

Defines one or more named properties associated with a document, for example the date of publication or keywords, or another document element. The value of a property may be contained in the element body or in the content attribute.

The property attribute defines the name of the property. The content of the element or the content attribute defines the value of the property. The about attribute and the property values can be used to refer to an element in the same document, in which case meta should precede it, or to an external resource using a URI.

You can use specific property attribute values to control external content caching. See Caching XDIME 2 for details of the caching operation, and how you should use these settings.

The mcs:refresh property attribute value can be used to set the timing and URL values for refresh and redirect. See Timed redirect and refresh for details.

The description, keywords and dc:creator properties allow the page author to provide meta information about a web page, and control how the document is described by search engines. Refer to Meta information for search engines for further details.


The dc:creator property is taken from the Dublin Core meta property set in the namespace

The mcs:allow-css-type-selectors property specifies whether CSS type selectors are allowed in the generated CSS. Page authors should set this to 'false' if the page contains client-side scripts that will dynamically create elements on the client. This will prevent those elements from picking up styles that were common for elements of the same type in the original page sent from the server. The default value of the property is 'true'. Refer to Disabling CSS type selectors for further information.

The mcs:page-supports-resize meta property allows page authors to specify whether or not an XDIME page supports resizing. By default, the value of this property is set to 'false', which means that MCS will render a fixed-size page and do whatever is necessary to display the page correctly on the device, possibly preventing page resizing from occurring. If you set the mcs:page-supports-resize meta property to 'true', then MCS will modify the device specific meta properties that control the viewport so that the properties do not specify a fixed-size viewport, i.e. MCS will not try to prevent client-side resizing from occurring. However, it is the page author's responsibility to ensure that the page supports resizing, for example by using the Client Framework 2 components or JavaScript. Refer to Viewport optimization for further information.

The mcs:viewport-scaling-mode property specifies whether or not the user can scale the viewport, i.e. whether or not the user can zoom the page in and out. Refer to the topic entitled Viewport optimization for more information.

The mcs:overflow-indicator meta property specifies the indicator to use when the content in the referenced element overflows its container. The mcs:overflow-content meta property specifies the indicator to use regardless of whether or not the content in the referenced element overflows its container. The resource can be specified as text, the mcs-gradient() function, an image policy or a device dependent mime type. The mcs:overflow-indicator and mcs:overflow-content properties can be associated with any block elements, are valid only within the document body, their about attributes must reference an element within the document, and must come before the element to which they refer. Please refer to the topic entitled Text overflow for more information.

The mcs:styling-mode meta property allows page authors to override the default styling mode specified by the xdime2 element in the mcs-config.xml configuration file. The default value of 'selective' indicates that MCS should only apply styles to certain types of elements. 'all' indicates that all elements should be styled irrespective of the element type. Refer to the topic entitled xdime2 for more information.

The cf2:validation-mode meta property controls the mode of the Client Framework 2 component validator. Refer to the topic entitled Validation for details.

The mcs:control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth meta property specifies whether the table flattening transformation should be used on a per device basis in the current page. The table flattening transformation removes unnecessary elements and consequently the related stylistic information, possibly impacting the appearance of the page. The property accepts two values: 'false' and 'true'. The default value of 'true' means that MCS should only apply the table flattening transformation if the device requires it. The value of 'false' indicates that MCS must always use the transformation. This meta property is associated with the document and therefore it is only valid within the head section of the document and must have no about attribute. Refer to the topic entitled Optimizing tables for further information.

The mcs:form-processing-options meta property allows page authors to specify the form processing options on a per-page basis. This property supports two values: 'stateless' and 'stateful'. The default value of 'stateful' indicates that MCS needs to use sessions when processing forms, i.e. the form-related information will be retained in the session. 'stateless' means that MCS must not use sessions when processing form-related information, i.e. no information about the form will be maintained by MCS between form rendering and form submission. This meta property is associated with the document and therefore it is only valid within the head section of the document and must have no about attribute. This meta property overrides the default mode specified by the form-processing-options attribute of the xdime element in the mcs-config.xml configuration file. Refer to the topics entitled State in MCS and xdime for more information.

Page authors use the mcs:frame-page meta property to specify that the associated html element contains a frame page. Refer to the topic entitled Defining a frame page for details.

The content attribute of the cf2:uses meta property can contain a whitespace separated list of component ids from outside that are used from within the current scope, i.e. the components referenced by this meta property will be imported to the current scope. Refer to the topics entitled cf2:uses for further information.

Attribute groups


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
about The resource with the specified property xs:anyURI none    optional 
content The value of the property xs:string none    optional 
property The name of the property. The values given are specific to MCS. xs:QName none  cf2:uses, cf2:validation-mode, dc:creator, description, keywords, mcs:allow-css-type-selectors, mcs:cache-auto, mcs:cache-expires, mcs:cache-max-age, mcs:cache-scope, mcs:control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth, mcs:enclosing-fragment-link-label, mcs:form-processing-options, mcs:fragment-link-label, mcs:frame-page, mcs:max-age, mcs:no-cache, mcs:overflow-content, mcs:overflow-indicator, mcs:page-supports-resize, mcs:refresh, mcs:styling-mode, mcs:viewport-scaling-mode, mcs:wml-target-card required 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns=""
    <meta property="mcs:cache-scope">optimistic</meta>
    <meta property="mcs:max-age">180</meta>
    <h3> Hello! </h3>

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