
Updates elements in a snapshot view or Attache workspace



Command Type


cleartool subcommand

ClearCase LT

cleartool subcommand







update -g·raphical [ pname ... ]
update [ -print ] [-f·orce ] [ -ove·rwrite | -nov·erwrite | -ren·ame ]

[ -cti·me | -pti·me ] [ -log pname ] [ pname ... ]
update -add·_loadrules [ -print ] [-f·orce ] [ -ove·rwrite | -nov·erwrite | -ren·ame ]

[ -cti·me | -pti·me ] [ -log pname ] pname [ pname ... ]
update { [ -print [ -since date_time] |

[ -all |-since date_time]
[ -ove·rwrite | -nov·erwrite ] [ -pti·me ] [ -compress ] }
[ -r·ecurse ] [ -log pname ] pname...


ClearCase and ClearCase LT-Updating Loaded Elements

For one or more loaded elements, the update command does the following:

update does not apply to files or directories that are checked out to the current view.

If update cannot access a VOB (perhaps due to problems in the network), any elements from that VOB remain loaded, but are put in a special state (rule unavailable).

The update command accounts for the fact that VOB elements specified by your config spec may change while an update is in progress. To avoid loading an inconsistent set of element versions, update ignores versions that meet both of the following criteria:

update also accounts for the fact that the system clocks on different hosts may not be synchronized.

When issued from a snapshot view,the following cleartool commands invoke update at the completion of the command:

ClearCase and ClearCase LT-Loading New Elements

The form of the update command that specifies the -add_loadrules option enables you to add new load rules to your config_spec and load the elements that those rules specify.


This command downloads the specified files to the workspace.




ClearCase and ClearCase LT

USING THE GRAPHICAL UPDATE TOOL. Default: The update is performed in the command window.


Invokes the graphical update tool.



Produces a preview of the update operation: instead of copying or removing files, update prints a report to standard output of the actions it would take for each specified element.

CONFIRMATION STEP. Default: update prompts for confirmation of the elements to be updated. However, update does not in all circumstances prompt you to confirm all the elements to be updated. Sometimes there are no confirmation prompts when you update elements, even though you have not specified -force.


Suppresses the confirmation prompts.

HANDLING HIJACKED FILES.  Default: Leaves all hijacked files in the view with their current modifications (-noverwrite).


Overwrites all hijacked files with the version selected by the config spec.

Leaves all hijacked files in the view with their current modifications.

Renames hijacked files to filename.keep and copies the version in the VOB selected by the config spec into the view.
DETERMINING THE MODIFICATION TIMESTAMPDefault: The initial default is set by the mkview command. Thereafter, the most recently used time scheme is retained as part of the view's state and is used as the default behavior for the next update.

Sets the time stamp of a file element to the current time, that is, the time at which the version is copied into the view. -ctime has no effect on directories (directories always use the current time).

Sets the time stamp of a file element to the time at which the version was checked in to the VOB. -ptime has no effect on directories. (Directories always use the current time.)

SPECIFYING A FILE TRANSFER LOGDefault: A log file named update.timestamp.updt that is written to the root of the snapshot view directory.

-log pname

Specifies a log file for the operation. The log file lists the actions taken by the update command, as well as an indication of any errors that occur during the operation. To suppress generation of the log file, use -log /dev/null (UNIX) or -log NUL (Windows).



Specifies that the pname argument is a new load rule. The new rule is appended to the view's config spec, and the elements it specifies are loaded.

SPECIFYING THE ELEMENTS TO BE UPDATED OR ADDEDDefault: If you do not specify -add_loadrules, the current snapshot view; if you specify -add_loadrules, none.

pname ...

If you do not specify -add_loadrules, this argument specifies the files and/or directories to update. All specified directories, including the root directory of the snapshot view, are updated recursively.
If you specify -add_loadrules, this argument is interpreted as a new load rule. The elements specified by the rule are loaded and the rule is appended to the config spec of the current view. pname must be either a pathname relative to your current location in the directory structure of the snapshot view or an absolute path that includes the snapshot view path.



Specifies the files, directories, and/or links to be updated. For a pname containing a symbolic link, Attache updates a copy of the file or directory the link points to, rather than the link itself. Wildcard patterns are expanded with reference to the view. In addition, arguments of the form @pname can be used to add the contents of the local file pname as pathname arguments. The pathname arguments can contain wildcards (most useful for excluding particular files; see the wildcards reference page), and must be listed in the file one per line, or also be of the form @pname. Specifying a relative pathname for @pname begins from Attache's start-up directory, not the working directory, so a full local pathname is recommended.

Specifies that all files are to be downloaded to the Attache workspace.
-since date_time

Downloads to the Attache workspace all files checked in since the time specified in date_time.


-print [ -since date_time]

Displays the files that need updating, but does not update them in the Attache workspace. If -print is used, a reference time must be specified. -since displays files updated since date_time. A project config file which has been used to do an update can also be specified. The config file is specified as @filename for the pname argument. For each config file used to do an update, Attache remembers the last update time and uses it for the next update with that config file.

SPECIFYING HOW THE FILES ARE TO BE UPDATED.  Default: When a directory is specified, its file contents are updated. If a destination file already exists that is identical in contents with the source file, it is not overwritten. If an existing destination file is read-only and differs from the source, it is always overwritten. If the destination file exists and is writable, an overwrite query is issued.


Suppresses the query and causes all writable files to be overwritten.

Suppresses the query and causes no writable file to be overwritten.

Causes the last-modified time stamp of the destination file to be set to that of the source file. -ptime has no effect on directories.

Causes files to be compressed while being uploaded and uncompressed after the transfer to improve performance over slow communications lines.

HANDLING OF DIRECTORY ARGUMENTSDefault: For each pname that specifies a directory element, update downloads to the Attache workspace the contents of that directory, but not the contents of any of its subdirectories.


Includes files from the entire subtree below any subdirectory included in the top-level listing. Directories are created as necessary and the current directory is taken into account if relative patterns are given.


-log pname

Specifies a log file for the operation. The log file lists the workspace-relative pathname of each file transferred by the Attache update command, as well as an indication of any errors that occur during the operation. Log file pathnames are absolute, not relative to the current workspace root.

The log file can be used as an indirect file in a get command if there are errors which prevent the updating of all files.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.

ClearCase and ClearCase LT

NOTE: In the UNIX examples that follow, arguments and output that show multicomponent VOB tags are not applicable to ClearCase LT, which recognizes only single-component VOB tags. In this manual, a multicomponent VOB tag is by convention a two-component VOB tag of the form /vobs/vob-tag-leaf-for example, /vobs/src. A single-component VOB tag consists of a leaf only-for example, /src. In all other respects, the examples are valid for ClearCase LT.



checkin, checkout, clearviewupdate, config_spec, edcs, get, findmerge, ln, merge, mkdir, mkelem, mv, rmname, setcs, uncheckout