsite command). If there is no site-wide default, mkview configures the view so that builds in the view create shareable DOs.

To change the DO property for an existing view, use the chview command. For more information on shareable and nonshareable DOs, see Building Software.

ClearCase and Attache Dynamic Views on UNIX-Marking a View for Export

A dynamic view to be used for NFS export of one or more VOBs (for access by applications other than those in the ClearCase Product Family) must be marked in the registry as an export view. Each export view is assigned an export ID, which ensures that NFS-exported view/VOB combinations have stable NFS file handles across server reboots or shutdown and restart of ClearCase.

If the dynamic view is registered in multiple regions, the export marking must be on the view-tag in the server host's default region. To create an export view, use the -ncaexported option. You can register an existing dynamic view or VOB for export by using mktag -replace -ncaexported. For information about exporting view-VOB combinations, see the export_mvfs reference page.

ClearCase and Attache Dynamic Views on UNIX-Activating a View

Creating a view-tag also executes the startview command, which activates the dynamic view on the current host (unless the tag's target network region does not include the local host.) It also places an entry in the host's viewroot directory. (For example, specifying -tag gamma creates the entry /view/gamma.)

After it is activated, a dynamic view can be set with the setview command; it can also be accessed with view-extended naming. (For details, see the startview and pathnames_ccase reference pages.)

ClearCase and Attache Dynamic Views on Windows-Activating a View

Creating a view-tag also executes the startview command, which activates the dynamic view on the current host (unless the tag's target network region does not include the local host.) It also places an entry in the host's dynamic-views root directory (by default, drive M). (For example, specifying -tag gamma creates the entry gamma.)

After a dynamic view is activated, you can assign it to a drive letter with the net use command or by clicking Tools > Map Network Drive in Windows Explorer; it can also be accessed with view-extended naming. (For details, see the startview and pathnames_ccase reference pages.)

ClearCase, Attache, and ClearCase LT Snapshot Views-Activating a View

Snapshot views cannot be explicitly activated and cannot be accessed using view-extended naming. However, a snapshot view becomes active when you change to the view directory and issue a ClearCase or ClearCase LT command.

ClearCase, Attache, and ClearCase LT on UNIX-View Creator Identity and umask Permissions

Avoid creating views as root. This often causes problems with remote access to a view, because root on one host often becomes user ID -2 (user nobody) when accessing other hosts.

Your current umask(1) setting determines which users can access the view. For example, a umask value of 2 allows anyone to read data in the view, but only you (the view's owner) and others in your group can write data to it-create view-private files, build derived objects, and so on. If your umask value is 22, only you can write data to the new view.

ClearCase and Attache-View Storage Directory on a Network Attached Storage Device.

You may create a view with storage on a supported network attached storage (NAS) device. We recommend using a server storage location for this purpose. See the mkstgloc reference page for information. To use mkview to create a view that resides on a NAS device, you must specify the option set, -host -hpath -gpath. (NAS devices must be specially configured for use with ClearCase. See the Administrator's Guide for details.)




SPECIFYING THE VIEW-TAG.  Default for ClearCase and Attache dynamic views: None. Default for ClearCase LT and ClearCase/Attache snapshot views: A generated tag.

-tag view-tag

Dynamic view-Specifies a name for the view, in the form of a simple file name. This name appears in the local host's file system as a subdirectory of the viewroot directory. For example, the view experiment appears as /view/experiment (UNIX) or M:\experiment (Windows).
Snapshot view-Specifies a name for the view as it is recorded in the registry.
ClearCase and Attache -If your network has multiple regions, use the mktag command to create an additional view-tag for each additional region.
-tco·mment tag-comment

Adds a comment to the view-tag's entry in the view_tag registry. Use lsview -long to display the tag comment.

SPECIFYING THE KIND OF VIEW.  Default for ClearCase and Attache: Dynamic view. Default for ClearCase LT: -snapshot (The ClearCase LT synopsis for this command retains this option, even though it is the default, for easier migration of view-creation scripts from ClearCase LT to ClearCase.)


Specifies a snapshot view. See the Administrator's Guide for a discussion of views and the differences between snapshot and dynamic views.

SPECIFYING THE INTEROP TEXT MODE.  Default: -tmode transparent for views created on UNIX or those created through by the cleartool mkview command on Windows. -tmode transparent is also the default for views created through the Windows GUI unless a different site-wide interop text mode has been set with setsite.

