Core attributes


Attributes that are common to XDIME 2 elements.

You can use the class and id attributes as a style sheet selector, assigning style information to a set of elements or an element with a specific identifier.


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
class Assigns a class name to an element xs:NMTOKEN     optional 
id Unique identifier for an element in a document. You can use this identifier to specify the element as a link target. xs:ID     optional 
style Overrides a style specified in the theme for a page. Not inherited by child elements. xs:string     optional 
title Information about the element. Visual browsers usually display the title on the mouseover event. xs:string     optional 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
      <a href="" title="Antenna Software Systems">click me!</a>

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