Optimizing tables

MCS simplifies the table structures within a page in order to overcome limitations of the requesting device. The table flattening transformation removes unnecessary elements and consequently the related stylistic information, possibly impacting the appearance of the page. Prior to MCS version 6.3.0, the transformation was applied to all devices irrespective of whether it was needed or not. Since version 6.3.0, the table flattening transformation is only applied to devices that require such optimization. However, it is possible that CSS styling applied to existing XDIME pages relies on the transformation being performed. Therefore, the mcs:control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth meta property, along with the control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth attribute of the adaptation element in the mcs-config.xml file, are provided to allow page authors to temporarily revert to the old MCS behavior and resolve any issues that arise as a result of the change. Page authors should use these two configuration options to resolve any styling issues caused by the disabling of the table flattening transformation on a page by page basis. Note that neither the mcs:control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth meta property nor the control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth attribute are intended to be used at runtime. Therefore, they are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of MCS. In the meantime, if specified (irrespective of the setting) will result in warnings being logged.

MCS simplifies the table structures within a page in order to overcome limitations of the requesting device. The table flattening transformation removes unnecessary elements and consequently the related stylistic information, possibly impacting the appearance of the page. Prior to MCS version 6.3.0, the transformation was applied to all devices irrespective of whether it was needed or not. Since version 6.3.0, the table flattening transformation is only applied to devices that require such optimization. However, it is possible that CSS styling applied to existing XDIME pages relies on the transformation being performed. Therefore, the mcs:control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth meta property, along with the control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth attribute of the adaptation element in the mcs-config.xml file, are provided to allow page authors to temporarily revert to the old MCS behavior and resolve any issues that arise as a result of the change. Page authors should use these two configuration options to resolve any styling issues caused by the disabling of the table flattening transformation on a page by page basis. Note that neither the mcs:control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth meta property nor the control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth attribute are intended to be used at runtime. Therefore, they are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of MCS. In the meantime, if specified (irrespective of the setting) will result in warnings being logged.

The mcs:control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth meta property specifies whether the table flattening transformation should be used on a per device basis in the current page. The property accepts two values: 'false' and 'true'. The default value of 'true' means that MCS should only apply the table flattening transformation if the device requires it. The value of 'false' indicates that MCS must always use the transformation. This meta property is associated with the document and therefore it is only valid within the head section of the document and must have no about attribute. The meta property overrides the default setting specified on the control-table-flattening-by-nesting-depth attribute of the adaptation element in the mcs-config.xml file. The attribute accepts the same values as the meta property.

Affected devices

The list of affected devices/browsers includes, but is not limited to:

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