NOTE: VOBs that are to be accessed by interop text mode views must be enabled to support such views. See the msdostext_mode reference page.

-tmo·de transparent

A transparent interop text mode view is created. The line terminator for text files is a single <NL> character. The view does not transform text file line terminators in any way.
-tmo·de insert_cr

Creates an insert_cr interop text mode view. The view converts <NL> line terminators to the <CR><NL> sequence when reading from a VOB, and <CR><NL> line terminators to single <NL> characters when writing to the VOB.
-tmo·de strip_cr

Creates a strip_cr interop text mode view. The view converts <CR><NL> line terminators to <NL> when reading from a VOB, and <NL> line terminators back to the <CR><NL> sequence when writing to the VOB.

SPECIFYING A NETWORK REGION.  Default: The local host's network region, as listed by the hostinfo -long command. See the Administrator's Guide for a discussion of network regions.

-reg·ion network-region

Creates the view-tag in the specified network region. An error occurs if the region does not exist.
CAUTION: The view-tag created with mkview must be for the network region to which the view server host belongs. Thus, use this option only when you are logged on to a remote host that is in another region. Moreover, a view-tag for the view's home region must always exist.

REMOTE PRIVATE STORAGE AREA.  Default: Creates the view's private storage area as an actual subdirectory of dynamic-view-storage-pname. This subdirectory, named .s, holds checked-out versions, newly created derived objects, and other view-private objects.

-ln remote-storage-dir-pname

Creates the .s directory at the location specified by remote-storage-dir-pname. A UNIX-level symbolic link to pname is created at view-storage-dir-pname/.s, providing access to the remote storage area. Restrictions:

  • remote-storage-dir-pname must be a valid pathname on every host (regardless of its network region) from which users will access the view.
  • This view cannot be used to export a VOB to a non-ClearCase host. (See the exports_ccase reference page.)
This mechanism is independent of the network storage registry facility. The pathname to a remote storage area must be truly global, not global within a particular network region.

MARKING THE VIEW FOR EXPORT. Default: The view is not marked as an exporting view.


Assigns an export ID to the view-tag.

SETTING THE CACHE SIZE. Default: Set to the value of the site-wide default (set with setcache -view -site); if this default is not set, the cache size is set to 500 KB for a 32-bit platform and 1 MB for a 64-bit platform.

-cac·hesize size

Specifies a size for the view_server cache. size is an integer number of bytes, optionally followed by the letter k to specify kilobytes or m to specify megabytes; for example, 800k or 3m.

SPECIFYING THE KIND OF DERIVED OBJECTS TO CREATE IN A DYNAMIC VIEW. Default: mkview uses the site-wide default. If a site-wide default is not set, mkview configures the view to create shareable DOs.


Specifies that DOs created in the dynamic view can be winked in by other views.

Specifies that DOs created in the dynamic view cannot be winked in by other views.

SETTING AN INITIAL DEFAULT FOR MODIFICATION TIME STAMPS FOR A SNAPSHOT VIEW. Default: The initial default for the time stamps of files copied into the view as part of the snapshot view update operation is the time at which the file is copied into the view. Using the update command, users can change the default time-stamp mode: the most recently used time scheme is retained as part of the view's state and is used as the default behavior for the next update.


Changes the initial default for file time stamps copied into the snapshot view to the time at which the version was created (as recorded in the VOB).


-str·eam stream-selector

Specifies a UCM stream. The view being created is attached to this stream.
stream-selector is of the form [stream:]stream-name[@vob-selector], where vob-selector specifies the stream's project VOB.

SPECIFYING THE VIEW STORAGE DIRECTORY LOCATION.  Either dynamic-view-pname or snapshot-view-pname is always a required argument. In addition, default behavior related to specifying view storage location is as follows:

Default for ClearCase and Attache dynamic views: None; a server storage location must be specified explicitly using -stgloc or indirectly using -auto.

For dynamic views, automatic server storage selection proceeds as follows:

  1. Server storage locations that have no global path (-ngpath) are disqualified.

  2. Server storage locations on heterogeneous hosts are disqualified.

  3. Local server storage locations are preferred over remote ones.

  4. A server storage location is selected at random from the remaining candidates.

Default for ClearCase and Attache snapshot views: An automatically selected server storage location, if any can be found; else -colocated_server.

Default for ClearCase LT (snapshot) views: An automatically selected server storage location.

For snapshot views, automatic server storage selection proceeds as follows:

  1. Server storage locations with global paths (-gpath) that reside on heterogeneous hosts are disqualified.

  2. Local server storage locations are preferred over remote ones.

  3. A server storage location is selected at random from the remaining candidates.

-stg·loc { view-stgloc-name | -aut·o }

Specifies a server storage location to hold the view storage directory. (You must have previously used mkstgloc to create the server storage location.) Either specify the server storage location by name, or specify -auto to indicate a server storage location is to be automatically selected as described previously.
For information on using this option to create snapshot views for disconnected use, see the section, DISCONNECTED USE OF SNAPSHOT VIEWS.
You cannot create a view on a remote heterogeneous host unless the view is a snapshot views that is to be created in no-global-path (-ngpath) server storage location.

Specifies a view storage directory that is colocated with the snapshot view directory; specifically, the view storage directory is created as a subdirectory of the snapshot view directory (snapshot-view-pname).
We recommend you use -stgloc rather than this option whenever possible.

Specifies the location for the snapshot view storage directory. On Windows systems, this must be a UNC name.
For information on using this option to create snapshot views for disconnected use, see the section, DISCONNECTED USE OF SNAPSHOT VIEWS.
We recommend that you use -stgloc rather than this option whenever possible.
-hos·t hostname
-hpa·th local-pname
-gpa·th global-pname

See the mkstgloc reference page for information on these options.
NOTE: The argument names shown above are generalizations of the argument names as they appear in the synopses for this command in association with the -colocated_server and -vws options.
When you use one or more of the -host/-hpath/-gpath options in combination with -colocated_server, the values you specify for -host/-hpath/-gpath must correspond to the snapshot view directory (snapshot-view-pname), not the colocated view storage directory.
When you use one or more of the -host/-hpath/-gpath options in combination with -vws, the values you specify for -host/-hpath/-gpath must correspond to the view storage directory (view-storage-pname), not the snapshot view directory.
To create a view that resides on a supported network attached storage (NAS) device, you must specify the option set, -host -hpath -gpath.

The location at which a new view storage directory is to be created for a dynamic view. (An error occurs if something already exists at this pathname.) You can create a view storage directory at any location in the file system where operating system permissions allow you to create a subdirectory, with these restrictions:

  • You cannot create a view storage directory under the dynamic views root directory (on UNIX, this directory is /view; on Windows, drive M)
  • dynamic-view-storage-pname must specify a location on a host where ClearCase has been installed or a location on a supported network attached storage device attached to such a host; the view database files must physically reside on a ClearCase host or a supported network attached storage device to enable access by the view_server process.
In addition, on Windows systems:

  • dynamic-view-storage-pname must be a UNC name
  • The directory must not be within a Windows special share, such as the share that is designated by drive$ and that allows administrators to access the drive over the network.

The location at which the snapshot view directory is to be created.(An error occurs if something already exists at this pathname.) You can create a snapshot view directory at any location in the file system where operating system permissions allow you to create a subdirectory, with the restriction that you cannot create a snapshot view under the dynamic views root directory (on UNIX, this directory is /view; on Windows, drive M).
In addition, on Windows systems:

  • snapshot-view-pname must be a UNC name only if the storage is colocated (colocated storage can be the default in the circumstances described previously).
  • For a colocated server, the snapshot view directory must not be within a Windows special share, such as the share that is designated by drive$ and that allows administrators to access the drive over the network.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.

NOTE: In the UNIX examples that follow, arguments and output that show multicomponent VOB tags are not applicable to ClearCase LT, which recognizes only single-component VOB tags. In this manual, a multicomponent VOB tag is by convention a two-component VOB tag of the form /vobs/vob-tag-leaf-for example, /vobs/src. A single-component VOB tag consists of a leaf only-for example, /src. In all other respects, the examples are valid for ClearCase LT.

On a UNIX system, create a dynamic view storage directory and assign it the view-tag mainr2.

cmd-context mkview -tag mainr2 /net/host3/view_store/mainr2.vws
Created view.
Host-local path: host3:/view_store/mainr2.vws
Global path: /net/host3/view_store/mainr2.vws
It has the following rights:
User : anne : rwx
Group: dev : rwx
Other: : r-x


chflevel, chview, endview, lsview, mkstream, mkstgloc, mktag, rmtag, rmview, setcache, setview, startview, umask(1), unregister, update